4 Ways to Get Rid of Panic Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

Hello, dear readers of the site! Glossophobia is a panic fear of public speaking. It occurs in almost every second person on the planet.

And today we will try to figure out why this happens, as well as consider methods that will help you maintain calm and peace of mind, if necessary, speak out on stage, among a large number of people.

And perhaps also get joy, satisfaction from the attention received.

What is it like?

This disorder has several names, in addition to glossophobia, it is also referred to as peyraphobia.

Almost every profession involves performing in front of a large number of people.

Therefore, it is not easy for phobes to avoid situations that trigger a panic attack.

This, of course, negatively affects their career. After all, how will a teacher win the recognition and favor of his students if he faints every time he begins to give a lecture?

Or does a lawyer who begins to stutter need only the judge to give him the opportunity to make a speech in defense of his client?

Accordingly, glossophobia causes a lot of problems for its owner, not allowing them to realize their ambitions and needs.

How many brilliant and simply talented people have not been recognized by the world just because they were not able to confidently present themselves and their work?

And if, with a mild form of manifestation, a person only worries why the thoughts in his head are confused, but he may well try to pull himself together and continue talking.

Then, in the middle and severe stages, the fob simply runs away, faints or falls silent, looking at its viewers and listeners with eyes full of horror.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Panic Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

According to statistics, Peirophobia ranks second among the most common phobias. After the fear of death, of course. But an interesting fact is that in the USA children are literally forced to perform in public. And since kindergarten.

But not every child likes to take part in theatrical performances, sing on stage and dance. Accordingly, they face «violence», because they have to follow the instructions of adults, trying to cope with their own horror.

Why in America glossophobia occupies a leading position among phobias. That is, a person is not so afraid of death as speaking in front of a crowd.

Variety of phobias

There are comorbid disorders that only exacerbate the situation. Or because of which stage fright arises directly.

  • Logophobia is the fear of speaking due to existing speech defects. For example, if a person has a stutter, he lives in horror at the thought that a potential interlocutor will now find out about it. He is overly concerned about the impression he makes on others. He wants to at least not stand out among them in this way, stammering, not pronouncing some words, and so on. It is interesting that it can begin its development in someone who does not have any speech defects. He just worries about the fact that suddenly, from excitement, they will now appear.
  • Verbophobia is the fear of certain words, and sometimes entire phrases, sentences. For example, a verbophobic loses consciousness just by hearing or even reading the word «raspberry» or «trolleybus». Naturally, if it is necessary to speak in public, he experiences a lot of anxiety, what if someone from the crowd shouts out a phrase that will provoke a panic attack?
  • Lalophobia — practically does not differ from logophobia, the only thing is that the first one involves various speech defects. But directly lalophobia arises due to stuttering.


At the thought of having to perform in front of even a small number of people, the fob begins to have a panic attack.

He sweats a lot at this moment, the thoughts in his head get confused, and the ability to think rationally and adequately assess the environment is lost. I want to run away and hide in a place where it is safe and there is no one at all.

From experiences often there is a so-called nervous tic. This is when, for example, the eye twitches, the lip, in general, any muscle of the face.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Panic Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

A person does not know where to put his hands, which is why he frantically goes through the elements of clothing with them, removes “invisible” villi, dust particles and other debris.

At the same time, the hands are also shaking, a tingling sensation is felt in them. The same process takes place in the legs. The gait is shaky, unsure, the person stumbles, falls, crashes into nearby objects.

I want to go to the toilet, no matter how long ago the fob visited it. The body, having received a signal of danger, is trying to get rid of the excess load, what if you have to flee? Therefore, diarrhea and even vomiting are observed.

The head is spinning, up to the loss of consciousness. It hurts in the region of the heart and there is not enough breathing at all. This, of course, scares me even more.

After all, it seems to a person that he will definitely die now, if not from horror, then from a heart attack or suffocation.


Psychological trauma

If a person, once speaking to the public, made some mistake for which he was ridiculed or condemned, this may well cause psychological trauma for a long time, or even forever, deprive him of the desire to repeat this negative experience.

Each time, remembering his mistake, he will feel total shame and nothing in the world will make him seem ridiculous, stupid again even among strangers or well-known people.


Parents sometimes seek to realize their ambitions at the expense of the child. Forcing him to do what he himself could not achieve at one time for various reasons.

For example, have you witnessed situations when a baby is asked very persistently to tell Grandfather Frost and all participants in the matinee a rhyme?

When he refuses, he cries and is threatened not to buy ice cream or candy as punishment. And this is at best.

At worst, they give a slap on the back of the head or a butt for hysteria and disobedience, frightening that Frost does not bring gifts to bad children.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Panic Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

Excessive strictness “kills” immediacy, freedom of manifestation, uniqueness in a child. He becomes obedient, the way they want to see him, suppressing his desires, feelings.

And this threatens to gradually lead to glossophobia and other types of mental disorders.

