35 weeks pregnant

The 35th week of pregnancy is the period when 8,5 obstetric months are already behind. Each of them has exactly 4 weeks or 28 days. According to such calculations, a woman should give birth to a child after 10 obstetric months, that is, before the onset of childbirth, she has about 4-6 more weeks. During this time, the child must finally prepare for the birth, although many children born at 35 weeks can already breathe on their own.

What happens to the baby at 35 weeks pregnant?

By this time, the baby’s body is already quite well developed and functions as a whole. Thanks to the hormones produced by the adrenal glands, the water-salt and mineral balance is observed and maintained.

At 35 weeks, the baby continues to actively gain weight. Muscle mass increases, reserves of subcutaneous fat are replenished. In a week, a child can gain about 220 g in weight, the total body weight is on average 2,5 kg, and the height reaches 47 cm.

The facial features of the child acquire individuality, a skin pattern is formed. The color of the baby’s eyes now remains gray-blue, but very soon they will acquire the final color. The skin is gradually smoothed, wrinkles and primordial fluff disappear. Although in some places lanugo can linger, and then the baby is born slightly shaggy. Skin color is already closer to pink than to red.

The child’s shoulders are visibly rounded. Very soon it will sink lower and get as close as possible to the pelvic floor.

At 35 weeks, the baby takes the position in which he is ready to be born. In 95% of cases, the fetus lies head down. This is a physiological position that allows the child to pass through the birth canal as easily as possible. Although sometimes the baby lies down incorrectly. In this case, they speak of a breech or transverse presentation.

The child continues to grow nails and hair. Sometimes the nails reach an impressive length, protrude beyond the phalanges of the fingers, and the baby can scratch himself with them.

In boys, by this time the testicles should normally descend into the scrotum. If this does not happen, then after birth, surgery will be required.

At the 35th week, the urinary and nervous system continues to improve, the original feces – meconium – began to accumulate in the intestines.

The bones of the skull have not yet fused, which will allow the child to more easily pass through the birth canal.

In the mother’s stomach, there is less and less space left for active movements, therefore, the baby can no longer roll over as freely as before.

The child begins to give an active reaction to sharp sounds, to changes in lighting: he closes his eyes, covers them with his hands, and can make quick movements with his limbs.

At the same time, the child’s day regimen is becoming established, but after childbirth it is often corrected.

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