39 weeks pregnant

The less time remains before the birth of the child, the more amniotic fluid becomes. They are updated with the usual frequency, which is 3 hours.

The weight of a woman should not increase, but the child continues to grow. By week 39, he will weigh about 3300 g, and his height can reach 50 cm or more. Weight gain is carried out mainly due to the accumulation of adipose tissue by the child.

Fetal development

At this time, the child has already grown significantly, so there is no longer enough space in the uterus to make active movements. Now he can only turn slightly, and the woman will feel slight internal shocks. With the help of such movements, he begins to train coordination of movements, gradually increasing muscle strength. The expectant mother needs to monitor the frequency of movements. Normally, the child should make itself felt at least 10-12 times. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the movements. If they are too intense, or, on the contrary, absent for a long time, then this should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible, since such changes are a sign of trouble.

A baby in the womb can react to light and darkness. He feels touches on his stomach, hears loud sounds. From the first days of life, the baby will learn to focus his eyes, so you must definitely smile at him.

The baby is completely ready to be born. His lungs, digestive organs, heart and other systems will already be able to work normally outside the womb. However, they continue to improve, and this process does not end after birth.

At this time, myelination of neurons continues, reflexes are formed, and the nervous system is improved. The most developed will be the sucking reflex. After a few feedings, a chewing reflex will also appear.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the pancreas is already active in the child, which produces the enzymes necessary for the digestion of food. At the same time, the intestines of the child are sterile and covered with small villi. The first bacteria will appear in it after the baby tries breast milk. Now the intestines contain only meconium (original feces). It can come out either after the birth of the baby, or even in the womb, before the onset of childbirth. The reason for this may be a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy. If meconium came out before the baby was born, then after the birth, obstetricians perform bronchial lavage to clear them. As before, the fetus continues to receive nutrients through the placenta, but by 39 weeks it begins to age.

The position of the baby in the uterus

By this time, the child has taken its final position. There is little space for him in the uterus, so the legs of the fetus are pressed to the stomach, and the arms are folded on the chest. This is the most suitable position for the easiest passage through the birth canal. In 95% of cases, the baby’s head is pressed against the pelvis.

Sometimes the child may be in the breech presentation. You should not panic about this, as it will be possible to give birth naturally, without harming the health of a woman or baby. If the doctor suspects any threat, then a caesarean section will be performed.

All women who have a child in a breech presentation are sent to the hospital even before the onset of childbirth. There, a control ultrasound is performed, during which the size of the child is estimated, its location is clarified and the method of delivery is determined.

What does a woman experience at 39 weeks pregnant?

At this time, a woman is most often in an agonizing expectation of when the child will be born. After all, the process of childbirth can begin at any time. It is important to maintain peace of mind and calmness: the bags for the hospital are packed, there are no health problems. However, slight nervousness, as a rule, is present in every woman. To remove it, you must definitely talk with the child, listen to his movements. After all, the baby will have to go through an equally difficult path.

It will not be possible to miss the onset of labor, since the first contractions are always expressed in the appearance of cramps in the lower abdomen. They will repeat every 10-15 minutes, and then even more often. It is not excluded the discharge of water and the appearance of bloody discharge. Some women experience increased appetite at the beginning of labor. Therefore, you need to take care of a light snack in advance.

It is worth paying attention to your blood pressure. Normally, it should be no higher than 140/90 and no lower than 90/60.

Harbingers of the onset of labor at 39 weeks of gestation

If the contractions have not yet begun, you need to carefully listen to your body. It is possible that it is already giving signals that labor will begin soon. For example, a decrease in appetite may indicate an approaching birth. You may also lose weight. Many women report a loss of 1-2 kg.

If earlier false contractions were weak and painless, then in recent weeks they can become more intense and frequent. And at their peak, hardening of the abdomen is observed. Some expectant mothers are very worried about the fact that they will not be able to distinguish between false contractions and real ones. In fact, it is difficult to confuse them. As a rule, false contractions end with a change in body position, or after a short walk around the apartment. If spasms and pains in the lumbar region disappear, then it is too early to go to the maternity hospital.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge may indicate the imminent onset of labor. Sometimes it is transparent, and sometimes it can have a pinkish or brown tint. You should not be afraid – this is part of the mucous plug that comes out. The passage of the mucous plug is a natural process. The cervix gradually softens and contracts, preparing for the birth of the baby. Sometimes you can see the cork entirely. It is represented by a lump of mucus, in which there are streaks of blood. The entire volume of the cork can fit in 2 tablespoons. If this happens, then the birth will begin very soon.

Many women before the onset of childbirth feel an unprecedented surge of energy. With a vengeance, they begin to prepare the house for the appearance of a new resident in it. This is a very pleasant process, so do not deny yourself it. However, hard work cannot be done. Let other family members take care of it.

Another sign of imminent labor is indigestion. It is possible to increase the feeling of nausea, indigestion, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea appear.

Nevertheless, until real contractions begin, you need to continue to lead a measured lifestyle, spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, and take walks. At the same time, you should not go far from home, and it is better to keep the exchange card with you.

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