5 books on how to repair relationships after infidelity

This happened. You have experienced the whole gamut of feelings – from anger and disappointment to the hope that happiness is still possible. The traitor repented and realized that he loves only you. But how to reset and return warmth to the relationship? A few book hacks.

“Marital infidelity. Therapy after infidelity

Janice Spring and Michael Spring, Centerpolygraph, 2017

“After a betrayal, it’s quite normal to assume that once lost love can no longer be returned … Look around. Have you ever been happy or close? Can you remember what drew you to each other during your courtship? The hopeful outlook for the future often lies in the pull of those early years.”

“8 Important Dates”

John Gottman, AUDR, 2019

“Windows” for close friends… quickly become “doors” and that’s when cheating happens… If one of you has secrets from your partner about any third-party friendships, then this is an alarming sign. So you build a “wall” that destroys your devotion to each other.

“Anatomy of a Family Conflict”

Peter Dmitrievsky, Nicaea, 2020

“An open discussion of actions that can help make amends allows each spouse, on the one hand, to be heard and understood, and on the other hand, allows you to restore equality in a couple.”

“The Big Book of Love”

Leo Bormans, Eksmo, 2015

“Understanding that we are not perfect, that everyone makes mistakes (both our partners and ourselves), and that the strength of our emotions is, in fact, a sign of caring, can be the first step towards forgiveness and restoration of relationships.”

“Right to” left

Esther Perel, Bombora, 2018

“We must learn to live with insecurities, temptations, temptations and fantasies – both our own and those of our partners. Couples who freely discuss their desires, even if they are not directed at each other, paradoxically become closer.

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