Behind the first genetic screening, and if it showed good results, you can relax a bit. However, you should not forget about visiting the antenatal clinic: there are some necessary examinations that a woman needs to undergo at 4 months of pregnancy.
We tell you what symptoms are typical for this period, how the baby develops, and together with our expert obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Kollerova Let’s answer the most popular questions of women.
Key facts about 4 months pregnant
Menstruation | There are no monthly periods. The causes of bleeding in the second trimester of pregnancy can be cervical polyps, cervical dysplasia, bleeding disorders, heparin, placental abruption, the threat of preterm birth (1). |
Woman behavior | The mood of the expectant mother is improving, there are already fewer worries, the time of happy expectation is coming. The first screening has been passed, toxicosis is over for the majority, hormonal changes have been completed, the stomach is still small – you can fully enjoy your position. |
External signs | A rounded belly is already difficult to hide, the hips are also rounded, the chest is enlarged. Weight begins to grow, and with it the risk of stretch marks. Some women have a band of pigmentation that connects the navel and pubis. |
Pain | At the 4th month of pregnancy, pain may be disturbed due to the tone of the uterus. You should not be afraid: the tone of the uterus does not need to be treated (1). In itself, the state of the uterus in good shape (when it contracts) is the norm. In this case, a woman may feel a slight pulling pain that quickly passes. However, in case of increased tone (frequent and prolonged pain), you should immediately consult a doctor. Hypertonicity of the uterus, especially in early pregnancy, can lead to miscarriage. Also during this period, ligaments can stretch and give pain in the lower abdomen – this is also the norm. |
Weight gain in women | The numbers on the scale may show more, this is normal. But the weight gain should be no more than 2,5 kg. |
Characteristics of the fetus | The weight of the fetus in the 4th month of pregnancy is 31-118 grams (depending on the week). The fetus becomes like a person – the external genital organs are formed in it, it already bends its arms and legs, hears and learns to swallow. |
Symptoms, signs and sensations
Women who have passed toxicosis, perhaps up to this time did not feel anything unusual. Often at the 4th month of pregnancy, when the chest, hips and stomach are rounded, there is an awareness: I will soon become a mother. Let’s talk about the most striking signs and sensations that are characteristic of this period.
Pulling pains
At the 4th month of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be disturbed by pulling pains in the abdomen. There is no need to panic. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.
The tone of the uterus (when it contracts) is a norm that does not require treatment. The fact is that the uterus before pregnancy is small in size, about the size of a fist. During the gestation period, she needs to place the placenta, amniotic fluid and the fetus itself. Therefore, it is stretched. Hence – not very pleasant sensations.
Also, the lower abdomen can hurt due to stretching ligaments. And this is also the norm.
But if you are worried about severe pain that does not go away after a while, consult your doctor.
“Survivors” of toxicosis finally begin to eat normally: they no longer feel sick, their appetite returns. And in women who, in the early stages, suffered not because of toxicosis, but because of increased appetite, during this period, eating behavior returns to normal: “eating” stops.
Is there a period at 4 months pregnant
There is no menstruation at this stage of pregnancy. If you start bleeding, it may be due to a number of other reasons:
- cervical polyps,
- cervical dysplasia,
- blood clotting disorder,
- taking heparin,
- placental abruption,
- risk of preterm birth.
Bleeding at 4 months pregnant is always a reason to visit a doctor!
Some people have nosebleeds during this period, as well as bleeding gums.
“This is due to the increasing volume of circulating blood and increased pressure on the vascular walls,” explains obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Kollerova.
But if a woman constantly suffers from bleeding from the nose and gums, she should consult a doctor to rule out pathologies, including:
- poor blood clotting;
- hypertension;
- deficiency of important vitamins necessary for bearing a child.
Growing belly
At 4 months of pregnancy, the stomach is rounded. It can still be hidden under loose dresses or oversized sweatshirts, but not in tight clothes. The fetus is still small, the weight is small – it’s not about him. The abdomen grows due to the enlargement of the uterus.
Breast augmentation
During this period, the breast swells, begins to round and fill. However, this does not happen to everyone, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some women do not notice changes until childbirth.
Photo life
At 13-14 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is located above the pubic joint, and by 15-16 weeks, the uterus reaches almost to the navel. The abdomen begins to grow at this time, it becomes noticeable.
Child development at 4 months of pregnancy
The main systems of the body were laid in the early stages. Now the baby is growing and gaining weight, taking shape and becoming more and more like a person. The baby hears and learns to swallow – this is the main event of 4 months of pregnancy.
13 Week
At this time, the eyes begin to move closer to each other, the ears are formed, but the eyelids are closed. It is not yet possible to determine who the baby looks like. At this time, the rudiments of milk teeth are also formed.
14 Week
All previously established systems are being improved. The baby already knows how to swallow and begins to hear the vibration of the mother’s voice. You can sing, talk to the child and read fairy tales – he feels everything.
15 Week
During this period, the skeletal system is formed. Cartilage replaces bones. Hair follicles appear on the body. The baby hears even better.
16 Week
The child is actively moving: at week 16, you can sometimes feel the first kicks, especially if this is not the first pregnancy. The baby at this time is already holding his head straight, grimacing. You can take a picture for memory if you go for a 3D ultrasound.
Examinations at 4 months of pregnancy
13-16 weeks are considered a safe period, serious examinations are usually not carried out during this period of time. But no one canceled planned visits to the LCD: you need to donate urine and blood on time.
