4,3 million Europeans die of cardiovascular disease every year

Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in Europe. Every year, 4,3 million Europeans and 2 million inhabitants of the EU die because of them, it was reported at the congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which takes place in Munich.

Mostly people under the age of 65 die of cardiovascular disease. As many as every fifth of them had had diabetes for many years. Others smoked cigarettes or had a bad diet. Myocardial infarction or stroke is largely associated with an unfavorable lifestyle, specialists emphasized during the conference opening ceremony.

In the European Union, the cost of cardiovascular disease is estimated at € 192 billion per year. 57 percent of these expenses are absorbed by treatment, 22 percent. is for long-term care for patients, and 21 percent. are losses caused by a decrease in production efficiency.

“We still have to introduce new methods of treating these diseases to effectively save the health of patients, but also to restore them to full fitness” – said Prof. Michael Boehm, head of the conference’s scientific committee. The implementation of new therapies is also the main topic of this year’s deliberations.

Experts emphasized that it is still necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle. First of all, you need to convince people to get rid of the tobacco addiction. In Europe, as much as 32 percent. premature death among men aged 35-69 is related to cigarette smoking. Among women, smoking causes only 6%. premature deaths, but more and more women are addicted to it.

The ESC Congress, which this year takes place on August 25-29, is the largest annual convention of cardiologists from around the world. Up to 30 thousand people participate in it. people, including many specialists from outside Europe.

Zbigniew Wojtasiński from Munich (PAP)

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