
To be successful, you must believe in yourself and your goal. You must have a clear strategy in which one point flows from the other. Psychologist and author Benjamin Hardy offers a four-step «route» for self-improvement.

1. Develop rare and valuable skills

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Do not wish for less work, strive to get as many skills as possible as a result of its implementation. Don’t want less challenge, want more wisdom,” advises celebrity business coach Jim Rohn. What does he mean?

Do you have passion in life? Secret purpose? A cherished desire? For sure! Mahatma Gandhi said: “Happiness is when what you think, say and do is in harmony.” Gandhi was right. You cannot become happy by acting contrary to desires, beliefs and passions.

Most live on someone else’s emotional experience. They want a job that will make them happy and successful. But this is a delusion. It is not possible to achieve much with such an attitude. So you turn from a dreamer into a banal performer.

Instead of trying to succeed like everyone else, you need to develop your rare and valuable skills through deliberate practice. Become a master at what you do. Be the best. Strive to be a world-class specialist, one of a kind. You don’t have to limit your imagination just because others do.

2. Invest in yourself, your dreams and relationships

To develop rare and valuable skills, you will have to invest in yourself. Read books, learn languages, learn new things, sign up for online courses, attend master classes. The more you spend on training, the better. Because that way you will take things more seriously. You will not be a simple consumer, you will be an investor. You will be more attentive and diligent, because in case of failure you risk losing a lot.

But that is not all. You can’t become an Olympic champion on your own. Behind each winner is a whole team: coaches, doctors, technical consultants, etc. As brilliant entrepreneur Michael Fishman said, “The self-made man is a myth. A lot of people have magically helped you get to where you are now. And it is better that they know how great their merit is and how grateful you are to them.

So do not console yourself with the thought that you can achieve everything on your own. Build relationships with other people, help them and accept their help. We all depend on others, although sometimes it is very difficult for us to admit it.

3. Give, don’t take

Most people are only focused on getting something. They are looking for profit. It is not right. You need to think about what you can give. Remember: giving gifts is more pleasant than receiving. After all, your reward is the joy of a loved one.

In relationships with others, you cannot focus only on what you can get. You need to learn to give, just like that, without expecting anything in return. In fact, all efforts and means will certainly return in the form of trust, respect, love, recognition, etc.

4. Ask yourself the right questions

Are you living in line with your goals and values? Do you experience internal contradictions? These are the questions you need to ask yourself on a regular basis to stay on course.

Thomas Edison said, «Never go to bed without asking your unconscious mind a question.» Many famous people meditate or reflect on the past day and plans for the future before going to bed. So they direct the unconscious in the right direction so that at night it works for their benefit.

So, while lying in bed, think about how your day went. Remember everything you’ve done. How you spend each day is an indicator of who you are and who you will become. Answer the questions honestly:

  • Have you acted like the person you want to be?
  • If you spent every day of the year the way you are today, where would you end up?
  • If you really tried to make your dreams come true, how different would your ideal day be from today?
  • What should your typical day be like in order for you to fulfill your dream?

So how was your day? What will you change tomorrow? It is not enough just to want a better future. You must know how you want to see this future, and start living that way from today.

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