4 essential products for atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis affects large vessels. Of course, prevention is the best measure. If the disease has arisen, then along with drug treatment, a diet is also required, aimed at the exclusion of some products and the mandatory inclusion of others.

Lecithin is the most important product in atherosclerosis

The disease is associated with a violation of lipid metabolism. Such a failure provokes the accumulation of so-called “bad” cholesterol in the blood. As a result, “cholesterol plaques” are formed. It is they, deposited on the walls of blood vessels, that carry the main danger.

At the site of plaque formation, the vessel becomes fragile, its lumen narrows. The affected area can provoke the development of a stroke or heart attack. For this reason, the main task in the program for the treatment of atherosclerosis and diseases of a cardiovascular nature is the fight against elevated cholesterol and blood pressure.

The main causes of lipid metabolism disorders include:

  • Heredity;

  • Consequence of gout, diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity;

  • An unbalanced diet when eating foods with a large amount of animal fats.

The mechanism of cholesterol regulation in the human body is as follows: lipoproteins and their associated cholesterol are under the influence of lecithin. The latter is a complex of lipids. Lecithin is able to reduce blood cholesterol levels due to its chemical properties. So, 1 lecithin molecule can bind and remove as many as 3 cholesterol molecules from the body.

Thus, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood can be achieved by eating foods rich in lecithin:

  • soy lecithin;

  • egg yolks;

  • Sunflower seeds.

However, the daily dose of lecithin can only be obtained by eating 0,5 kg of the above products.  

An increase in the dose of lecithin per day by several times contributes to a sufficient decrease in cholesterol levels. In addition, it is an effective prophylactic against diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by atherosclerosis.

Main sources of lecithin

4 essential products for atherosclerosis

Lecithin is not unreasonably considered a building material for the cells of the whole organism. With the help of this complex, the child’s body grows and develops, and the adult’s body maintains strength and health.

A sufficient amount of lecithin is found in the following products:

  • Egg;

  • Beef and chicken liver;

  • Nuts;

  • Seeds;

  • A fish;

  • Sunflower oil;

  • soy products;

  • Beans;

  • Meat;

  • Fruit;

  • Vegetables.

The body is able to produce lecithin on its own. But with age, the function of its production decreases, so a well-designed diet will saturate lecithin cells and improve health.

Garlic cleanses blood vessels from plaques

Garlic is known for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. But its useful functions are not limited to this:

  • On the part of the cardiovascular system, allicin, which is part of garlic, affects a special blood enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol in the blood. clogging the walls of blood vessels.

  • On the part of the circulatory system, garlic is an effective prophylactic against the formation of blood clots and blood thinning. It is important to note that regular and sufficient use of garlic reduces the number of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of large vessels. Under the influence of garlic, the density and elasticity of large vessels increase. Data have been registered that long-term and regular intake of garlic leads, although not to a significant, but still positive effect of lowering blood pressure in people suffering from arterial hypertension.

  • On the part of the heart muscle, garlic is a unique product with an antioxidant effect. Thus, garlic reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, coronary disease, atherosclerosis of the aorta and large vessels.

  • On the part of the onset and development of oncological diseases, it has been scientifically proven that the substances in the composition of garlic can slow down carcinogenesis in the lungs, mammary glands, colon and stomach. And as you know, carcinogens are the main cause of cell mutation in the body.

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