4th week of pregnancy – course, symptoms, diet, child development

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The 4th week of pregnancy is usually the first moment when the expectant mother has a chance to confirm her pregnancy using a home pregnancy test. Meanwhile, for the embryo that develops in her body, it is already the second week of growth. How does the embryo change and what happens then in the female body?

4th week of pregnancy – course

In the 4th week of pregnancy, couples trying to conceive for the first time perform a pregnancy test, because only then is it possible to obtain a positive result. However, to be 100% sure, wait until the end of the 4th week of pregnancy for the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) level to rise to detectable level – a negative result in the first pregnancy test at this stage does not necessarily mean that the woman is not pregnant.

A child in the womb in the 4th week of pregnancy is extremely sensitive to any changes taking place in her body. Consequently, it is recommended that in the 4th week of pregnancy, a woman should avoid stressful situations as much as possible. A sudden release of a large amount of stress hormones can harm your baby.

How does a baby develop in week 4 of pregnancy?

The embryo has just embedded itself in the swollen endometrium prepared for this moment. From this point on, it begins to produce the hormone Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG). At this point, we are talking about the end of the “fetal egg” stage. The embryo begins to produce villi that penetrate between the lining of the uterus on its posterior or anterior wall. This union of the embryo and the endometrium is the nucleus of the placenta that will form in a few weeks.

In the embryo, the cells that specialize are divided. As a result of the gastrulation process, three germ layers are formed, which are three layers of cells. It is from them that tissues and organs will develop. First comes the ectoderm (outer layer), then the endoderm (inner layer) and the mesoderm.

In the 4th week of pregnancy, the baby does not look like a ball, but has an elongated shape. Thanks to the outer layer, its nervous system is formed; thanks to the middle layer, the circulatory system is formed; thanks to the inner layer, the digestive system is formed. Thanks to them, among others, the brain, skin, muscles, lungs and liver.

In the middle of the 4th week of pregnancy, an uterine follicle is visible in the uterine cavity. It is he who creates a cover for the child. The embryo develops in this structure and receives nutrients from the corpus luteum. The age of pregnancy is determined by the size of the gestational bubble. This is done by adding the number 30 to its size in millimeters.

For the child to develop properly and the future mother not to run out of valuable vitamins and minerals, order Daily Mum ° for pregnant women – a dietary supplement available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

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How does a woman’s body change in the 4th week of pregnancy?

In the 4th week of pregnancy, there are no signs of pregnancy. However, the mere fact of discontinuing contraception causes the default symptoms to be present. As a result of the transformation of the corpus luteum into the corpus luteum, a woman’s body temperature may rise and oscillate around 37 degrees Celsius. Many women are then irritable and tired and seem to have a cold.

Some women report nausea at this stage of pregnancy, but this is not a common condition. In turn, due to the action of hormones and the increased work of the kidneys, it is quite normal to urinate frequently. In the fourth week of pregnancy, women also do not notice changes in the taste and smell of food.

In the 4th week of pregnancy, the woman still does not see that she has been fertilized. Her belly does not change its size, although the expectant mother may feel its slight pain, especially in the lower part. The reason is the enlargement of the uterus or faster blood flow. The pregnancy belly appears in the 4th month.

Interestingly, many women do not notice the symptoms of pregnancy that meet them in the 4th week. This first stage passes quickly, and when fertilization was not planned, it is not easy to mistake it for a common cold. Besides, each woman reacts differently to changes in her body.

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Fourth week of pregnancy – pregnancy test

Many couples choose the traditional over-the-counter pregnancy test at a pharmacy. It is plausible, but it is easy to falsify the result if the test is not performed correctly. The test in the fourth week of pregnancy should be done from the morning urine and not too early – this is because the concentration of beta-hCG in the urine is too low.

Couples who are unsure of the result are advised to repeat the test. It’s best to do this after some time. Usually, the second attempt is already confirmation of whether fertilization has occurred or not. It is also worth considering a laboratory test with blood or urine, which is more reliable than the above-mentioned method.

