5 anti-stress cocktails

Overload, fatigue, insomnia… You can resist these companions of modern life in a gentle but effective way – by creating your own mini-first aid kit based on natural essential oils.

Our understandable liking for a more natural lifestyle, organic products and preservative-free bio-cosmetics has revived our interest in aromatherapy. The number of staunch supporters of the use of essential oils – liquid volatile substances that are obtained by distilling aromatic herbs – is only growing today.

“This therapy is based on the use of essential oil aromas,” explains Solange Dessimuly, founder of Decléor aromatherapy cosmetics. – Their uniqueness lies in the active influence on several sense organs at once: smell, touch, taste. Molecules of essential oils are able to instantly penetrate into our body not only through the digestive tract or respiratory tract, but also through the skin.

And when used correctly, they can bring a lot of benefits to our health: they will help eliminate skin problems, improve the functioning of the digestive and respiratory organs, remove toxins from the body, and even increase immunity. The use of essential oils in cosmetology also gives us completely new opportunities. Added to the formulas of creams, they slow down the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, allowing you to extend its hydration up to 10 hours. In addition, some essential oils have an antibacterial, healing, analgesic effect.

The aroma of jasmine stimulates the production of endorphins – “pleasure hormones”

“Odors, the information about which is analyzed by our brain, not only evoke various associations, emotions, memories, but can also act therapeutically: increase or decrease blood pressure, calm or induce a surge of energy,” says Dr. Jean-Pierre Willem, specialist on stress issues. Studies confirm the effect of essential oils on the human nervous and hormonal systems, which means that they are directly involved in restoring the balance of the body.

“So, the aroma of lavender promotes the release of serotonin: the main role of this hormone is to improve mood, physical activity and tone,” explains immunologist, doctor of medical sciences Vladislav Nikolaevsky. – The aroma of jasmine stimulates the production of endorphins – “pleasure hormones” that cause a surge of happiness, are responsible for emotional stability and reduce pain. The aroma of mint reduces the level of catecholamines (which, in particular, includes the stress hormone adrenaline).”

All these are strong arguments in favor of mastering the science of mixing aromatic cocktails and creating a small personal first-aid kit from them for different occasions. To prepare an aromatic cocktail, you will need high-quality essential oils (for example, Sanoflore, Pranarom, Florame, Joh.Vogele, Styx), vegetable oil (as a binder and emollient component), a bottle with a pipette for each cocktail and a graduated beaker to measure the right amount of oil . Just in case, it is worth remembering that 1 ml of oil contains 30 drops. And the mixture itself, if stored in a cool, dark place, will last about five years.

How to choose an essential oil

Bottle. It must be made of dark glass and placed in a cardboard box, which indicates the properties or uses of the oil.

Origin. An annotation to an essential oil should include:

  • the name of the plant in Latin;
  • botanical description of the plant (genus, species, subspecies);
  • part of the plant from which the extract was made;
  • the conditions in which the plant grew (cultivated or wild);
  • collection method;
  • country of origin.

Texture. Natural essential oils, as a rule, have a transparent, uniform texture without sediment and impurities. To check the naturalness of the oil, drop it on tissue paper: it should soon evaporate completely.

Cocktails to help…

1. Calm down

This calming cocktail will help relieve stress for those whose daily life is often accompanied by feelings of anxiety.


  • Essential oil of rose geranium (Egyptian Pelargonium asperum) – 10 ml;
  • Essential oil of narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula vera or Lavandula officinalis) – 10 ml;
  • Essential oil of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora or Aniba parviflora) – 10 ml;
  • Cold-pressed hazelnut oil (Corylus avellana) – 5 ml.

Massage of the abdomen in the area of ​​the solar plexus: apply two drops of the mixture on each palm, distribute in the middle of the abdomen and rub in a circular motion, gradually rising to the shoulders. During the massage, take slow deep breaths in and out, trying to relax all the muscles of the body. As a basic therapy, it should be carried out for a month 2-3 times a day, and a single procedure perfectly relieves stress.

2. Improve digestion

Does your stomach seem to be twisted into a knot, and every bite you swallow seems exorbitant? An antispasmodic cocktail will help, which will facilitate digestion.


  • Essential oil of tropical basil (Ocimum basilicum thyrsiflorum) – 2 ml;
  • Lemon essence (Citrus limonum) – 2 ml;
  • Peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita) – 1 ml;
  • Oil of Alexandria laurel, cold pressed (Calophyllum inophyllum) – 30 ml.

Inside: take 1 tsp for two weeks. before two main meals.

3. Restore sleep

If the nights seem too short and the days too long and exhausting, this cocktail will calm the nervous system and help the body prepare for sleep.


  • Essential oil of camphor laurel (Cinnamonum camphora or Ravensara aromatica) – 2 ml;
  • Melissa essential oil (Melissa officinalis) – 2 ml;
  • Mandarin essence – 2 ml;
  • St. John’s wort oil (Hypericum) – 30 ml.

Massage: before going to bed, apply 10 drops of the mixture with stroking movements on the solar plexus, chest, shoulders, and also on the temples. If necessary, the procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day.

4. Deal with fatigue

Too long work for wear and tear can deprive you of your last strength. Restore the body and perk up the spirit will help this tonic cocktail.


  • Essential oil of black spruce (Picea mariana) – 2 drops;
  • Peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita) – 1 drop;
  • Essential oil of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) – 1 drop.

Massage: during the week, in the morning and in the evening, massage the lower back in circular motions. Muscles are relaxed, breathing is free and deep. You can add 5 drops of Alexandrian laurel oil to the cocktail.

5. Relieve headache

This aromatic cocktail gently and effectively relieves pain.


  • Essential little fragrant basil (Ocimum basilicum thyrsiflorum) – 5 ml;
  • Essential oil of lavender hybrid (Lavandula hybrida) – 5 ml;
  • Peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita) – 10 ml.

Massage: warm 6 drops of the mixture in the palm of your hand, then massage it from the middle of the forehead with your thumbs, moving towards the temples. In the temple area, make several circular movements. Press gently with your thumbs between the eyebrows and run them along the eyebrows towards the temples; finish again in a circular motion. Repeat the whole complex twice.

Moisturizing body balm Tonic, CLARINS; balm for firming the skin of the face Voluptuous Firming Balm, SANOFLORE

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