33 weeks pregnant

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the first week of the ninth obstetric month, that is, eight of them are already left behind. After all, doctors calculate the gestational age according to their own rules. In the obstetric month, not 30-31 days, but exactly 28, that is, 4 weeks. 280 days are allotted for bearing a child, which is 10 obstetric months. This means that the pregnancy will last not one, but two months.

Week 33 marks the beginning of one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy for a woman. It will be difficult precisely in physiological terms, since every week the stomach increases in size. The expectant mother becomes clumsy, the former grace disappears. In addition, from above, the uterus presses on the lungs, and from below on the intestines and bladder. But there is very little left to be patient, because childbirth is getting closer every day.

Fetal development

The physiological indicators of the growth and weight of the child are already quite impressive, especially in comparison with the first months of pregnancy. At this time, his height is about 44 cm, and his weight reaches 2 kg. The baby becomes cramped in the stomach, so he can no longer roll over from his head to his feet. The child, of course, continues to move, and the woman should feel these movements. Since that time, the fetus begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat more actively, muscle strength increases.

Lanugo gradually disappears, all organ systems improve. The brain is finally formed, but the nerve connections will be honed for a long time, including after the birth of a child. At the same time, the baby is already able to express his emotions, feel the mood of the mother. He perfectly hears loud sounds, can distinguish between smell and taste, he needs care, affection and love. The baby can express his dissatisfaction, for example, if he does not like a sharp noise. Therefore, in the choice of environment you need to be very picky.

The child at this time can play, what is active and does when he is not sleeping. So far, he uses the umbilical cord and his body as toys. The life of the crumbs is measured and calm, and he has nowhere to rush, because the process of preparing for childbirth has not yet been completed.

The pulmonary system also continues to actively improve, so that after the birth of the baby, the baby can breathe on its own. For this purpose, surfactant accumulates in the alveoli.

  • The cardiovascular system continues to develop and grow stronger. A small heart performs 100-150 beats per minute.

  • The child’s kidneys are already able to carry out the filtering function.

  • The drawing on the skin becomes more expressive every week. It takes on a color that is closer to pink than red. The hair on the head continues to grow, becoming longer and thicker.

  • Calcium builds up in the bones, making them stronger and stronger. The cartilaginous tissue is gradually compacted, but the sutures of the skull remain wide. This is necessary for the easy passage of the child through the birth canal.

  • The immune system is developing, but it is still very far from perfect.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby is in the correct position in the uterus. Normally, he should lie head down. However, sometimes the fetus is located exactly the opposite – head up, or even stacked sideways. If with a breech presentation, independent childbirth is still possible, then with a transverse presentation, a caesarean section will definitely be required.

The weight

You need to track your weight carefully. This is important, since a sharp weight gain, especially in the third trimester, may indicate preeclampsia.

It is important to observe the diet, do not overeat, limit the consumption of sweets. You need to reduce calories at the expense of bakery and confectionery products, fried and fatty foods.

Sometimes a woman’s weight is added due to edema. To avoid excess fluid retention in the body, it is necessary to limit salt intake. Sometimes the doctor advises to refuse it at all.

Since the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s weight increases by 9-13,5 kg. These are averages, which may vary slightly in one direction or another, but should remain within the normal range.

Feelings of a future mother

By this time, the woman begins to feel clumsy and clumsy. Sometimes a feeling of fatigue and helplessness joins. Indeed, often it is not even possible to get enough sleep – an enlarged belly does not allow you to find a comfortable position and makes breathing difficult. Urination also becomes more frequent, because the uterus presses on the bladder, so there is a desire to empty it even with partial filling. To reduce the number of trips to the toilet at night, you need to drink less liquid in the evening.

If a woman’s blood pressure rises, then this may be a sign of preeclampsia. Therefore, it is imperative to report such jumps to the doctor. In general, an increase in blood pressure for a pregnant woman is dangerous.

Here are a few more common complaints of all pregnant women at 33 weeks:

  • Ear congestion;

  • Bleeding gums;

  • nosebleeds;

  • Numbness of the limbs;

  • Leg cramps;

  • Belly button protrusion.