Pregnant women with a burdened obstetric diagnosis (premature birth, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, late miscarriage) at 4 months of pregnancy should undergo ultrasound – cervicometry (2) to measure the cervix. Such a study is carried out in the period from 13 to 16 weeks.
Visit doctor
It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic every two to three weeks in the normal course of pregnancy. The doctor will determine the circumference of the abdomen, measure pressure, listen to the fetal heart.
Every two weeks you need to take a general urine test for the presence of protein and a complete blood count. The second is a mandatory study for all pregnant women without exception. The analysis helps to monitor whether the pregnancy is proceeding favorably, and allows you to detect pathologies in the mother’s body in time.
Do’s and Don’ts for Expectant Mothers
A healthy pregnant woman should live a normal life: eat a full and varied diet, excluding only junk food and drinks, have sex (during the normal course of pregnancy), walk in the fresh air. Moderate exercise is beneficial.
The diet of a pregnant woman should be rich in protein and fats. It is recommended to eat more fruits and berries. Eliminate fast carbohydrates: fast food, rolls, pies. It is better to give preference to cereals and pasta made from durum wheat. The expectant mother should drink enough water: the norm is considered individually, at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of weight. Coffee is allowed no more than 1-2 cups per day. Since the bones and rudiments of milk teeth are being formed in a child, there is a need for a large amount of calcium: include quality cottage cheese in your diet.
Physical exercise
If there is no threat of miscarriage, shortening of the cervix, then physical activity for a pregnant woman is only good. The main thing is not to strain the stomach, so in no case do not pump the press, avoid other exercises that tense the abdominal muscles. Running can be replaced with long walks in the park away from the road, swimming or yoga for pregnant women.
Cosmetic procedures
For the period of pregnancy and lactation, postpone cosmetic procedures in the form of peelings, permanent makeup, tattoos. But you can cut and dye your hair, eyebrows (using safe compounds), do manicures and pedicures, wax or sugar hair removal – you can. But only in the absence of contraindications.
No bad habits
Never drink alcohol during pregnancy. A serious consequence of prenatal alcohol exposure is damage to the central nervous system of the child. Alcohol can affect all organ systems of the fetus, but the tissues of the brain and heart are most often affected, and the child’s musculoskeletal system suffers (3).
The same goes for smoking. This bad habit affects the weight of the fetus: the children of women who smoke are born with a small weight. Because of the mother’s smoking, the child may suffer from hypoxia, babies are often born with a split upper lip and palate (4).
You can have sex during pregnancy if there are no contraindications. Restrictions on sexual activity are necessary in case of rupture of amniotic fluid, complete placenta previa, bleeding from the genital tract, isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) (1, 5). In any case, it is better to discuss this issue with the doctor.
Popular questions and answers
Our expert obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category Elena Kollerova answers popular questions from readers about toxicosis, weight gain and others.
How to deal with toxicosis?
If toxicosis continues to bother a woman, it is worth minimizing irritating factors: unpleasant odors of food, a sharp aroma of perfume, and stress. Each woman has her own “helpers” in the fight against toxicosis: frequent walks help someone, and someone gets the effect of sleep and rest. Citrus fruits help some pregnant women: pomelo, grapefruits, oranges (if there is no allergy). But the general rule for everyone is the same – the expectant mother should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and drink plenty of water.
To reduce the symptoms of toxicosis at any stage of pregnancy, you need to carefully listen to your feelings and remember what helped you cope with nausea in the past.
If the condition worsens and nothing helps to cope with nausea and vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. Severe toxicosis is dangerous dehydration. In difficult cases, women are even hospitalized.
Another important nuance – you can not eat a lot of salty. This is fraught with fluid retention and late toxicosis, which is much more dangerous than early. It can lead to serious complications for mother and child.
How does a woman’s appearance change at 4 months of pregnancy?
The mammary glands increase, the skin of the chest becomes much more sensitive. There is an expansion of the venous vessels, they can noticeably “appear” through the skin.
Can I have sex at 4 months pregnant?
If in the past the pregnancy proceeded without complications, there were no abortions, the woman has no gynecological problems or other individual contraindications, then you can have sex. But during the critical periods of pregnancy, it is worth adhering to sexual rest.
How much weight can you gain at 4 months pregnant?
Normally, for the entire pregnancy, a woman gains no more than 10-16 kg. Therefore, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her diet and consume a minimum of junk food – fried, starchy, sweet, fast food. It is worth giving preference to proper nutrition and pampering yourself with “sweets” only from time to time. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining a lot of extra pounds, which will not be easy to say goodbye after childbirth.
Sources of
- “I’m pregnant, what should I do?” / Olga Belokon – Moscow, 2019. URL:
- Diagnosis and tactics of managing patients with isthmic-cervical insufficiency / Dobrokhotova Yulia Eduardovna, Borovkova Ekaterina Igorevna, Zalesskaya Sofya Alekseevna, Nagaitseva Elena Anatolyevna, Raba Dmitry Pavlovich. URL:
- Alcohol and pregnancy / Orazmuradov A.A., Sashchenko A.I., Ogurtsov P.P., Paendi F.A. URL:
- Influence of smoking on pregnancy and fetus / Zh.M. Nugmanova. URL:
- Isthmico-cervical insufficiency / Imankazieva FI, Jumalieva AD, Kerimkulova D. URL: