36th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, ailments, tests

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Are you excited to be picking up your baby soon? You are 36 weeks pregnant and very little time remains to be delivered. This last moment of the third trimester, however, can be mercilessly prolonged due to physical ailments.

Women in their 36th week of pregnancy usually notice some changes in the position of the abdomen. They cause the center of gravity of the body to change again, which makes it more difficult to walk normally. This is one of the reasons why pregnant women are often compared to… ducks. This is absolutely nothing to worry about. Though your hips will remain a little wider after pregnancy, you will be gracefully moving for a long time.

36rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the toddler looks like a tiny newborn. He is plump and rounded, but of course some fat will still be useful to him. She even has nice bulging cheeks! The child’s weight at 36 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 2,5 kg and measures approximately 45 cm. In slimmer women, this weight may be slightly less. The baby sleeps a lot, but on breaks opens his eyes and reacts perfectly to light. He is also trying to move in tighter and tighter spaces, which you should be able to sense.

What else is your baby doing when he is awake? Same thing as newborns, actually. He sucks his thumbs, makes breathing movements, and swallows fluids. The drinking rate of amniotic fluid is so fast that the toddler expels about 600 ml of fluid a day! That’s over a quarter of its weight! After giving birth, he will also pee a lot due to the fact that his food will be in liquid form.

Wondering if your baby will have thick, dark hair or a pale fur? It depends largely on the color of the parents’ hair. If you both have dark hair, your toddler has dark hair already at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Children of people with brown or blonde hair have rather pale manes that may darken over time. The toddler also has nice eyelashes and eyebrows, while most children at this stage no longer have a characteristic fluff on the body, i.e. fluff.

Another curiosity about your baby’s development may be the fact that by the 36th week of pregnancy, his nails are long enough to reach fingertips. They will continue to grow – most newborns are born with well-grown nails. Cutting them off will be one of the first care steps you will need to perform. You can safely entrust this task to your future dad.

At this stage, the child has excellent hearing. In the 36th week of pregnancy, of course, she most associates sounds coming from your body, such as your heartbeat, but she can correctly recognize your voice and the voices of people with whom you often interact. What’s more, the toddler also reacts to sounds that surprise him, such as noise. Interestingly, it turns out that if a pregnant woman has a barking dog at home, the children are not afraid of the sound after giving birth. Babies who have not had contact with barking in utero are more afraid of it and react to it by crying.

Although the lungs are already well developed, their insides are still being coated surfactant. This substance reduces the surface tension so that the alveoli do not stick together. However, some babies born at 36 weeks of gestation have lungs well developed enough that they do not need any external help to breathe. Generally, labor at 36 weeks of gestation is still considered premature, only after the completion of 37 weeks it is possible to speak of a full-term delivery.

Read what you should remember when completing the layette for the hospital: Layette for the newborn

36 weeks pregnant baby moves

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, you should be noticing about ten movements per hour. They can be painful for you at this stage of pregnancy. The intense movements that you feel in the 36th week of pregnancy are due to the reduced amount of amniotic fluid (this week it may decrease by up to a half).


If you do not feel the baby’s movements for a long time during the day, do not hesitate, do not wait, do not search for information on the Internet and social networks, but report to the attending physician or the nearest gynecological emergency room!

36st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

Probably at 36 weeks of pregnancy the pelvis will lower a little. Not only will this make it easier for you to breathe, it will also affect the appearance of your figure. The whole belly will “fall” down a bit, so it will not look like a round ball, but rather like a teardrop. These changes are the result of your body and baby getting ready for a solution.

Lowering the uterus can also bring some relief to your weary stomachthat won’t be pressed that tight. Still, you can’t count on being able to eat a large meal without heartburn. In the 36th week of pregnancy, do not forget to avoid hot spices and dishes with a soulful of fat – they only aggravate heartburn. Also drink plenty of water. When resting on your side, always choose the left side to minimize the risk of stomach acid flowing back into your esophagus.

