40 weeks pregnant

The 40th week of pregnancy is the period at which childbirth should begin. However, this is only a conditional date, since no more than 40% of women give birth at week 4. Some of this term is overstayed, and some are not. The reason lies on the surface: the date of conception was determined incorrectly. Therefore, even if a woman does not give birth exactly at the 40th week of pregnancy, then she should not have a reason to panic.

Fetal movement

The child is ready. All parts of the face and body are finally formed, all internal organs are ready for work outside the mother’s belly. The average fetal growth at week 40 is 51,2 cm, and body weight reaches 3,5 kg. The baby already has subcutaneous fat, has acquired plump cheeks and smooth skin. He longs for the first meeting with his mother and the vast world.

Although there is no longer enough space for the child to make active movements, the woman will constantly feel his movements. At the same time, even the slightest attempt by the child to change the position of the body is clearly felt, because the uterus is strongly stretched.

The child is in a position that contributes to the easiest passage through the birth canal. His head is pressed to the pelvis, his legs are bent, his arms are folded on his chest. This is the well-known “fetal position”.

There is enough surfactant in the lungs to ensure normal breathing of the crumbs immediately after birth. From this point on, the alveoli will begin to enrich the blood with oxygen. The heart and blood vessels are also fully formed, as soon as the child takes the first breath of air, they will be included in the general blood flow system.

The intestines of the child are sterile, it contains only meconium, which comes out in the first days after birth.

At week 40, a woman must definitely pay attention to the nature of the baby’s movements and their frequency. By these signs, one can judge the well-being of the unborn child. It is worth consulting a doctor if there are no movements for a long time, or, on the contrary, the fetus becomes overly active.

The normal number of movements per day is about 10. If the baby begins to move more actively, then this may indicate oxygen starvation. But the lack of movement is no less a dangerous sign. Therefore, you should not delay with a trip to the doctor.

How does the expectant mother feel?

As a rule, every woman at such a late stage of pregnancy is in constant expectation that the contractions will begin soon. Do not worry about the fact that the pregnancy is too long. Most likely, an error was made in obstetric calculations. Therefore, there is no reason to panic.

You should not constantly sit in the apartment, holding a bag with things for the hospital at hand. It is necessary to continue to lead a habitual way of life, but do not forget that childbirth is getting closer every day and even every hour, and contractions can begin at any moment.

Harbingers of childbirth at 40 weeks pregnant

There are some signs that indicate that labor will begin soon. Every pregnant woman should know them and be able to recognize them.

Firstly, before the upcoming birth, the stomach drops, and with it the uterus and the baby. The baby presses his head against the pelvic floor, and the pressure on the diaphragm decreases. Thanks to this, the woman feels relief from breathing. Also disappears annoying heartburn and belching. However, the drooping uterus begins to put more pressure on the bladder, which leads to more frequent urination.

Secondly, disorders of the digestive organs, which appear about 1-2 days before the onset of labor, may indicate the approaching birth. Diarrhea occurs, nausea and vomiting may join.

Thirdly, many women indicate that they have an unprecedented surge of strength. The pregnant woman directs almost all these forces to the arrangement of housing, trying to prepare as much as possible for his arrival a new small family member.

Fourth, a decrease in appetite may indicate an early birth. Sometimes there is no desire to eat at all. In parallel, the weight goes away, or it is fixed at one mark. The maximum loss can be 2 kg.

Be sure to pay attention to 3 main points by which you can accurately understand that childbirth will begin very soon:

  • Removal of the mucous plug. It looks like a dense lump of mucus, it may contain inclusions of bloody streaks. This cork closed the cervix throughout the entire time, protecting the child from viruses and other infections. After its departure, the birth canal becomes free.

  • Outflow of amniotic fluid. It is impossible not to notice this, as streams of a transparent, slightly yellowish liquid will flow down the legs. Sometimes, by 40 weeks, the baby’s intestines are freed from meconium (from the original feces). In this case, the amniotic fluid acquires a greenish color.

  • Frequent and painful contractions indicate that labor is about to begin. However, it is worth remembering that contractions can often be false. To distinguish them from the real ones, you just need to get up and walk around the room. If the contractions stopped, then they were false. If the contractions continue, and their frequency increases, then they are real. This means it’s time to go to the hospital.

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