37 weeks pregnant: pulls the lower abdomen, as with menstruation, lower back hurts, owl

By the 37th week, the baby is already in full swing preparing to be born. He can already breathe, suck milk, digest food. Be patient, heed the advice of your gynecologist and wait a little longer. Soon you will meet your child for the first time!

Have you come to the very end of the perinatal period and have begun to feel some discomfort in the abdominal area? Often, it is considered normal when the lower abdomen is pulled at the 37th week of pregnancy. However, in order to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.

Abdominal condition in the 37th week of pregnancy

At the 36th or 37th week of pregnancy, a woman’s belly sinks. If this does not happen, do not be alarmed, sometimes the stomach does not drop until the very birth. After lowering your belly, expect to give birth within 1 to 2 weeks. These weeks will be quite comfortable, because it is easier to breathe with a lowered stomach.

37 weeks pregnant: pulls the lower abdomen, as with menstruation, lower back hurts, owl
On the eve of childbirth in the 37th week of pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen

However, instead of shortness of breath, another discomfort will come – pain in the lower abdomen. They are similar to the sensations before menstruation. Pulling pains, they should not be sharp. Only tolerable painful sensations should not arouse suspicion. Such pains are a sign that labor is about to begin.

What does it mean if I have dull back pain and slight stomach cramping at 38 weeks?

Gynecologist’s advice for pain in the 37th week of pregnancy

In addition to the fact that at the 37th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, the pregnant woman also feels other painful symptoms:

  • aching lower back pain;
  • pain in the sacrum and legs due to greatly increased weight;
  • pain in the pelvic area and pubic bone, as the baby presses on this area.

These pains, though unpleasant, are bearable. Reassure yourself that they will not last long. To relieve your condition, get more rest, lie down periodically and put a pillow under your feet. Use a prenatal brace. Be sure to consult a gynecologist at this stage of pregnancy once a week.

At 37 weeks, periodically painless “training” contractions may still occur.

A couple of days before giving birth, a pregnant woman may begin to suffer from diarrhea, weight may decrease by 1-2 kg and her appetite may disappear. Some women, already 3-4 days before giving birth, literally cannot bring themselves to eat at least something. But the energy in the last weeks before childbirth is rife. The pregnant woman gets a second wind.

Do not be intimidated by the release of the mucous plug at the 37th week. It is a thick, viscous mucus. It can be transparent, pinkish, brownish or bloody blotches. The mucus plug closes the cervix, and some time before childbirth leaves as unnecessary. But the outpouring of water is a reason to immediately go to the hospital, even if the contractions have not yet begun.

Abdominal pain, lower back – all these are normal phenomena for late pregnancy. However, if something bothers you, consult your gynecologist.

Do not neglect going to the hospital, even if you notice the slightest deviation from the normal state.


When a woman in labor approaches the third trimester, bearing becomes as difficult as possible. The child is very large, heavy, there is a prolapse of the abdomen, a load on the motor system, the spine. Reasons for the manifestation of pain:

  1. Training bouts . They are not characterized by a periodic nature, they cause unpleasant discomfort.
  2. premature birth . Strong cramping manifestations in the lower region, pelvic bones.
  3. Great burden on the mother’s body . At this time, the baby is large enough, and therefore it puts a heaviness on the back of the woman, presses on the stomach, intestines, and diarrhea may begin.
  4. The occurrence of diseases associated with various causes. Renal failure, appendicitis may occur, which is determined strictly by the doctor.

When the lower abdomen and lower back are pulled at the 37th week of pregnancy, this is not considered a dangerous symptom, however, to find out the exact cause, you need to visit a doctor. If this is a sign of the onset of labor, and the cervix is ​​not open, not ready for the start of this process, then the situation may pose some threat.

Pulling the lower abdomen at 37 weeks pregnant

It can be concluded that when at the 37th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls like during menstruation, this most likely indicates false, training contractions. This symptom is not dangerous for the health of the baby and mother, but a visit to the doctor is a must!

Pain Management Methods

You will not be able to completely remove unpleasant sensations, if this is not a sign of the development of pathologies, diseases. Normal, biological processes are taking place in your body, the symptoms of which are expressed in the discomfort of the abdominal region and spine.

However, there are methods that will help alleviate your condition:

  1. Reduce physical activity , do not lift heavy things.
  2. Try to walk more often in the fresh air to enrich the blood with oxygen.
  3. A warm shower will help relieve spasms , but by no means hot and not completely cold.
  4. Proper nutrition , which will not irritate the body. Take more vitamins, calcium, which will strengthen the bones.
  5. Relaxing teas based on lemon balm, mint, chamomile.
  6. Carry supportive luggage . It will reduce stress on your back.
  7. In rare cases, it is necessary to take medications . They are prescribed only by a doctor with the development of diseases, pathologies.


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