5′-Calcium ribonucleotides (E634)

The food flavor enhancer 5′-Calcium ribonucleotides (E634), unlike others, not only changes, but also significantly improves the taste and aroma characteristics of various foods.

It is most often used in the production of products that are completely absent or present with a neutral and minimal pleasant taste.

This is a kind of modifier, which has a number of other names. In our country, they are used in rare cases, but in others you can find this food supplement called “calcium nucleotide”.

The use of such amplifiers is allowed in almost all countries of the world. Many scientific experiments and laboratory studies have been carried out, which have shown that this element is completely safe for the body. Therefore, it is included in a number of food additives safe for humans.

Description of calcium 5′-ribonucleotides (E634)

This chemical compound looks like small crystalline balls. Sometimes it can be found in the form of a crystal powder of a similar consistency. It is always produced in white, but in rare cases it can be found with a yellowish tint. The food enhancer has a specific taste, but it is completely odorless.

The calcium 5′-ribonucleotide supplement is obtained by natural means. For example, it is part of some types of fungi, as well as the structure of the tissues of fish and animals. In industrial production, the component is obtained by biochemical processing of glucose.

It should be noted that modern manufacturers rarely use sodium ribonucleotide to enhance the taste and aroma properties of their products. They mainly add guanylate (flavor enhancer E627), glutamate (food additive E621) and sodium inosinate (sodium salt with chemical index E631).

Thanks to the above food components, it is possible to enhance the lost taste and aroma as a result of heat treatment. In this way, the use of salt can be reduced by almost 11%.

In the production of various foodstuffs, not only powder is used, but also a solution. If manufacturers decide to still use 5′-ribonucleotides (E634), then they are added mainly to instant products, for example: soups, pasta, various dressings and sauces.

A component is also added in the production of chips, snacks, crackers, canned meat, vegetables and fish.

How does calcium 5′-ribonucleotide (E634) affect the human body?

Specialists, before allowing the use of the component in the manufacture of many products, conducted many unique experiments and laboratory studies. They came to the conclusion that this food supplement is absolutely safe for the human body.

But sometimes it can provoke some negative consequences in the human body. It can be various violations of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, violations can be of varying complexity.

Often, when a component causes various allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of asthma attacks (applies to people diagnosed with bronchial asthma), deterioration in the general condition of people suffering from diseases of tissues and joints, as well as systemic inflammatory diseases of connective tissues.

Doctors categorically do not recommend giving products prepared on the basis of food flavor enhancers to young children.

Also, you should not use such food for women in the position and during breastfeeding.

To date, experts have not determined a safe maximum daily allowance for the human body.

Element characteristic

Name5′-Calcium ribonucleotides (E634)
A typeFood supplement
CategoryFlavor intensifier
DescriptionAdditive with a chemical index (E600-E900). Hides unpleasant odors, imparts flavor to foods with a neutral odor.

Other names for 5′-Calcium ribonucleotides (E634)

  • Calcium 5′-ribonucleotides;
  • calcium nucleotides;
  • E-634.

Distribution and extraction in nature

Disubstituted calcium inosinate can be found in some types of mushrooms. Also, the food element is present in the structure of animals and marine fish.

To obtain this element industrially, it is necessary to carry out the process of metabolic breakdown of glucose molecules.

Hygienic norm

Experts have not yet established the maximum daily dosage, which is unable to harm the human body. In our country, its main goal is to enhance and modify the taste and aroma of various foods.

To date, it is allowed to add no more than 450 mg per 1 kilogram of product to food.

If, in addition to E634, any other food additives are added, then it is necessary to recalculate according to the appropriate formula for each product separately.

Application in the food industry

The food industry uses this trace element in rare cases. More often, manufacturers prefer to use mixtures of guanylate, glutamate, and sodium inosinate.

In this way, they impart flavor and aroma characteristics to products that have no taste or have been lost through heat treatment. Also, this technique can significantly reduce the use of salt – by almost 11%.

The modifier can be used in the form of a crystalline powder or solution.

More often, the element is used in the production of fast food products, namely soups, pasta, dressings and sauces.

Harm of 5′-ribonucleotide calcium (E634)

It is no secret that any food additive can adversely affect the functioning of various systems and organs of the human body, even if experts have recognized it as safe.

The negative impact first of all is on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Often there are disorders of varying severity.

If even a minimum concentration of E634 is ingested, an allergic reaction can begin, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes of various localization.

Special attention should be paid to patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma, since this component can provoke an acute attack of suffocation.

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