Of course, it is not easy to withstand such a load on the body, but we must remember that it is temporary. Very soon a new person will be born who already needs care and love. Therefore, despite all these minor troubles, you need to try to relax as much as possible and rest as much as possible. Firstly, the upcoming birth is not an easy process. Secondly, the baby will take a lot of strength from the mother, and not only physical, but emotional. Now the woman has very little time left, which she can devote only to herself.

What to do if childbirth begins?

If at the 33rd week of pregnancy childbirth occurs, then they are premature, and the baby will be premature. However, at this time, the baby can breathe on its own, which is very important. This greatly facilitates the process of nursing and allows the child to grow up healthy.

Most often, premature birth can be avoided, but at the same time, a woman should be extremely attentive to her health and to herself. It happens that childbirth begins, and nothing can be done about it. If this happens, then you need to remain calm and completely trust the doctors. In some cases, childbirth at this time is artificially induced, for medical reasons.

When there are no prerequisites for premature birth, you need to prepare for the upcoming trip to the maternity hospital. The bag must be collected, as well as the package of documents.

What can affect the fetus?

The child is reliably protected in the womb by the placenta and fetal membranes. However, there are many factors that can affect its growth and development.

Equally important is the nature of a woman’s diet. When she eats little, as well as low-quality food, the child will not gain weight well. Perhaps even a developmental delay.

Another negative factor that can affect the health of the child is radiation exposure. The higher the dose received, the more severe the consequences. Even the death of the fetus or severe malformations is not excluded. Small doses of radiation damage the placenta and impair its protective properties.

Be sure to avoid any pressure on the stomach, including falls. This can lead to the fact that the fetal membranes are broken, premature labor begins, or placental abruption occurs.

It is important to completely exclude the ingestion of alcohol, nicotine, drugs. A woman should not come into contact with paint and varnish products, with aggressive chemicals, insecticides.

Separately, it should be noted the intake of medications. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. At such a late date, many drugs are already allowed, for example, NSAIDs, drugs for topical use, but self-medication is in any case unacceptable.

Complications at 33 weeks pregnant

At this stage, it is necessary to take care of the prevention of rickets in a child. To do this, a woman must receive enough vitamin D.

If not enough calcium enters the mother’s body, then it begins to be washed out of the bones, and for this reason, the woman develops hemorrhoids, varicose veins and calf cramps.

A significant weight gain will lead to the fact that after childbirth a woman will become obese with all the ensuing consequences: metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus.

A very formidable complication of pregnancy is eclampsia. Doctors do not know how to prevent its development and how to cure it. Eclampsia begins with gestosis or preeclampsia. Early signs of this condition: increased blood pressure, increased edema, a jump in the level of protein in the urine. Eclampsia itself is characterized by cerebral edema, convulsions and subsequent death of the woman and/or child.

The only way to save the life of a woman and a child is an emergency caesarean section.


  • At this time it would be good to attend courses for pregnant women. They will allow you to better prepare for the upcoming birth, help get rid of obsessive fears and increased nervousness.

  • If the spouse will be present at the birth, then he needs to prepare the relevant documents and undergo a medical examination.

  • You need to watch your diet. Both overeating and undereating are dangerous. The average energy value of food eaten per day should be in the range of 2500-3000 kcal.

  • With caution, you need to drink familiar drinks such as herbal teas. After all, many of them, for example, tea based on hibiscus or St. John’s wort, are not recommended during pregnancy.

  • About whether there is a need to take synthetic vitamins, you need to ask your doctor. Hypervitaminosis can be no less dangerous than hypovitaminosis.

  • Although moving becomes increasingly difficult, this does not mean that physical activity should be abandoned. Muscles must be in good shape, for which a woman needs to perform light exercises. Breathing exercises, Kegel exercises are very useful.

  • Be sure to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

  • If it’s not difficult yet, then it will be good to visit the pool and do light water aerobics.

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