4 exercises to boost your productivity

The world is full of opportunities, but the constant race we are in creates stress. In order not to burn out, it is important to be able to properly rest and switch from one task to another. This will help special exercises.

The body and brain are interconnected. How we feel is reflected in mental activity and vice versa. The good news is that the brain is plastic, malleable, capable of constant development, and can be reprogrammed. This can be done with the help of special exercises developed by kinesiologists (kinesiology is the science of muscles and the movements they perform. – Approx. ed.).

Back in the 1970s, American psychologist Paul Dennison developed the so-called “brain gymnastics”. The exercises included in it help the body and mind to work fully, coordinating them. They are shown to people of all ages, and they can be performed anywhere and at any time without preparation, becoming more and more efficient and productive.

Exercise examples

This set of simple exercises for daily self-balance can be performed independently at home.

1. Glass of water

Purpose: energizing and improving brain function.

Algorithm: take a glass of clean water at a comfortable temperature and drink it in small sips, feeling the taste. “All electrochemical processes in the brain and body depend on the permeability of nerve impulses,” explains neurophysiologist Carla Hannaford, author of Movement Wise. – Water is the best conductor of electrical signal in the body. It is necessary for the optimal functioning of the lymphatic system, which performs the protective function of the body. Water fills the blood cells with oxygen, which reduces the load on the heart and lungs. For a healthy and energetic state, it is necessary to replenish water supplies.

Pay attention to how you feel before and after drinking water. The first time, this difference may not be visible, it will take several days to track it.

2. Brain buttons

Purpose: improving the flow of oxygenated blood to brain cells. Thanks to this, information is better perceived, stress is reduced, and eye function improves.

Algorithm: can be done standing, lying or sitting. With one hand, massage the depressions between the first and second ribs on the left and right under the collarbones. At this time, the second hand is on the navel. When the movements become familiar, you need to add eye tracking from left to right and vice versa. The head does not move. Change hands and repeat the exercise.

Before doing it, pay attention to whether it is easy for you to concentrate, to assimilate information, how relaxed or tense your eyes are. After completing the exercise, evaluate the condition again.

3. Cross steps

Purpose: conscious walking, which contributes to a balanced activation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Algorithm: can be done standing, lying or sitting. Very slowly lift and bend your left leg at the knee. Touch the elbow of your right hand to her knee. Change arm and leg. Repeat 8-10 times.

Notice how active you feel. Track how you move, how relaxed you are. After the exercise, pay attention to the difference in sensations. Cross steps activate the full-fledged work of the “intellect-body” system before the start of physical and intellectual activities.

4. Hooks

Purpose: easier inclusion in work, removal of emotional tension and stress.

Algorithm: perform standing, lying or sitting. First part: cross your ankles, stretch your arms forward with your palms crossed and fingers interlocked. Turn your arms inward at chest level, elbows down. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. If it wiggles slightly, keep standing. If it shakes strongly, it is better to sit down.

The second part of the exercise: legs apart. Bring your fingertips together in front of you. Direct your gaze to the floor without lowering your head. Maintain position.

Assess your condition before doing the exercise, you can even recall the situation that worries you. After completing the exercise, once again analyze your condition, paying attention to the mind and body. They have adapted to the situation and can handle it more effectively.

Examples from practice

“I was very tired,” recalls Anton, 30 years old. – The work did not inspire, I could not even think about clients. I ran several business projects in parallel and, deep down, I hoped that they would “shoot” and start generating enough income to leave my job. It was a vicious circle: work only for money, no pleasure. There was no time for a relationship. In addition, at night I could not sleep for a long time, stomach problems began.

I chose simple exercises for Anton – it took less than 10 minutes to complete them. We agreed that he would repeat them for two weeks, and then come for a second consultation.

“Now I sleep better and get less tired at work,” says Anton. – Completing various tasks is now easier. I found an investor in my business project.”

Individually tailored exercises can help you become effective in areas where you need to.

“I’m on maternity leave, I have two children. I was very tired and could not choose how and where to move, – says Anna, 31 years old. – I saw two ways: copywriting, it already has knowledge and skills, and psychological counseling – there is education and little experience, but it is not clear how this area suits me. Both directions were interesting to me, but there is still a family, children, and it is unrealistic to manage everything.

Kinesiology exercises helped her not only determine her future goals, but also rationalize the execution of orders and find time to consult clients. Individually tailored exercises can help you become effective where you need them and produce better results.

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