Nutritionists have long recognized that you can lose weight without diets, the main thing is to adhere to certain rules.
But there are still little tricks that will allow you to outsmart the body. Psychology is powerful!
Life hack number 1 – “Red Cymbal Effect”
Scientists are constantly conducting various kinds of research in relation to food and weight loss in particular. One of them showed that people who eat from red dishes end up eating less than if the same food was on a white or blue plate.
The fact is that this color is subconsciously associated with inhibitions and signals to stop, and therefore people instinctively eat less.
Life hack number 2 “Battle of the glasses”
If you drink from a tall and narrow glass, then you will drink 25-30% less than if you drank from a low and wide glass. This is a scientifically proven fact. It’s all about an optical illusion: the brain is deceived, it seems to it that there is more liquid in a tall glass.
Therefore, drink water from wide glasses, and boldly pour all sorts of not very healthy drinks into tall and narrow ones.
Life hack number 3 “Dream visualization”
It is not enough just to want to lose weight, the brain needs to see what you are striving for. To do this, get a new dress or jeans, which will be several sizes smaller, and hang them in a prominent place in your home. Thus, there will always be a great reminder in front of your eyes of what specific goal you would like to achieve.
Life hack number 4 “Out of sight!”
You will never lose weight if you have cookies and sweets in a conspicuous place in the kitchen or living room. Even if you have an iron willpower and you are not at all a sweet tooth, your brain will still return from time to time to the analysis of a simple question – what should I do about it? And if you are hungry, it will be difficult to resist the temptation.
Therefore, remove from sight all foods and dishes that can tempt you and give you new kilos. If you really need to take a dish in the kitchen, put fruit there.