4 symptoms of COVID-19 for those who catch the virus after vaccination

4 symptoms of COVID-19 for those who catch the virus after vaccination

Vaccination continues to be the most effective way to control covid. However, it is possible to get infected and transmit coronavirus after two necessary vaccines. What symptoms to look for?

4 symptoms of COVID-19 for those who catch the virus after vaccination

In Russia, a mass vaccination program against coronavirus has been underway for several months. However, doctors and scientists are still advising not to remove masks, even to those who have been vaccinated. This is directly related to the fact that you can get sick even after vaccination. And some vaccinated people report getting covid even after two shots of the vaccine. It is important to understand that such cases do not disprove the effectiveness of vaccines and do not at all indicate their poor quality.

According to experts, reports of illness after vaccination should not come as a surprise at all. Strictly speaking, none of the vaccine manufacturers promised otherwise – nor could they.

It is known that most drugs provide only partial protection, which does not prevent infection, but only reduces the severity of the course of the disease. It is on this principle that the coronavirus vaccine works. It turns out that the vaccine does not create any force field around the person that would not let the virus through. Therefore, if a vaccinated person meets a sick covid, when he actively spreads viral particles around him, and communicates with him for a long time in a room without a mask and keeping a distance, the virus particles will inevitably fall on the mucous membranes.

New research has shown that vaccinated citizens who contracted the coronavirus reported symptoms that were very different from the main ones. Recall that since the beginning of the pandemic, the main signs were high fever, severe persistent cough, and loss or change in the sense of smell.

For the infected vaccinated, the main symptoms are predominantly headache, runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. According to scientists, it is with these four signs that patients who become infected after two necessary injections are treated.

“As a rule, we were able to notice that the symptoms of COVID-19 are very similar in both those vaccinated and those who did not receive the vaccine. However, those who have already given the injections report mostly fewer symptoms and they get sick less over time. This indicates that they get sick less seriously and recover faster, ”the researchers explain.

Doctors urge everyone who experiences at least one of the above symptoms to get tested for coronavirus as soon as possible.

Do not get sick and take care of yourself!

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