41 weeks pregnant

41 weeks of pregnancy is the period until which most women do not care. Although, it also happens that the expected date of birth is left behind, and the child still does not want to be born. You should not panic, because in the vast majority of cases, childbirth does not begin due to the fact that their date was calculated incorrectly. In general, physiological, that is, births that occur at 37-42 weeks of gestation are considered normal.

It is also worth considering that the following factors can affect the duration of pregnancy:

  • Average length of the menstrual cycle.

  • The exact date the egg is released from the ovary.

  • factor of heredity.

  • The age of the pregnant woman.

  • The presence of diseases of the endocrine system.

What’s going on with the baby?

The child at this time is completely ready for birth. All of its organs and systems will function in full outside the mother’s belly. And yes, there is very little space left. However, the child continues to move, although his activity has noticeably decreased. The growth of the fetus does not stop. By this time, it reaches 51-52 cm. The body weight of the child also increases, which can reach up to 3,5-3,7 kg.

Kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart and other organs work properly. A child’s lungs contain surfactant. It was accumulated in sufficient quantity so that the baby could independently take the first breath and begin to breathe.

In the intestines of the child is the original feces (meconium). Most often, it leaves the intestines on the first day after birth. Although it is possible that meconium can get into the amniotic fluid. The intestines of the child are cleansed in the womb most often when the fetus suffers from oxygen starvation. The child begins to move more actively, muscle spasms intensify and the original feces come out. After it enters the amniotic fluid, the baby can swallow it. Therefore, after birth, it is often necessary to connect the crumbs to a ventilator.

There is a strengthening of the child’s vocal cords, soon with their help he will give signals to his parents. The bones of the skull also continue to strengthen. Therefore, the longer the child is in the womb, the higher the risk that she will receive ruptures during childbirth. The ear cartilage is also thickened.

The immunity of the crumbs is improved, it is enhanced by the antibodies that it receives from the mother.

The body of the fetus is cleansed of the original lubricant, it remains only in the armpits and in the region of the inguinal folds. The fluff has already completely disappeared from the body. The baby’s hair and nails continue to grow. Very often, a baby is born with an impressive head of hair, and the nails on the fingers and toes are very long and sometimes even cut into the skin.

The child begins to gradually “round”: he already has plump cheeks, fat has appeared under the skin. Every day, the baby accumulates another 25-30 g of fat. The skin itself became pink and smooth.

The child has taken the position in the uterus in which he will remain until the birth. He lies head down, pressed against the pelvic floor. Sometimes the fetus takes a transverse or breech presentation. In this case, the woman should be placed in the maternity hospital a few days before the onset of labor, this is done so that doctors can quickly decide on the method of delivery, since it is possible that a caesarean section may be required. Although if the fetus does not reach a large size, then natural childbirth is possible with breech presentation.

How should a woman behave at 41 weeks of pregnancy?

The woman, as before, continues to feel the movements of the fetus, although they have become less intense. If suddenly there are no movements for a long time, then you definitely need to go to see a doctor. The average number of movements per day is 10.

A woman needs to learn to occupy herself in order to stop constantly thinking about the upcoming birth. You should enjoy peace and quiet. You do not need to give up intimate relationships with your beloved man. At this time, such a natural stimulation of childbirth will no longer harm. You can also treat yourself to some sweets, as many foods will have to be abandoned during breastfeeding. Compliance with the dietary scheme of nutrition during lactation is a prerequisite.

It is equally important to sleep well. This will give you strength and improve your mood.

If contractions begin, you should calm down and walk around the room. It is possible that these contractions are false. Real contractions happen every 7-10 minutes. Moreover, their intensity gradually increases, and the rest interval decreases. Moreover, you should not hesitate with a trip to the hospital when the waters break.

At this time, you should remove all thoughts from your head and focus on the birth process as much as possible. You need to think only about the child and try with all your might to help him to be born. It is important to follow all the doctor’s instructions, breathe correctly, be able to relax in time, etc.

Immediately after the baby comes out of the birth canal, he will remove the mucus from his mouth, which will facilitate the first breath. The baby will take a breath of air and make its first cry. After cutting the umbilical cord, he is completely separated from the mother at the physiological level, but the emotional dependence, of course, remains.

It is good if it is possible to attach the baby to the breast immediately after birth. Colostrum is a very valuable product for the baby. Thanks to him, the intestines are colonized with the first beneficial bacteria, immunity is strengthened.

Harbingers of imminent labor at 41 weeks pregnant

A woman who is expecting a baby is probably interested in what signs may indicate an approaching birth.

Harbingers of imminent birth are:

  • Mucus plug exit. As a rule, after her departure, childbirth begins in 7-14 days.

  • Training bouts. They begin most often a few weeks before the upcoming birth, and sometimes happen a couple of days before they start. Pain during training contractions resemble pain during menstruation. If the contractions are strong and happen with the same time period, which is gradually getting shorter, then these are real contractions and it’s time to go to the hospital.

  • Dropping of the abdomen. This happens a few weeks before the baby is born. At the same time, such unpleasant symptoms as belching and heartburn go away, and breathing becomes easier.

  • Weight loss. Before childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, so a woman can lose 1-2 kg.

  • Frequent urination. With the approach of childbirth, the child begins to put more and more pressure on the lower abdomen, which makes the woman go to the toilet more often.

  • The appearance of colostrum. It can be found on a bra in the form of stains that smell like milk.

  • Outflow of amniotic fluid. Water, along with contractions, is the most obvious sign that labor will begin very soon. Therefore, when they depart, it is necessary to go to the hospital.

Sometimes a woman does not notice any harbingers of childbirth at all and they begin with contractions, which is also quite normal.

How to understand that childbirth has begun:

Analyzes and examinations

If childbirth does not occur, then the woman must undergo the following set of examinations:

  • Donate blood for a general analysis.

  • Pass urine for general analysis.

  • Find out your weight.

  • Measure the level of blood pressure.

  • Pass an examination on a gynecological chair.

  • Undergo cardiotocography (registration of fetal heart rate).

  • According to the indications, the doctor can refer the woman to an ultrasound.

During the examination, the doctor must listen to the fetal heartbeat, feel and measure the abdomen.

Important advice for a woman

  • A bag for a trip to the hospital must be collected. It is important that all documents are complete.

  • At 41 weeks pregnant, you should definitely visit a doctor. An ultrasound is also possible.

  • A woman’s diet must be correct. You should somewhat limit the calorie content of dishes and reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

  • It is important to observe the daily routine and get enough rest.

  • Do not forget about moderate physical activity.

  • The skin of the abdomen, thighs and chest needs to be additionally moisturized. To do this, use special creams.

  • Be sure to be outdoors every day.

  • At home, you need to try to restore perfect order. All members of the family must be involved in this work.

  • While there is time, you should continue to improve the technique of proper breathing, which will be very useful during childbirth.

  • It is necessary to take care in advance about who will do household chores while the woman is in the hospital.

  • It is necessary to continue to communicate with your child, and also try to maintain a positive emotional attitude.

Fees to the hospital, what you need to bring with you:

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