34th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, changes in the body, tests and indications

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The 34th week of pregnancy is already the middle of the 8th month. If your baby is developing normally, you should welcome week 34 with great relief. All organs are so developed that a child born in 34 weeks of pregnancy has almost the same chances of survival as a child born at the due date.

34th week of pregnancy – the most important information

The baby is slowly approaching the dimensions it will have at birth. At 34 weeks of pregnancy, it measures 44 to 50 cm. Its weight is also impressive, because it is over 2 kg (usually 2100-2300 g). The toddler will gain about one more kilogram by the time of birth. Below you will find a table with the biometric dimensions of the fetus:

Dimension (mm) Average 5 centyl 95 centyl
CRL (embryo size) 440 407 473
BPD (two-note dimension, i.e. the width of the head) 86 76 96
OFD (occipital-frontal dimension) 108 99 117
HC (head circumference) 312 293 331
AC (belly circumference) 289 261 317
FL (femur length) 65 60 70
Time (g) 2380 1857 2903

A woman in the 34th week of pregnancy needs a lot of rest. Especially since physical fatigue adds to the stress of impending labor. If you are simply concerned about pain, discuss with your doctor about the options for anesthesia and how to give birth. Some women find that when giving birth in a crouching position, the pain is less.

What should you know about stomach pain in pregnancy? Check it out: Abdominal pain in pregnancy

34rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

The most important piece of information about the 34th week of pregnancy is that most babies at this stage already have very well-formed lungs. The organs are so efficient that even if the newborn initially needs help with breathing, the risk of future lung problems is relatively small. The lungs are the organs that needed the most time to develop – other systems have been shaped for some time and only specialize and grow. Even the digestive system already secretes digestive juices that allow the breakdown of breast milk. This means that in the event of childbirth, there is a chance that you could breastfeed your baby yourself.

Your baby is usually ready for birth when you are 34 weeks pregnant. And it’s not just about the degree of its development. The toddler is literally ready because he is already head down. Sometimes, however, the children are still in a different position at this point. This is not a cause for concern yet, there is enough time left for a possible rotation before delivery.

You must have wondered how it is possible for a baby’s head to fit into the birth canal at all. This is due to the fact that the bones of the skull are not fused together and can move around. For this reason, the baby’s head is very sensitive immediately after delivery, and caring for a baby requires special attention.

About the 34th week, boys should have the testicles descended into the scrotum, but in a few percent it doesn’t happen. In some cases, the testicles do not even descend until delivery. We are then talking about cryptor. The testes can then be located in the inguinal canal or even in the abdominal cavity. It is much more common for cryptorchidism to affect only one testicle. If the testicles do not descend spontaneously after birth, or pharmacological treatment fails, surgery is performed. On the other hand, girls develop ovaries at 34 weeks of pregnancy.

In the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby practices excretory functions. By swallowing the amniotic fluid, the little one prepares his urinary system to function properly outside of the mum’s abdomen.

In these last days of pregnancy, the child’s fat tissue increases, thanks to which the child becomes rounded and its skin is smoothed. The fluff disappears from the baby’s face and the skin turns pink.

If you are pregnant with multiple births, you should be careful. Usually they are, for obvious reasons, shorter than a normal pregnancy – babies are just tightly pressed into the uterus. If you feel any stronger contractions, go to the hospital immediately.

How does the fetus develop in the trimesters of pregnancy? Read: Fetal development stages – XNUMXst, XNUMXnd and XNUMXrd trimesters of pregnancy

34st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

Although there are women who feel very well right up to the birth, the end of pregnancy is very difficult for most expectant mothers. It is the result of overlapping insomnia, physical exhaustion, pain, and digestive problems. However, remember that at least some symptoms can be slightly alleviated.

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, your eyes can be extremely bothersome. Vision problems appear primarily in women who had sight defects before childbirth or were plagued by conjunctivitis. Vision problems are caused by pressure changes that also affect the eyeball. In addition, hormones buzzing in the body can cause dry eyes, which not only causes discomfort in itself, but also promotes infections.

Edema may become more and more bothersome. In the 34th week of pregnancy, the mother’s body stores a very large amount of water, which is reflected in weight measurement. Nevertheless, you should drink regularly, because dehydration can be dangerous for the baby and the mother-to-be. A cool shower can bring relief from swelling. You should constantly remember to rest with your legs slightly raised, because it is the lower limbs that suffer the most from the swelling.

In addition, during this period, the uterus prepares for labor, which is manifested by a painless Braxton-Hicks contraction. As a child grows all the time, it presses against the birth canal, so the closer to delivery, the more the contractions become. The ailments of this period are similar to those that women know from the days of menstruation.

Learn about ways to treat stretch marks in pregnancy: Stretch marks in pregnancy – can you get rid of them?

34th week of pregnancy – what is worth paying attention to?

