Classic – the best start to the day
Black bread with a slice of cheese and red bell pepper. Add a boiled egg, an orange, and a cup of green tea to this.
Your body gets plenty of proteins and slow carbohydrates, and your brain is recharged with a moderate dose of the caffeine found in green tea.
IQ breakfast – strengthens memory and improves concentration
Low-fat natural yogurt with muesli, nuts, and blueberries. Plus a large glass of water (at least 300 ml) to drink before meals.
By drinking a glass of water before breakfast, you maintain an optimal fluid balance in the body. Low-fat yogurt contains live lactic acid bacteria that normalize the intestinal flora. Nuts are a source of vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids important for the brain, and blueberries contain biologically active substances that stimulate the brain.
Energetic – for those who are going to fitness in the morning
Smoothies made from low-fat milk, banana, berries; a small cup of coffee or tea.
Contains caffeine and is quickly absorbed without overloading the stomach. Due to this, the body is toned. You can start exercising shortly after breakfast. Milk contains proteins that can help you gain muscle and lose weight.
For women in a hurry – keeps the feeling of satiety for a long time
Oatmeal with low-fat milk, nuts, cinnamon, and an apple. Drink with a large glass of water (at least 300 ml).
Hot oatmeal is very satisfying, especially if eaten slowly. Nuts will add healthy fats and proteins to the body, which will prolong the feeling of fullness. Apples are rich in plant fiber and fruit sugar. They provide stable blood sugar levels.