5 beauty rules for a well-groomed woman that everyone can afford

5 beauty rules for a well-groomed woman that everyone can afford

Do you want to look your best, but not spend half of your salary on it? Here’s how to do it.

There are only two obstacles between the conventional you and the “ideal you” – time and money (well, it’s still lazy, but more on that another time). What to do when you want to be a full-fledged person of society with a clean head and neat nails, but the deadline (work, study, children) took all the hours free from sleep?

Our small rules will allow you to deceive everyone and make them believe that you are devoting much more time to yourself than you really are.

File and nail oil in your purse

Nothing lets a girl down like unkempt nails. If you always have a small file in your bag pocket, you can both trim the broken nail and remove the cuticle. Choose a cardboard one with two types of abrasive – hard for the nail plate and soft for the skin.

Oil (always with a roll-on applicator) of apricot kernels, olive, avocado or wheat germ will strengthen nails and give your hands a well-groomed look. It is better than a cream, as it does not leave your hands sticky and is applied only to the cuticle.

Hair accessories should be inconspicuous – nothing spoils and “cheapens” the image like an out-of-tone colored elastic band or a hairpin with an abundance of rhinestones.

Buy a set of invisible or transparent “springs” Invisibobble – these not only spoil your hair less, but are completely invisible and do not distract attention from your face. Thus, in the morning you will not have to hurry up to grab the first elastic band for your hair and blush all day long for being with turtles or stretching so much that it asks for the trash can.

Always a fresh head (and dry shampoo, of course)

A “stale” hairstyle kills any image at once, and colleagues, getting used to it, will definitely start to consider you sloppy. Unfortunately, we do not always have the willpower to get up an hour earlier in the morning to wash and style our hair, just do it in the evening. While you’re still on your feet, making yourself spend extra time in the bathroom is much easier than pulling out their beds the next morning at the first alarm.

If you completely overslept, start a good dry shampoo in your office – it will help, but not immediately, but after 2-3 hours.

Of course, it is very convenient to carry a whole arsenal in your bag – loose powder, a couple of lipsticks, perfume. But, laying it all out in the workplace and directing a marafet before evening adventures, we are short-sighted.

First, the quality of the makeup suffers. It is much more pleasant to put on makeup in front of your favorite mirror at home than to curl up in three deaths at the desk or (don’t do this!) In the women’s toilet. It is almost impossible to deduce ideal arrows or a lip contour under such conditions, and practice can take a lifetime.

Secondly, overlapping the old layer of makeup with a new one, we harm the skin – few of us first completely wash off the daytime makeup in the breech sink, and then reapply it. In most cases, we cover up the bruises under the eyes or pimples, which become even more inflamed in the morning.

Thirdly, it is unhygienic to carry cosmetics in a bag – shadows and powder tend to crumble at the most inopportune moment, and how many women’s handbags were killed because of the lining smeared with lipstick. And if you break a bottle of perfume, you risk spending a couple of days in splendid isolation – colleagues and strangers in public transport will fearfully move away.

Exfoliate your skin on time

Peeling roll Mizon, 850 rubles.

Nothing looks as untidy as unkempt skin, and if the body is somehow not customary to show in the fall, then with the arrival of cold weather the problem of peeling on the face rises in all its glory. Cleansing masks or a scrub will help to cope (for the body, by the way, ground coffee with honey or shower gel is ideal – very budget). It is worth cleansing your face both with clay masks and with a rolling peeling – with the arrival of Korean brands on our market, you can buy it at a very low price. The main thing is not to forget the rule “exfoliate – moisturize”.


What beauty rules do you use?

  • I always use dry shampoo – I can’t imagine my life without it

  • I do everything exactly as written above

  • Although it is not very good to wear makeup on the run, I cannot get rid of this habit.

  • I do nothing

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