4149 total: 601 more cases of coronavirus infection recorded in Russia

4149 total: 601 more cases of coronavirus infection recorded in Russia

44% of all those infected with COVID-19 in the last 18 hours are people between the ages of 45 and XNUMX.

4149 total: 601 more cases of coronavirus infection recorded in Russia

The operational headquarters to combat the spread of coronavirus infection reports: over the past 24 hours, there have been 601 more infected in Russia.

Most of all, the infection once again affected Moscow – 448 infected were identified in the capital. In the Moscow region, 34 people have caught the coronavirus.

Also, cases of infection were recorded in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Penza and Leningrad regions. The first cases of coronavirus appeared in the Republic of Ingushetia and the Jewish Autonomous Region.

A total of 4 cases of infection were registered in 149 regions of Russia. So far, only seven regions remain free from coronavirus.

Over the past day, 4 more patients have died in Russia. Two in Komi, one in Moscow and one in the Perm region. For the entire period of the pandemic, 34 deaths were officially registered in the country.

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