35th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, changes in the body, tests

After the tremendous effort that your baby’s tiny body puts into development, at 35 weeks of pregnancy, your little one “rests” a bit. Now all he has to do is calmly wait for him to come into the world.

The sizes of babies in the 35th week of pregnancy are very different from each other. Some of them are 45 cm long, others as much as 50 cm. As long as the child is healthy, little attention should be paid to it. It happens that tall people were extremely small newborns and vice versa. So everything about this can change as your baby continues to develop. The toddler now weighs about 2500g. It is also worth knowing that its growth rate is now slightly slower.

At 35 weeks gestation, the fear of childbirth usually adds to other factors that keep you from sleeping well. The anxiety is obviously greater in women who have never given birth. Remember that you will never feel that the time is right for giving birth and you just need to relax as much as possible.

35rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

A baby in the 35th week of pregnancy has more and more body fat, which gives him a nice, plump appearance. It also includes brown fat. This tissue is specialized for a very specific purpose – it is not an energy store, but a kind of “stove”, because it is directly transformed into heat.

The baby’s immune system is still improving. Although at 35 weeks he has not yet had contact with pathogens, he already has antibodies in his body. This is possible thanks to their transfer from the mother’s body through the umbilical cord. The newborn will receive the next dose of antibodies after delivery, along with a meal, i.e. mother’s milk.

The baby also gets its iron resources from the mother’s body. He will especially need it in the first months of pregnancy, when he will not receive it in adequate amounts with food. Meanwhile, iron levels in women in the 35th week of pregnancy are dangerously shaken. If you suspect you may be suffering from anemia, please report it to your doctor immediately. He may then recommend supplementation with iron preparations.

A baby in the 35th week of pregnancy constantly swallows amniotic fluid, and then pee. In this way, his kidneys prepare for the work that they will have to undertake with increased force when the baby begins to eat and metabolize more intensively after delivery. Interestingly, a toddler can not only pee. It happens that small amounts of meconium are released from the intestines in the womb, which has been accumulating in the baby’s digestive system for weeks. Your toddler will get rid of meconium completely in the first XNUMX hours after delivery.

35st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

It’s quite funny, but by 35 weeks of pregnancy, the distance between the womb and the bottom of the uterus should be about 35 cm. The pressure on the diaphragm is difficult to bear at the moment. The pressure on the ribs also makes them tender, which makes breathing a real challenge. Soon, when you move your baby down, the bottom of the uterus will lower a little and you will feel relieved. However, do not rejoice prematurely, as it means that the pressure will increase under the uterus, which can even cause pain.

Unpleasant sensations in the pelvic area are also caused by the action of the hormone relaxin. It’s the same substance that makes your feet a little wider. It loosens the ligaments and the symphysis, and the pelvic bones can slide apart a little. This is a beneficial effect, as it facilitates childbirth, but on the other hand, it causes the “duck gait” characteristic of the 35th week of pregnancy.

Changes in a woman’s body naturally promote urinary incontinence. After giving birth, you may completely deal with this unpleasant ailment, but to increase your chances of it, exercise your Kegel muscles already in the 35th week of pregnancy. You must do it with an empty bladder. The principle is simple – you should tense your muscles as if you were trying to hold back urine. After a few seconds of tension, you should take a break for a few seconds. You can repeat such exercises several times a day, for example in series of 10.

In the 35th week of pregnancy, the mucous membranes are still working with increased intensity. This is why the vaginal discharge is much greater than usual. They also provide additional protection against infections. To feel comfortable, use panty liners. You are probably also suffering from an increased runny nose. Try gentle herbal inhalations and air humidification. If you do not have a humidifier, it is enough to put a container with water on the radiator or hang a wet towel on it.

It is completely natural at the 35th week of pregnancy to leak colostrum from the nipples. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and antibodies. Antibodies are needed to boost a baby’s immune system, but not all of them will find their way into the baby’s body. The vast majority will remain in the gut to form a barrier that stops pathogens.

Especially important in the 35st week of pregnancy

If you are concerned about an incision, or worse, a crack in your perineum, there are steps you can take to make your perineum more flexible at 35 weeks of pregnancy. To do this, massage gently by pressing the space between the anus and the vaginal opening. To make the task easier, use oil or greasy cream.

Tests in the 35st week of pregnancy

During a routine visit, your doctor will measure your blood pressure and check how much you are brewing. It will also assess the position of the pelvic floor and measure the fetal heart rate.

An interesting fact about the 35nd week of pregnancy

At 35 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is still covered in fluid, but it may be much less. It partially dissolves in the amniotic fluid.

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