37th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, changes in the body, tests

The 37th week of pregnancy is another turning point. This is because if termination occurs after this week, the pregnancy is formally termed full term and the baby is not premature!

The size of the baby at 37 weeks of pregnancy is already really impressive. It is about 3 kg baby, measuring over 46 cm! Interestingly, at the end of this week, the baby will be so large and well-developed that if it does, it will not be considered premature at all. Normal pregnancy may last from 37 to 42 weeks.

Future mothers in the 37th week of pregnancy feel the lowering of the uterus more and more acutely. Many of them even have a slight opening of the neck. Many women at this stage have so much difficulty walking that they spend most of their time lying down. This is also recommended in cases where the physician expects an early termination to occur.

37rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

At 37 weeks, the baby’s lungs are properly formed. There is a reason why it is assumed that a baby born after this week is not a premature baby anymore. In the vast majority of cases, such an infant is able to breathe independently and does not need an incubator as long as it has not developed malformations.

The vast majority of babies are set to their final position at 37 weeks of pregnancy, which determines the course of delivery. Of course, the most advantageous position is the head down position, which allows for a natural childbirth. In some cases, however, it happens that even after the 37th week of babies turn over. So if your little one is not in the best position, there is still a chance that he will change her position. However, you should bear in mind that there are several factors that contribute to this. A child is more likely to turnover if he is smaller than his peers at this age. Changing position is also favored by polyhydramnios, i.e. more than usual amount of amniotic fluid, which is not a desirable situation in itself. Finally, babies of mothers who have given birth before turn more often because their abdominal wall is a bit more stretched.

37st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

The baby is getting ready to give birth, which means that he is pushing down more and more. In addition, relaxin causes relaxation in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis. A baby in the 37th week of pregnancy can push so hard that some expectant mothers even feel pain in the pubic bone. All this means that in some women, during the weekly checkup, the doctor notices a slight dilatation of the cervix. It can even be a finger wide. This is not a cause for concern. Your doctor will individually assess your condition and decide whether you should lie down for the rest of your pregnancy.

Perhaps you will even accept it with relief, because the ailments of the third trimester are slowly reaching their zenith. You have gained around 13-14 kg, and the weight is also disproportionately distributed in your body, which causes difficulty walking and back pain.

Remember that resting on your back can make it even worse, as the weight presses the lumbar spine against the mattress, causing it to straighten unnaturally. The healthiest position for expectant mothers at 37 weeks of pregnancy is on the side. In addition, it is better to choose the left side, which may slightly relieve heartburn and provide better blood to the placenta. Remember not to cross your legs while lying down – your circulation should be as free as possible. You can put a special croissant-shaped pillow for pregnant women between them. If you don’t have one, use a regular pillow.

As many as four-fifths of pregnant women experience swelling at 37 weeks of gestation. Unfortunately, it does not only cause discomfort. The swelling can be so severe that by pinching the nerves, it causes sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome. When you feel a sharp pain around these nerves, try changing your position a bit. Sometimes the movement makes the pressure a little less. Don’t worry, the swelling will go away after pregnancy, although it won’t happen automatically. In some cases, within a few days immediately after giving birth, it may even worsen, but later it subsides.

Your body also feels that labor is fast approaching, which is why Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming more frequent and longer at 37 weeks of pregnancy. They can also be uncomfortable. If you are afraid you will mistake them for labor contractions, talk to your midwife about it. He will give you detailed information on how to recognize that your labor has started. Most of all, the contractions will become painful. Severe pain may also appear in the lower spine. In addition, the obvious symptom of the commencing labor is loss of water or heavy bleeding. Some women also feel sick or even vomit.

Especially important in the 37st week of pregnancy

Week 37 is a good time to agree on all the details of the birth. If you have not yet discussed this with your partner, decide if you want a family birth in which he can also participate. Many women feel safer in the company of their partner, but others openly say that they do not want him to see them in such a “physiological” situation for fear that it will change their relationship after giving birth. The cure for solving this problem is honesty. Remember that just because you might want your partner to be involved in labor, it doesn’t mean he or she feels the same. His fears may be as great as yours.

Tests in the 37st week of pregnancy

Between 33 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, you have a series of tests to be performed. Of course, basic laboratory tests, such as morphology and urinalysis, should be performed. Your doctor will also order a syphilis test. Examine the breasts and assess the pH of vaginal discharge. During the visit, standard weight and blood pressure measurements will also be performed.

An interesting fact about the 37nd week of pregnancy

There is not much left for the child to do at this stage. What, then, changes at 37 weeks of his pregnancy? An organ that undergoes constant modifications throughout life – the brain. At the moment, new connections are formed in it, which the baby will use intensively after birth. This is how information about, for example, the sound of a mother’s voice is encoded. As soon as the newborn is born, it will recognize it correctly, making it feel safe.

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