37 weeks pregnant

The 37th week of pregnancy is the period at which the fetus is preparing for the birth. At this time, the child will be able to breathe on his own and carry out sucking movements to obtain milk from the female breast. His digestive tract organs are already ready to digest the first food, and the first black-green feces have formed in the intestines. It’s called meconium. The skin of the fetus thickens, a fatty layer accumulates under it, which makes it possible to make heat transfer processes more perfect.

At the same time, the mother’s body no less actively continues to prepare for childbirth. If this process begins exactly at 37 weeks, then the pregnancy will be considered full-term and normal, no resuscitation will be required.

How many months is this?

As a rule, most pregnant women believe that they will carry a child for 9 months. However, this is not a completely correct belief. Doctors count a little differently. If we consider a standard pregnancy, without any deviations, then it will last 280 days.

There is such a thing as an obstetric month. So it is equal to 28 days, that is, it has exactly 4 weeks of 7 days. Therefore, week 37 is the first week in the ninth obstetric month and the onset of labor at this time is quite normal.

Stirring, weight and size of the fetus

At this time, global processes take place in the child’s body:

  • The adrenal glands increase in size. They become larger than the kidneys. It is necessary for the production of the hormone. It will reduce the effects of stress that the baby will experience during birth.

  • The liver accumulates iron, which is necessary for the normal supply of blood cells to the baby in the first year of life.

  • The mucous membranes lining the stomach and intestines of the child are completely covered with villous epithelium, so that the child can take and digest food. The intestines begin to contract more actively.

  • The neurons of the child are covered with a protective sheath, which is necessary for normal coordination of movements in the future. This is not a quick process that will last until the very birth and even throughout the first year of the baby’s life.

  • The cartilage in the nose and in the auricles becomes harder. In this case, the bones of the child’s skull remain soft. This is necessary for easier passage of the baby through the birth canal. Two fontanelles are not at all tightened with bone tissue.

  • The baby at this time has already clearly formed facial features, they are clearly distinguishable. Individual patterns on the fingers (fingerprints) also appeared.

  • The skin becomes lighter, lanugo disappears. But the eyes and hair have not yet acquired a permanent color.

  • The baby’s lungs are developing rapidly. This process is facilitated by the hormone cortisone, which is produced in increased quantities by the mother’s body. While the lungs are “off”, then immediately after the birth of the crumbs, blood will begin to flow to them. The surfactant is enough for the child to breathe normally.

  • The immune and endocrine systems and sense organs continue to form.

The weight of the child at 37 weeks is 2,8-2,9 kg and it continues to increase every day. The growth of the fetus at this time can reach up to 49 cm, and the circumference of the head and abdomen are equal. Every day there is less and less space left in the uterus, so the woman clearly feels even the slightest movements of the child. This is not surprising, because every week only in growth, the child adds 1 cm.

At 37 weeks of intrauterine life, the baby should take its permanent position. In 95% of cases, the baby lies head down, although other options are not excluded.

Sometimes the movements of the baby can give a woman uncomfortable and even painful sensations, because he has grown noticeably and can push with more force. The expectant mother needs to listen to the movements of the child. It should move at least 10 times in 12 hours, that is, almost every hour. If the child moves much more often or, on the contrary, there are no movements for several hours, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Harbingers of childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation

At the 37th week of pregnancy, childbirth can begin. First of all, this applies to women who give birth not for the first time. Be that as it may, you need to be prepared for the fact that childbirth can begin at any time.

It is important that relatives know how to behave if a woman goes into labor. You should also take care of the bags that you need to take with you to the hospital in advance. You should not go far from home, and you should always keep your exchange card and mobile phone at hand.

The following signs may indicate an approaching birth:

  • Dropping of the abdomen. The abdomen may drop lower, resulting in less pressure on the chest and making it easier to breathe. However, not every woman’s stomach drops, and this symptom may never appear.

The lower the fetus is located, the stronger the painful shootings in the perineum and lower limbs will be. The skin on the abdomen is more stretched, resulting in slight itching. To get rid of this problem, you should use a moisturizer.

Some women have a slight eversion of the navel. As a result, a dark line may appear in the center of the abdomen. There is nothing wrong with this, since after childbirth this line will disappear.

Naturally, the pressure on the intestines and on the bladder increases, which means that trips to the toilet become more frequent. The closer the moment of birth, the quieter the child begins to behave.