Personality traits

  • Perfectionism is the desire to bring any robot to perfection. Which, of course, doesn’t always work out. After all, we are human beings, not robots, and we tend to make mistakes. But perfectionists do not forgive themselves for mistakes. Therefore, sometimes they prefer not to do something if they are not sure of the ideal result. Stage fright arises — because in this case, he risks disappointing not only himself, but also his listeners.
  • Hyperresponsibility. Individuals with an exaggerated sense of responsibility are so often blamed for any oversight, they just gradually bring themselves to the development of a phobic disorder. They can categorically refuse to speak, fearing to let down people who believe in them, rely on them, and so on.
  • Anxiety. Individuals who have experienced violence, who have grown up in fear, are prone to anxiety, fearfulness. They are afraid of almost everything, so they do not risk “sticking out” so that they are not scolded or punished once again. For example, even if the team turns out to be supportive, the expectation of an aggressive attitude and criticism will not allow it to calmly present itself. Therefore, at the meeting, he will not express his opinion, but will open up, communicating alone with colleagues, in a chamber setting.
  • Low self-esteem — a person does not believe that he is capable of doing something well. That the public will listen to his words, and indeed, will listen to him. And he doesn’t want to live rejection at all, so every time he needs to be “visible” to other people, he panics. Loses clarity of thought and even more worried. Even if you just need to say a toast in the company of friends or relatives.


In any case, no matter what type of disorder you have, you should definitely go to a specialist.

Since self-treatment may not give the desired results, and time and other resources will be spent, which will only complicate the recovery process.

After all, it is actually not an easy task to cope with a mental illness, which is even such a seemingly insignificant glossophobia.

An integrated approach is important, for example, in case of logophobia, in addition to a psychotherapist, one should also visit a speech pathologist-defectologist.

Because it is not possible to get rid of problems with the speech apparatus with one therapeutic work, it is necessary to perform certain exercises depending on the diagnosis.

But, let’s say, if stuttering arose against the background of severe stress, you can’t do without the help of a psychologist.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Panic Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

If somatic ailments appear, in the form of insomnia, depression, a psychiatrist’s consultation is also necessary. Since he has the right to prescribe medications that are usually not sold without a prescription.

Afraid that you will be closed in the clinic — it’s not worth it. This is not a disease for which hospitalization is indicated.

The only thing is, if a person poses a threat to life or health, both to himself and to those around him, then naturally, he will have to stay in the clinic for some time.

But this happens in severe forms of manifestation. When everything has gone so far that, for example, being in a depressed state, a person tries to commit suicide, if only to end his suffering as soon as possible.

Basically, the psychiatrist prescribes sedatives that help reduce anxiety and relax the nervous system.

Also sleeping pills, if the fob is not able to sleep due to nightmares and insomnia, to restore the resources expended during the day.

More antidepressants to even out the mood and expand the range of emotions experienced. So that it becomes possible to experience not only panic and anxiety, but also joy, satisfaction, tenderness, calmness, and so on.

How not to be afraid to speak in front of the public?


Have you heard the phrase: “The road appears under the feet of the walking one”? After all, how to stop being afraid if you do not try to conquer your fear?

Pushing yourself onto the stage, of course, is strictly prohibited. Try to perform in a group where you feel safe.

For example, in a team during lunch or a smoke break, at a celebration with the family. In general, pick the situation that is the least worrisome so far. And take risks.

To reduce the level of anxiety, look around at those in front of whom you are going to speak. Horror absorbs, but the ability to notice reality allows you to calm down.

Looking into the eyes of everyone, you will experience different emotions, and then gradually the anxiety will begin to disappear. Select a person who will be a support and turn your eyes more often to him in order to be reinforced by confidence.

positive affirmations

These are such formulated short phrases that are perceived by a person at the subconscious level. Simply put, such a self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis.

If you believe that you are able not only to become visible to others, but also to win their respect, attention, recognition, then you will definitely succeed.

But first you need to learn, at least to admit the idea of ​​the likelihood of public speaking. Therefore, formulate these statements in such a way as to program yourself to be calm in the process of speaking a speech.

You need to repeat them every morning and evening for 10-15 minutes. The main thing is to believe that they work and do it out loud.

You will learn more about how affirmations are “built” from this article.


Try to figure out what it is that scares you so much. For example, if you are afraid that you will seem stupid — try to prepare more carefully by studying the subject of the monologue, as well as thinking through the likely questions or reactions.

It would be better if you write down all your fantasies about the performance on a sheet. Then look carefully at each item and try to come up with a solution so that it is not so disturbing.

If it doesn’t work out, think of a person who, in your opinion, holds up well in public, and imagine yourself in his role. From his position, perhaps you will look at some moments with completely different eyes.


Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, breathing techniques. If swimming, running, dancing helps you relax, do these sports. For the soul, for pleasure.

Indeed, during training, endorphins and dopamines are produced, that is, hormones of happiness and euphoria, pleasure.

So you will help your body recover faster, and the nervous system will cease to be like a “bare wire” that reacts to the slightest stress.


Take care of yourself, dear readers, I wish you to overcome your limitations! And the article on public speaking will help you master the skills of public speaking without living in horror and anxiety!

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And in the comments, share your experience, what supports you in moments when you have to speak in front of a large number of people.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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