Many people think that the sure way to happiness is to say “yes” to all good things. Perhaps this is true, but this is only one side of the coin. Too often we say “yes” to something that should be given up. A list of such things was compiled by blogger Danny Forest.
To feel happy, learn to say “no”:
1. Excessive self-criticism
You are almost always better than you think you are.
2. Procrastination
Stop thinking and get down to business. Marcus Aurelius said: “Man should not be afraid of death, but of the fact that he will never begin to live.”
3. Denigrate yourself
Do not focus on the shortcomings, strive to become better. “Remember: someone loves exactly what you hate yourself for.” – Frank Ocean, American musician and photographer.
4. Selfishness
Learn to give, because, as you know, egoists are left alone.
5. Excellence
Don’t waste time striving for an unattainable ideal. Most of the time, doing something well is enough. As Winston Churchill wrote: “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”
6. Excuses
Ask yourself “why” three times and you will understand the real reason. American scientist, educator and preacher George Washington Carver said: “99% of losers are people who are used to coming up with excuses.”
7. The habit of comparing yourself to others
Do not look at competitors, take care of yourself. “Comparison is the thief of pleasure” – Theodore Roosevelt.
8. Impulse decisions
Try to think over every important step.
9. Junk food
It seems that healthy dishes are tasteless? The longer you give them preference, the tastier they will become. Take care of your body – the very “place” in which you live.
10. Skipping lunches or dinners
To function properly, the brain must be nourished. Eat better, not less. Remember the sad pattern: “skipping meals -> hunger -> overeating -> weight gain.”
11. Car abuse
Is it a 15 minute walk to the nearest store? Walk and go. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Walking is the best possible exercise. Accustom yourself to long walks.
12. Translation of the alarm clock
Focus on goals and set deadlines so tight that the thought of “five more minutes” does not occur to you.
13. Daily parties
Parties themselves are great, but not every day. Keep your goals in mind and set aside time for a good rest. Oscar Wilde said: “Everything needs moderation, even moderation.”
14. Pathogens before bed
Nothing should interfere with a good sleep, because, as the Dalai Lama says, “sleep is the best meditation.”
15. Long drive to work
Try to spend as little time as possible on activities that don’t serve your purpose. If it takes a long time to get to the office, at least try to read or listen to podcasts.
16. Anything that distracts
It is impossible to do something global, constantly being distracted by trifles. When you have a big task to do, try to shield yourself from any irritants.
17. That which hinders personal progress
Toxic friend? We block. Too many shows on Netflix, video games? We block. Come back to it when it’s time to relax.
18. Reading that does not bring joy
It is not necessary to finish a book, an article or even a social media post just because you started. The author doesn’t know about it anyway. Stop reading things that don’t give you pleasure, so you will have time for something pleasant. “Life is too short to read a bad book,” wrote James Joyce.
19. Completion of useless tasks
Plan, prioritize, do only the important tasks. Listen to the advice of the American economist Peter Drucker: “There is nothing more useless than doing a job efficiently that doesn’t need to be done at all.”
20. Planning what you just need to do
As the legendary Nike slogan went: “Just do it!”
21. To those who only take
It is better to say “yes” more often to those who are used to giving.
22. Social networks
Delete Facebook and Instagram from your phone. You just have an extra free hour (and not just today, but every day).
23. To denigrate others
Start treating people better. Don’t hate, don’t compose, and don’t gossip. Don’t treat others the way you wouldn’t want them to treat you.
24. Listening to gossip
Gossip is poisonous. Avoid those who spread rumors and constantly complain about others. As the Turkish proverb goes, “He who gossips with you will gossip about you.”
25. Skeptics
According to Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief of the American online publication The Huffington Post: “Skeptics do not influence us – unless we ourselves allow them to.” Seems like it’s worth noting.
26. Bad habits
Don’t let yourself get stuck in a routine that interferes with your productivity. According to American entrepreneur Warren Buffett, “Habbit chains are so easy at first that you don’t even feel them, but after that they are so heavy that you can’t throw them off.”
27. Unscheduled meetings
Spontaneous gatherings and meetings drag on for too long and in fact do not bring any benefit. Try to avoid them. “Disorganization always affects efficiency,” said the 34th President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower.
28. Too long planning meetings
During meetings with colleagues, do not let them get distracted, return to the original topic. It sounds harsh, but in the end they will thank you. As the American jazzman Miles Davis said: “Time is not the most important thing, but the only thing that matters at all.”
29. Bad clients
If a client behaves disrespectfully, do not waste time and energy on him, concentrate on those who are worth it.
30. Good
Say “yes” not just to the good, but to the really great. “Good is the enemy of great,” says American business consultant Jim Collins, it’s hard to disagree with him.
31. To the cluttered space
Organize your workspace, tidy up your files, clear your mind.
32. Spontaneous responses to letters
Try to allocate separate time for work with mail.
33. Personal affairs during work
Work at work, very soon it will bear fruit.
34. Working affairs outside working hours
It is similar here: if you are at home, take care of your family. American business coach and speaker Jim Rohn writes: “When you are at work, work. When you have fun, have fun. Do not mix one with the other.”
35. Tasks that can be delegated
The ability to delegate is a powerful superpower that each of us can acquire. “The art of delegation is one of the key skills that any entrepreneur can master. By finding people who are great at what you don’t do very well, you free up time to plan for the future development of the business, ”advises entrepreneur Richard Branson.
36. Bad business partners
If you can’t agree, then it’s time to leave. “I can’t control your behavior, and I don’t want to. But I won’t put up with disrespect, lies or mistreatment. I have standards – meet them or leave, ”writes motivational author Steve Maraboli.
37. TV and sofa
Take a break from your disempowering cosiness to focus on what’s important.
38. Idleness
Are you waiting for the latte to be prepared or the file to be uploaded to the letter? Do something useful.
39. That which does not help to get closer to the goal
Question the feasibility of what you are going to do.
40. Comparing what cannot be compared
Listen to Bill Gates’ advice: “Don’t compare yourself to anyone. By doing so, you are insulting yourself.”
41. To your smartphone
Many truly productive people keep their phone in airplane mode for most of the day. “Technology can be our best friend, but it can also poison our lives. They interfere with thinking, dreaming and fantasizing,” Steven Spielberg is sure.
Ready to say no to at least some of the items on your list? Do it now. Are you reading an article on your smartphone? Just close the tab. The ability to say “no” is a skill that can and should be honed and improved. For business!
About the Author: Danny Forest is a blogger and speaker.