In order for the pregnancy test performed in the fourth week of pregnancy to give a true result, you should carefully study the instructions that come with it. It is worth paying attention to:

  1. the amount of urine needed to perform it,
  2. the time of day to take the test
  3. how long does it take to get the result.

Pregnancy and a negative test

For example, too diluted urine can cause a negative pregnancy test result. Women who previously consumed too much fluid are at risk of thiswhich results in passing urine more often during the night. There are still no specific reports in the literature of the effect on the alcohol test result. In order for the pregnancy test to not give a false result, store it at a temperature of 15-30 degrees Celsius in a darkened storage room.

What not to eat in the 4th week of pregnancy?

Eating the right diet is also important at every stage of pregnancy. In the fourth week, you should not drink alcohol at all, which can lead not only to malformations in the baby, but even to miscarriage. It is also recommended to give up raw meats such as tartare, sushi and unprocessed seafood.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, doctors advise not to eat raw eggs, sausages, pates and not to drink unpasteurized milk. Blue cheeses are also harmful, as they can cause listeriosis due to the bacteria they contain. It is worth remembering about washing fruit and vegetables, also packed ones.

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What is worth eating in the 4th week of pregnancy?

In the fourth week of pregnancy, i.e. in the first trimester, it is advisable to consume nutrients that will help the baby’s development. These include, for example, wholesome protein, fats, e.g. unsaturated omega-3, B vitamins, sugars, vitamins D and E to develop baby bones and protect against miscarriage.

Many women experience nausea at this stage of pregnancy which does not make it easier to follow a healthy diet. So, in the 4th week of pregnancy, it is worth eating less but more often. Consume light meals such as cereals, yoghurts and fruit. Some ladies, however, like spicy food. The most important thing is to listen to the body and provide it with what it needs.

Week 4 of pregnancy is the time when women may vomit and this in turn leads to dehydration. It is advisable to constantly drink fluids, otherwise there is a risk of the aforementioned dehydration, which is particularly dangerous for the pregnant woman and her child.

During pregnancy, it is worth using dietary supplements that support the health of the woman and the development of the child. For example, we recommend Prenatal Multivitamin – Terranova, a vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women, which you can buy at Medonet Market at a promotional price.

How to avoid negative pregnancy symptoms at week 4?

Pregnancy is the stage in which a new life begins to emerge in a woman’s body. For this amazing process to work properly, you need to take folic acid regularly (preferably daily). Doctors recommend that you use it at the stage of planning pregnancy, which will avoid negative symptoms both in the 4th week and in other stages. Prenatal vitamins for pregnant women are available on Medonet Market.

What are the unusual symptoms of pregnancy at week 4?

One of them is implantation bleeding, sometimes confused with menstruation. It is caused by the fact that an embryo is implanted in the uterus. However, this unusual symptom of pregnancy in the 4th week affects only some women and is not a reason to panic. Vaginal stains are usually light pink or light brown in color. It appears before menstruation.

How to take care of the body in the 4th week of pregnancy?

Negative pregnancy symptoms already present in the 4th week of pregnancy may discourage any activity. However, it is worth not to forget about daily body care. It is advisable to use those cosmetics to which the skin is already accustomed.

For face care in the 4th week of pregnancy, you can use, for example, cosmetic milk, moisturizing cream, tonic and nourishing peels. As for the latter, it is worth choosing the more delicate ones. In the morning, it is a good idea to wash your face with tonic and face lotion, even if you don’t apply makeup.

In the 4th week of pregnancy, the use of lotions containing moisturizing ingredients will be helpful. Thanks to the care, the skin will be strengthened from the very beginning of pregnancy and thus better prepared for stretching during the following trimesters. It is worth avoiding hot baths as they have a negative effect on blood circulation.

If a woman takes hot baths in the 4th week of pregnancy, she should cool her body with a cold stream of water at the end, especially from the knees down. Thanks to this, it will prevent the formation of swelling and make the body harder and more resistant to infections.

An interesting fact about the 4nd week of pregnancy

If the embryo divides at week 4 and two embryos develop and the pregnancy is successful, identical twins will be born. Interestingly, the later in the 4th week of pregnancy, the greater the chance that as a result of division, “mirror twins” will be born, i.e. twins that are their reflection.

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