In the 36th week of pregnancy, when the uterus and the baby put more pressure on the lower body, the haemorrhoidal disease may exacerbate. Common symptoms of hemorrhoids include burning, itching and even itching pain around the anus. Also, blood showing on toilet paper is not unusual for hemorrhoids. Remember that pregnant women can use ointments and suppositories to alleviate discomfort. Consult your physician on this and find out which pharmaceutical is best for you. If you have this problem, you should also put the means for hemorrhoids in the bag that you are going to take to the hospital.

Read about how your diet affects your baby’s development: Eating a healthy diet in pregnancy

36 weeks of pregnancy – oral cavity

During the 36th week of pregnancy, your gums may be especially irritating. They are bloated due to changes in the circulatory system – the capillaries become brittle and there is frequent light bleeding. Meanwhile, oral hygiene is essential in pregnancy. While you may not think it is related, oral infections can even lead to premature birth. Despite the pain and discomfort, you should brush your teeth regularly, but using a soft toothbrush. Also use rinsing liquids.

36 weeks of pregnancy – urinary incontinence

In the 36th week of pregnancy, as a result of the child’s strong pressure on the bladder, it reduces its volume. As a result, the pregnant woman feels that she needs to go to the toilet at times, both during the day and at night. Even so, still remember about hydration of the body. Do not reduce the amount of water you drink during the day.

You can read more about urinary incontinence: Urinary incontinence

36 weeks of pregnancy – vaginal discharge

As your pregnancy progresses, you may develop more white, thick mucus. It is produced as a consequence of the action of estrogens and the increase in blood flow in the vaginal area. The mucus is there to protect the vagina from microbes and infections and maintaining the bacterial balance in the vagina. If this mucus bothers you, you can use a panty liner. However, remember to change them often and under no circumstances use tampons.

Also, if this mucus smells bad, you feel it burning and redness sensation, consult your healthcare professional as soon as possible as it may be an infection. Untreated infections can lead to premature birth.

See also: Vaginal mycosis

36 weeks of pregnancy – nose bleeding

In the 36th week of pregnancy, it may appear epistaxis. This is because the blood vessels in the nose are swollen, widen and weak. Weakened capillaries are definitely more prone to breaking. If bleeding occurs, apply a cold compress to the nape and forehead, and bend forward and press against the petals of the nose.

36 weeks pregnant and sex

This week of pregnancy you already have a large belly. You get tired, sleepy and swollen. No wonder that during this period you may not feel like having intercourse with your partner. Don’t force yourself to do anything. Remember, however, that this is the last moment when you are alone with your partner. If your well-being allows you and you feel good, you can allow yourself a moment of passion. This will allow you to relieve the stress and tension associated with giving birth and welcoming your baby to the world.

Tests in the 36st week of pregnancy

At the moment, you visit the doctor every week. During the examination, the doctor will assess the length of the cervix and the position of the fetus. You will also be referred for the last pregnancy ultrasound examination, which should be done at 36 weeks. During this examination, the doctor will determine the weight of the fetus. It is calculated thanks to special formulas on the basis of four dimensions: the bi-invasive dimension, the circumference of the head, the circumference of the belly and the length of the femur. Estimating the weight of the fetus makes it possible to determine whether natural delivery will be possible. If your baby turns out to be relatively large, your doctor may refer you to an earlier induction of labor or to a caesarean section.

During the ultrasound examination, the doctor also assesses the amount of amniotic fluid and the degree of placenta maturity. If the doctor determines that the placenta is aging, it will be an indication for an early termination of pregnancy.

In this week of pregnancy, you can also perform a general urine test (it should be performed before each control visit), thanks to which it is possible to determine the protein in the urine, which is dangerous for both the mother and the baby, and allows to detect, among others, urinary tract infections, diabetes and preeclampsia. A vaginal culture should also be performed this week of pregnancy to indicate possible bacterial infection. If the culture shows them, appropriate antibiotic therapy will be required.

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