5 best analogues of Eliquis
Eliquis is used to prevent and treat thrombosis. The drug is also prescribed to patients with coronavirus, in which blood clots are a common complication. We tell you whether it is possible to replace Eliquis and what analogues can be found in pharmacies

The active substance of Eliquis, apixaban, inhibits the activity of an enzyme that is involved in the synthesis of the thrombin protein and promotes the formation of blood clots. With a decrease in thrombin levels, the formation of blood clots that can clog blood vessels stops.

Eliquis is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis in various diseases and in the postoperative period. The drug is available in tablets with a dosage of 2,5 and 5 mg.

Rating of the top 5 inexpensive and effective analogues of Eliquis according to KP

Together with our experts, we have compiled a list of the best Eliquis analogues. The rating includes drugs with an identical mechanism of action and drugs that work differently, but provide a similar result – they do not allow blood clots to form. We talk about the analogues of Eliquis and how to use them.

1. Xarelto

Xarelto is an anticoagulant with a mechanism of action as close as possible to Eliquis. Release form of the drug – tablets with a dosage of 2,5, 10, 15 and 20 mg1. The active ingredient of Xarelto, rivaroxaban, is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act 2 hours after ingestion.1.

Contraindications: the drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with hypersensitivity to rivaroxaban, patients with severe renal impairment and active bleeding (including gastrointestinal and intracranial).

efficiency; mechanism of action similar to Eliquis; easy to dose.
high price.

2. Rivaxane

The active component of the Belarusian drug is rivaroxaban2. It inhibits the synthesis of the protein thrombin, which is involved in the formation of blood clots.2. The drug is prescribed to patients with deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, non-valvular atrial fibrillation and other diseases that are accompanied by increased blood viscosity2. The release form of Rivaxan is tablets with a dosage of 2,5, 5, 10 and 20 mg.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, gastrointestinal and other bleeding, liver disease, which are accompanied by coagulopathy.

efficiency; mechanism of action similar to Eliquis; convenient dosage; low price.
hard to find for sale.

3. Rivaroxaban Lekas

Russian analogue of Xarelto, an anticoagulant with an identical mechanism of action. The active substance rivaroxaban significantly slows down the synthesis of the thrombin protein, which is involved in the formation of blood clots.3. The drug prevents the appearance of blood clots, therefore it is used for the treatment and prevention of increased thrombosis.3. Rivaroxaban release form – tablets with a dosage of 15 and 20 mg3.

Contraindications: Rivaroxaban is not prescribed to children and adolescents under 18 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with massive bleeding and a tendency to them, during pregnancy and lactation, while taking other anticoagulants.

mechanism of action similar to Eliquis; efficiency; low price.
rarely found in pharmacies.

4. Prodaxa

The mechanism of action of this anticoagulant differs from Eliquis, but can be used instead. The active substance dabigatran etexilate reduces the activity of thrombin, a protein that forms blood clots.4. Pradaxa thins the blood and reduces the formation of blood clots, therefore it is used for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis and thromboembolism.4. Release form – capsules with a dosage of 75, 110 and 150 mg4.

Contraindications: the drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to dabigatran, renal and hepatic insufficiency, with active bleeding and a tendency to them. Pradaxa should not be taken with other anticoagulants.

efficiency; in most cases can replace Eliquis.
high price

5. Warfarin Nikomed

For a long time, Warfarin was the only drug for long-term anticoagulant therapy. Its mechanism of action is different than that of Eliquis and other drugs listed above. Warfarin is an indirect anticoagulant that blocks the synthesis of several blood clotting factors that are produced in the liver.5. As a result, the concentration of these components in the body decreases, and the blood coagulation process slows down.5. Warfarin begins to act 36-72 hours after administration, the maximum effect is achieved on the 5-7th day5. Release form of the drug – tablets with a dosage of 2,5 mg5.

While taking Warfarin, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the blood to make sure that it is not too thin or thick. To do this, the patient must take an INR test (analysis for the level of prothrombin) before starting treatment, and undergo this examination every 2-4 weeks during the entire course of therapy. This is the main drawback of Warfarin compared to other anticoagulants that do not require blood tests.

Contraindications: acute bleeding and a tendency to them, severe kidney and liver disease, pregnancy, thrombocytopenia, malignant hypertension, bacterial endocarditis, severe DIC.

time-tested efficiency; low price; available in almost all pharmacies.
the need to constantly monitor the level of blood clotting; incompatibility with many drugs.

How to choose an analogue of Eliquis

The Eliquis analogue must be selected together with the doctor. With an independent choice, it is very difficult to assess the risks and determine the desired dosage. An independent transition from Eliquis to Warfarin is strictly prohibited due to the high likelihood of bleeding and other negative consequences.

Reviews of doctors about the analogues of Eliquis

Doctors in their practice often prescribe Eliquis analogs – first of all, Xarelto, as close as possible in terms of the mechanism of action and dosage, as well as Pradax, less often Warfarin. At the same time, everyone points to the lack of Warfarin – the need to constantly take tests in order to monitor the state of the blood coagulation system.

Popular questions and answers

Anticoagulants are prescribed to many people, especially older people. Therefore, the question of replacing one drug with another is very relevant. Our expert – clinical pharmacologist Ludmila Isaeva told in what cases it is possible to replace Eliquis, and what will happen if you switch to an analogue.

When can Eliquis analogs be used?

– Analogues are prescribed for the same indications as Eliquis. First of all, it is the prevention of blood clots in various cardiovascular diseases, as well as in the postoperative period – for example, after joint replacement.

Anticoagulants are also used for coronavirus infection, since this disease often forms blood clots that clog small and large vessels. The use of anticoagulants helps to avoid complications after COVID-19.

What happens if you stop drinking Eliquis and switch to an analogue?

Nothing will happen in the first days. But in the near future it will be necessary either to resume taking the drug, or to consult a doctor in order to choose an analogue and adjust the dose. It is impossible to stop treatment with anticoagulants without the permission of a doctor.

Sources of:

  1. Register of medicines of Russia. Xarelto. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_43277.htm
  2. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Belarus. Rivaxan. https://www.vidal.by/poisk_preparatov/rivaxan.html
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Rivaroxaban Lekas. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/rivaroxaban-lekas
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Pradax. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/pradaxa__37230
  5. Register of medicines of Russia. Warfarin. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_14472.htm

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