To understand the taste of a particular alcoholic beverage, you need to be well versed in the culture of its use. This statement is also true for liqueurs. In this article, we will talk about how to drink liquors in different ways. There are a few universal rules to be aware of before opening a bottle. Any liqueur can be drunk:
1. Pure
A great option for those who want to try the original taste. When choosing this method, keep the following in mind:
- sweet liqueurs are served for dessert as a digestif (alcohol after the main meal), bitter liqueurs are served as an aperitif (before meals);
- you need a glass with a volume of 25 ml, outwardly similar to a bowl (container for sweet dishes) with a long stem;
- the correct serving (serving) temperature is 12-20 ° C (liquor should be cool, but not cold);
- sweet liqueurs can be served with tea or coffee; such drinks go well with fruits;
- most liqueurs are drunk in one gulp, thanks to which a soft, warm aftertaste appears after a sip;
- liqueurs are not combined with tobacco and cigars.

2. Diluted
This method allows you to reduce the strength, reduce sweetness, bitterness or astringency, balancing the taste at your discretion. You can dilute the liquor with water (carbonated or non-carbonated mineral water), ice, milk, cream, ice cream, hot chocolate or juices. Proportions are selected individually.
Water and ice do not spoil the taste, perfectly reducing the fortress. Elite liqueurs are diluted only with water without gas. The addition of dairy products is appropriate for drinks based on chocolate, coffee, cocoa or cream.

To get a refreshing and not cloying taste, it is customary to add orange juice to liqueurs. Other citrus or unsweetened juices, such as lemon or cherry, are also suitable.

Attention! Sour juices should not be added to cream liqueurs such as Baileys and Sheridans, as the acid curdles the cream instantly, rendering the drink unfit for consumption.
3. Combined with other alcohol
Liqueurs are mixed with whiskey, vodka, gin, rum, brandy or cognac. It turns out not so sweet, but at the same time strong and aromatic drink.
I advise you to add alcohol to the liquor, on the basis of which it is made. For example, “Cointreau” insists on pure alcohol, so it is better to dilute it with vodka. Whiskey is added to Baileys, as a result of which this liqueur goes well with Irish whiskeys. “Lawyer” is diluted with aged brandy or cognac.

4. In cocktails
Approximately 30% of all alcoholic cocktails contain at least one liquor that can be used as a base, flavor or syrup. True, it often turns out a completely different drink. The preparation of one of the most famous Pina Colada cocktails is shown in the video.