The 34th week of pregnancy is the time to prepare yourself and your relatives for the birth of a new family member. It is worth making good use of this period to be able to enjoy the first days of your baby as much as possible. Many mothers-to-be, in the 34th week of pregnancy, take part in trainings on the care of newborns, breastfeeding and also providing first aid to babies. In the last weeks before childbirth, it is worth paying attention to:

  1. learning about how to recognize the signs of labor. The expectant mother should be well prepared until the moment of birth, so as not to panic later. Therefore, it is worth reading about the first symptoms of childbirth, its course or exercises helpful in childbirth. You should consult your midwife or doctor if you have any doubts;
  2. Learn about the different forms of pain prevention in labor – many moms are most concerned about pain in labor. An epidural is now available. In addition, the doctor may offer the patient an injection of diastolic drugs. That should definitely help;
  3. stress during pregnancy – stress has a very negative impact on the health of mother and baby. Of course, stress is understandable, as the upcoming delivery usually causes anxiety in expectant mothers. To reduce stress, it is worth enrolling in yoga, massage or relaxing exercises;
  4. hemorrhoids – unfortunately, this problem affects many pregnant women and appears in the third trimester. The hemorrhoids widen as a result of the pressure exerted by the growing uterus. This, in turn, makes it much more difficult for blood to drain out of the veins in the lower body parts. This contributes to an increase in pressure around the anus. To prevent or at least alleviate hemorrhoids, you should enrich your diet with fiber-rich foods. In addition, you should not forget to drink at least 3 liters a day. If this does not help, it is worth asking your doctor or pharmacist for advice, who may recommend the use of over-the-counter suppositories.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Check it out: Pregnancy symptoms – fertilization, how to recognize them and when do they appear?

How to take care of yourself in the 34th week of pregnancy?

As at any other stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother should take care of her health and body in the 34th week of pregnancy. To take care of your health and comfort, you should take care of a few simple issues:

  1. stretch marks in pregnancy – in the 34th week of pregnancy, collagen fibers are torn, which may cause further stretch marks to appear on the abdomen. Throughout your pregnancy, you should take care of your skin and do not stop using specialized creams. As long as your stretch marks resemble pink-purple stripes, massaging your body can help reduce future scars;
  2. care for feet – increasing body weight associated not only with the growing baby in the abdomen, but also fluid retention in the body causes swelling and the feet are heavily burdened. In this situation, gentle massages can help. It is also worth resting with your legs slightly raised.
  3. relaxation and rest – during this period it is worth taking the time to relax. Each woman is relaxed by something else, it can be lying down and reading a book, listening to music or a refreshing bath.

Check what exercises you can do during pregnancy: Exercise during pregnancy

Especially important in the 34st week of pregnancy

Already in the 34th week of pregnancy, it is worth completing the contents of the bag that you will take with you to the hospital during childbirth. Supplementing it early will make you feel safer and nothing will surprise you. There are a lot of things in a maternity bag.

Documents are the most important. You will need: ID card, pregnancy card, data on the blood group and Rh factor (if there is a risk of serological conflict, the result of anti-Rh antibodies), the last results of the control tests (urine, blood count, ultrasound), the result of the test for viral inflammation liver test result for syphilis.

The bag should also contain still mineral water and rusks, which you can eat only after giving birth.

Hygiene items are especially important. Take with you paper towels and standard but dark towels (you can stain them). Sanitary pads and nursing pads will also be useful. Remember to take cleaning agents and cosmetics (from regular toothpaste to intimate hygiene fluid for pregnant women).

You also need to take the usual things that are taken to the hospital stay: a nightgown, bathrobe, cotton underwear and slippers. You can also get disposable underwear, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

More information on what to bring to the hospital before the birth can be found here: Hospital bag – what to pack before the birth?

Tests in the 34st week of pregnancy

Breast examinations are recommended at least twice during pregnancy. The first is between 9 and 10 weeks of pregnancy, and the second is between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. You can make an appointment with your doctor now.

In the 34th week of pregnancy, the doctor may additionally recommend the following tests:

  1. urine test;
  2. blood count;
  3. blood pressure measurement;
  4. body weight measurement;
  5. obstetric research;
  6. breast examination; i
  7. examination of the fetus with the assessment of its mobility, heart rate and heart function (auscultation);
  8. determination of HBs antigen, tests for HIV, HCV and testing of WR infection in a group of women at increased risk;
  9. smear test, if it was not performed at any of the previous stages of pregnancy;
  10. control of the condition of the oral cavity;
  11. assessing the risk and severity of depression symptoms or the possibility of postpartum depression.

How to plan the 34th week of pregnancy?

In the 34th week of pregnancy, there are some important things to keep in mind for your health. In the pregnancy calendar, it is worth making the following notes:

  1. folic acid supplementation at a dose of 0,4 mg;
  2. DHA supplementation at a dose of 500 mg;
  3. vitamin D3 supplementation;
  4. packing a bag for childbirth;
  5. starting perineal massage to prepare the tissues for delivery.

An interesting fact about the 34nd week of pregnancy

A baby’s soft head is no accident, it’s an evolutionary adaptation. This makes giving birth much easier for both the baby and the mother. Your head may warp slightly during labor, but it will come back into shape over time. The soft fontanel also enables more intense brain growth.

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