45 ways to change your life. Please select at least 10

Perhaps there are few people who are 100% satisfied with life. What’s stopping you from changing it? We are sure that this requires resources that we do not have. But perhaps everything is much simpler. Life coach Elise Santilli teaches you how to connect with yourself and make your dreams come true. She compiled a list of habits that help you live a fuller, brighter, and happier life.

1. Meditate every day to clear your mind as well as your body.

2. Make gratitude lists. The more you appreciate the good things in your life, the more good things are ahead of you.

3. Do not discount compliments, accept help, allow yourself to receive and give love.

4. Before going to bed, let go of the past day and problems with the words: “What was, was. Tomorrow will be a new day”.

5. Wait 5 seconds before reacting to any situation or behavior of another person. The pause will give you the opportunity to do the right thing, and not act on autopilot.

6. Analyze the information you consume. Do not litter your life with nonsense.

7. Treat feelings carefully. They guide the way to a calling.

8. Formulate a vision for life. Why are you here? What do you like to do? What do you want to learn, how do you want to help the world?

9. Realize your worth. It does not need to be proven, live and enjoy life.

10. It’s never too late to change your mind and become who you wanted to be.

11. Share knowledge with others. We can learn a lot from each other

12. Love and accept yourself unconditionally. Do not wait for the moment when you become slimmer or more successful. Start right now. Talk to yourself like a friend, not like an enemy.

13. Make a list of your interests, hobbies and joys. Set aside time for them, like doing housework or grocery shopping.

14. Try to forgive yourself and others, let go of the past.

15. Live in the moment. Feel how the sun’s rays glide over your skin, savor every sip of coffee. Only in this way can we experience life.

16. Question beliefs. Most of them are fixed in childhood and do not help. Start building your own set of beliefs that will make you stronger.

17. Every morning ask yourself: how can I make this world a better place?

18. Strive for balance. Give and take, act and relax, indulge and limit yourself.

19. Use the power of imagination. Think of opportunities for the development of life and move in these directions.

20. Accept what you can’t control: weather, queues, other people’s opinions. Save your energy for more important things.

21. Don’t let fear and doubt control you.

22. Strive for growth, not perfection. We don’t scold babies for falling when they learn to walk. Likewise, we should not berate ourselves when we learn a new skill.

23. Promise yourself to live life to the fullest. Do what you have always dreamed of.

24. Recognize your values ​​and let them guide you through life.

25. Keep a daily diary to connect with yourself.

26. Celebrate small victories, they inspire confidence and lead to big accomplishments.

27. Discover abilities and talents, share them with the world.

28. Try new things. Choose new paths, hobbies, cities and professions.

29. Focus on solutions, not problems.

30. Take care of your body. Drink more water, eat right, move and rest.

31. Mentally create a picture of the best version of yourself. Imagine how this person thinks, feels and does. Start acting like him.

32. Appreciate what you have. We are surrounded by abundance. Think of a blossoming apple tree, a lush lawn in a park, grains of sand on a beach.

33. Each morning, choose an intention that will guide you, such as gratitude, forgiveness, or courage.

34. Clean up. Get rid of things that are no longer needed.

35. Spend time in good company. People around us influence us, so connect with those who dream, do and inspire.

36. Allow yourself to play and have more fun.

37. Stop obsessing over results. Redefine your definition of success. If you’ve done your best, you’ve already won.

38. Take time to analyze life: what is going well and what needs to be changed.

39. Get out of your comfort zone every day. Fear is a natural emotion in the process of growth and development. Train yourself to act in spite of it.

40. Stop judging others.

41. Set goals and track progress.

42. Being yourself is more important than fitting into a group. Make a promise to yourself to live, work, love and create the way you want.

43. Look for something that is related to others, and does not distinguish them from them.

44. Do everything with love: work, cook food, write songs.

45. Be more open and honest with others. Then they will be able to love you, and not the mask that you used to wear.

About the Developer

Elise Santilli – life coach. Read more on her Online.

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