4 Most Common Problems That Occur During Childbirth
“Abnormalities in labor,” doctors say when something goes wrong. And situations when something is wrong happen quite often – according to statistics, every tenth expectant mother. Moreover, in the risk group are women who give birth for the first time.
Causes of anomalies
Pathologies in childbirth arise due to disturbances in the work of those mechanisms that regulate the process of childbirth, normally they should work synchronously.
Among the factors that can cause such violations, one can single out:
various somatic diseases and endocrine disorders (for example, obesity or pathologies of the cardiovascular system);
burdened gynecological history (infectious and inflammatory processes, abortion, NMC);
miscarriage (termination of pregnancy up to 37 weeks);
various complications during pregnancy (in particular, placental insufficiency or gestosis);
complications during these childbirth (breech presentation, large fetal weight, prolonged anhydrous period, polyhydramnios, etc.);
early or late reproductive age (before 18 and after 35 years);
the presence of bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
individual psychological characteristics of a woman in labor (in particular, low stress resistance and emotional instability).
The main problems in childbirth
Pathological preliminary period
That is, a woman’s contractions are irregular, they differ in time, frequency, duration and intensity. At the same time, there are no changes in the cervix, that is, the process of childbirth has not begun. In this case, the woman’s emotional state, her sleep and wakefulness regime are violated.
To relieve fatigue, the psychoemotional state is corrected, sometimes medication is used. If the pregnancy is full-term, then treatment is prescribed to prepare the cervix for childbirth.
Weakness of labor
Allocate primary and secondary weakness of labor. With primary weakness, the problem is that the contractile activity of the uterus is initially extremely small, so the uterine pharynx is unable to open. This anomaly can be suspected if contractions occur rarely, do not last long and have a very weak intensity (it must be borne in mind that the combination of these signs can be different).
Secondary weakness in labor is when contractions that started normally, weaken over time or do not lead to sufficient opening of the pharynx.
“Can this anomaly be corrected? Doctors can enhance labor by using special drugs that stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus, or, conversely, to normalize labor, give the woman a rest. For the same purpose, anesthesia is sometimes prescribed, ”the expert explains.
Experts develop the optimal tactics for managing labor based on an assessment of various factors. In particular, the condition of the woman and the fetus is of great importance, as well as the time of the onset of labor and the moment when the waters left. Based on this data, doctors decide whether an operative delivery is required in this case – a cesarean section.
Discoordination of labor
This problem is much less common than weakness (on average, only 2% of cases).
The essence of this state lies in the lack of synchronization of contractions between the departments of the uterus. Contractions are different in intensity, pain and occur at different intervals.
In this case, anesthesia is carried out and preventive measures are taken to avoid fetal hypoxia. It is important to understand that if these measures are ineffective, there is only one way out: a cesarean section.
Excessive labor
In this case, the tone of the uterus is increased, and the contractions roll over excessively and often. It is worth noting that the fetus often suffers: gas exchange is disturbed, with excessively rapid movement of the fetus along the birth canal, the head does not have time to configure, as a result of which injuries (hematomas, hemorrhages) occur.
In such a situation, drugs are used to regulate labor. In addition to using these drugs, it is necessary to lay the woman in labor on her side in a special way.
Read about what happens to a woman after a cesarean section at