4 best PMM products from a Finnish manufacturer

Tablets “all in one” greatly simplify the use of the dishwasher. The most popular products replace three components at once – detergent, salt and rinse aid. Especially popular with our consumers is Finish – Finnish dishwasher tablets.

About Finish

Tableted products from Finland, created for dishwashers (PMM), perfectly cope with the tasks – wash, rinse, soften water. Tablets from a Finnish manufacturer have established themselves as a high-quality and effective tool that takes care of both dishes and dishwashers.

The “Finish” line includes many interesting products with good properties. The manufacturer is constantly working to improve its products. The Finish brand was the first to introduce two-layer and then three-layer dishwasher tablets to the market.

Finish was voted the best dishwasher product in the 2013 and 2016 surveys.

Under the Finish brand, products for PMM are produced in various forms – gels, powders, capsules. The most convenient are soluble tablets.

Overview of Finnish tablets for PMM

All products of this brand are united by environmental friendliness and safety: they do not contain chlorine and other aggressive chemicals. Cleaning of dishes is carried out due to the action of natural substances and active oxygen – they, without creating excess foam, protect the internal parts of the apparatus.

Tableted funds may contain one, two, three or more components. There are tablets:

  • 2 in 1. Contains only compressed powder and rinse aid.
  • 3 in 1. Contains all three necessary components – salt, rinse aid and detergent. They can be both solid and liquid – in the form of capsules.
  • 4 in 1. In addition to the three main components, one more is added to protect glassware from damage.
  • 5 in 1. Along with the base substances, they contain solvents for difficult contaminants and a protective component.

Today, consumers are actively purchasing 7 in 1, 10 in 1 and even 12 in 1 preparations. All of them can be used by dishwashers that have a 3 in 1 tablet tray.

Finish Powerball Classic

This is the most budget version in the Finish line and the Classic series. Made on the basis of the powder of the same name – it can be bought in a plastic container. Basically, Powerball Classic is a powder compressed into capsules. Its main advantage is ease of use. Many people like the portioned form more than the dusting powder.

The main active ingredient is Stain Soaker. This is a bleach containing active oxygen. It is patented by the manufacturer. Polycarboxylates enhance cleansing, enzymes speed up chemical reactions flavoring gives the product a pleasant lemon flavor. It also includes – PAV и nonionic surfactants 5 %. Without chlorine. The price of a package (90 pieces) is about 300 rubles.

Powerball Classic can be used to clean glass and ceramic dishes. To improve washing, the manufacturer recommends adding salt.


  • It breaks down dirt well, copes with a variety of contaminants – tea and coffee deposits, fatty films. You can do without pre-soaking.
  • Affordable cost. One tablet costs about 15 rubles.
  • Does not leave a white coating on the surface of washed products and on the bottom of the chamber.
  • Dissolves completely. The dishes are washed to a shine.
  • No chemical smell like most competitors. There is only a pleasant, barely perceptible aroma of lemon.


  • To save money, users often split the tablet preparation in half. With Powerball Classic, it’s hard to split a pill equally.
  • Does not always cope with dried dirt. Have to wash by hand. Often there are traces of fatty soups and dried sauces.
  • In hard water, the effect worsens. Salt must be added.

Finish All in 1 Max

This is the most popular type of tableted products for PMM today. 3 or more components make washing as simple as possible and at the same time make it perfect. The tool has a “multi-profile” action.

Finish All in 1 Max solves the following tasks:

  • is washing dishes;
  • softens water;
  • protects the internal parts of the device from corrosion and scale;
  • prevents divorce;
  • makes surfaces shiny.

There is a soluble shell. In the composition – conventional surfactants and non-ionic surfactants (5%), oxygen-containing bleach, enzymes, antifoam agents, rinse aid, fat dissolver, phosphates. Does not contain chlorine and fragrances. 65 pieces cost about 250 rubles.


  • Works effectively in cold water. Even at 30 degrees, the dishes are perfectly washed.
  • You can wash any dishes, including glass, cupronickel, silver and stainless steel.
  • Has an antibacterial effect.
  • Thanks to anti-corrosion ions, small cracks are filled on glass and metal surfaces – the service life of dishes is extended.


  • High price. 1 piece costs 20-25 rubles.
  • Contains phosphates.

For short cycles, it is recommended to use “Finish” with an increased concentration of active ingredients, so they are effective even on express programs. On long modes, it is better not to use such products – they dissolve quickly, in about half an hour, and then PMM washes with one water.

Before use, each tablet must be removed from the film – they are in a special package that prevents moisture from entering.

Finish Quantum

These are tricolor, white-red-blue capsules. Their main difference is that you do not need to remove the packaging, you can immediately send them to the appropriate tray. The manufacturer offers an extended line of flavors – with lemon, apple, lime. Makes surfaces shiny, helps to avoid streaks on dishes and limescale on the inside of the machine.

Capsules are activated in stages:

  • In seconds, the shell dissolves. The enzyme powder comes into play.
  • Next come softeners and water purifiers.
  • When rinsing, the gel begins to act, giving shine.

In the composition – enzymes, oxygen-containing bleach, non-ionic surfactants 5%, fat splitter, softening salt, water purifier. Fragrance and chlorine free. The cost of 40 pieces is almost 1000 rubles.


  • Versatility – suitable for silver, stainless steel, glass, porcelain, painted products.
  • Fights stubborn dirt.

The only drawback is the high cost. 1 capsule – 25-30 rubles.

LV hypoallergenic

Another Finnish product. This is a hypoallergenic, universal water softener, saves the machine from scale, prevents streaks, and adds shine.

The composition does not contain phosphates, chlorine, dyes, flavors, fragrances. Contains 5-15% oxygen-based bleach, non-ionic surfactants


  • No smell, does not cause allergies.
  • Water soluble shell.
  • Completely safe and environmentally friendly – you can wash children’s dishes.
  • Ideally, to a shine, washes surfaces made of glass, porcelain, stainless steel, etc.
  • Affordable – sold in all stores.

Users do not find shortcomings in this effective and safe tool.

Finnish tablet preparations for PMM have rightfully earned the recognition of consumers. They are not only effective and convenient to use, but also safe.

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