  • Mucus plug exit. The passage of the mucous plug that closes the cervix is ​​another harbinger of childbirth. She can come out both a few days before the onset of labor, and a few weeks before them. Again, cork exit is an optional process. The mucous plug is represented by thick viscous secretions. It turns out, as a rule, not the whole cork, but part of it. The discharge can be clear, pink, brown, and even streaked with blood.

  • Energy uplift. Before the onset of childbirth, women often feel a surge of strength and energy. Their mood rises, there is a desire and strength to do various things, as if a “second wind” opens up.

  • Discharge of water. The waters can break both during contractions and before they begin. Be that as it may, if a woman sees liquid discharge flowing down her legs, she must either go to the hospital on her own or call an ambulance. Moreover, you should not wait for contractions, since the discharge of water always indicates the onset of labor.

  • Weight loss, loss of appetite. During pregnancy, a woman’s appetite increases, but a few days before childbirth, on the contrary, it may decrease. Sometimes 3-4 days before the birth of a child, women completely refuse to eat, as the desire to eat completely disappears. At the same time, a decrease in body weight by 1-2 kg is possible.

  • Diarrhea. Sometimes the day before delivery, the stool can become liquid. Therefore, when diarrhea occurs against the background of complete health, it is quite natural that a woman will end up in a maternity hospital after a couple of days.

  • Drops of colostrum on clothes. Many women begin to notice small stains on their bra or jacket. If you bring them closer to your face, you can feel the milky smell. These are the first drops of colostrum, which also indicate the imminent birth of a child.

  • Pain in the abdomen, lumbar pain of a pulling nature, contractions. The fact that childbirth will soon begin will be indicated by pulling pains localized in the lower abdomen. They also capture the lower back and can resemble the pain that a woman experiences before the start of her next period.

However, the most obvious sign of imminent labor is contractions. This is not about training uterine contractions, not about Braxton-Higgs contractions that occur without pain, but about real contractions. Therefore, if a woman experiences such sensations, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital.

Braxton Hicks contractions are called false because they do not signal the onset of labor. They can be removed by taking a cold shower, or simply by changing the position of the body. Real contractions are characterized by severe pain, and the rest interval between them is constantly decreasing.

What complications can be at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby’s bones and nails continue to grow, which requires calcium. It is also necessary for the most pregnant woman to prevent the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Equally important is the regular intake of vitamin D in the body, which will prevent the development of rickets in a child.

In addition, a woman should monitor her weight. Rapid gain is dangerous. So, if the fetus is large, then this increases the risk of injury to the child during passage through the birth canal. This threatens a woman with numerous breaks.

The main danger in late pregnancy remains eclampsia. It is the number one cause of death among pregnant women worldwide. This also applies to developed countries. Eclampsia does not occur instantly, it is always preceded by preeclampsia. It is important not to ignore the first signs of impending toxicosis.

If the child is in a breech presentation, then at this time it will no longer be possible to change his body position. In this case, the woman is hospitalized before the onset of childbirth, after which the issue of performing a caesarean section will be decided.

What is possible and what is not?

It is very important that a woman does not experience serious physical exertion at the 37th week of pregnancy. If a feeling of fatigue is piling up, it is necessary to postpone all affairs and rest. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from loved ones.

  • Food. It is important not to overeat, so portions should be small, and the number of approaches to the table per day should not exceed seven times. If the appetite disappears, then you need to switch to light, but nutritious meals. You should not include in the menu products that can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. For example, it is citrus fruits or chocolate. Smoked, salty and spicy dishes should be removed from the menu. In this case, a woman needs to drink enough liquids. Mineral non-carbonated water, compote, tea, fruit drink are suitable as drinks. It is best to refuse store-bought juices, as their sugar content is very high.

  • Vitamins. From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman should receive vitamins. You should not refuse them at a later date and even after childbirth. However, the doctor should choose the optimal drug.

  • Sex. Doctors say that in the normal course of pregnancy, intimate life can be preserved until the very birth. Studies have been conducted that have established that there is a substance in semen that prepares the cervix for disclosure. However, after the release of the mucous plug, intimate life should be abandoned, as the risk of infection to the fetus increases.

  • Sports. At the 37th week of pregnancy, loads should be abandoned, although, under the supervision of an instructor, you can do light exercises to maintain muscle tone. You also need to take walks in the fresh air, but at a slow pace. You are allowed to do breathing exercises.

  • Taking medications, undergoing procedures. Without the permission of the doctor, you can not take any drugs and carry out any medical procedures. Any therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

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