322 people infected in Italy. The coronavirus is spreading across Europe

The COVID-19 coronavirus has been present in Europe for several weeks. So far, however, there have been only a few cases, incl. in Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain. The most disturbing, however, are the data from Italy. Over 320 cases of the coronavirus have been reported there, most of them in Lombardy in the north. 11 people infected died. What do we know about the COVID-19 coronavirus in Europe?

  1. The number of people infected with the coronavirus in Italy is growing. The country’s authorities are doing everything possible to prevent the spread of the virus. 11 communes received the status of the so-called “Red zone”. You cannot enter or leave them
  2. On Sunday evening (23.02/XNUMX), Austrian authorities stopped two trains traveling from Italy to Munich and Moscow. One of them included people suspected of being infected with the coronavirus
  3. France does not close the border with Italy and admits that it is ready for a potential epidemic. French authorities order face masks for healthcare workers and increase number of hospitals where people infected with COVID-19 can be hospitalized
  4. The Polish Ministry of Health has prepared recommendations for Poles returning from Italy. GIS does not recommend trips to the northern regions of this country

[Update 26.02.2020/9/10 XNUMX:XNUMX]

Further cases of the disease have been confirmed in Italy. Currently, there are 322 patients diagnosed with coronavirus. The number of people who died in Italy after contracting the coronavirus rose to 11 on Tuesday evening. A 76-year-old woman died in a hospital in Treviso, Veneto, Ansa said.

The first coronavirus infections were also detected in other European countries. Authorities confirmed the cases in Austria, Switzerland and Croatia. A new case of infection also emerged in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. The patient is a 25-year-old who recently stayed in Milan. Two new cases have also been confirmed in France.

[Update 25.02.2020/14/50 XNUMX:XNUMX]

Coronavirus cases have been reported in 20 out of approximately 100 Italian provinces, a total of 283, Civil Defense announced on Tuesday. The greatest number of cases was recorded in the north of the country. Seven infected people, burdened with other diseases, died.

The highest number of infections in this region is in the province of Lodi – 101. In addition, there are 39 in Cremona, 17 in Pavia, 14 in Bergamo, and three in Milan. Others are in smaller towns.

[Update 25.02.2020/10/40 XNUMX:XNUMX]

The death toll from the coronavirus in Italy has risen to seven, Italian health services said. The deceased is a 7-year-old who was hospitalized in the town of Como in the north of Italy. The man previously suffered from kidney problems and was on dialysis. The number of people infected with the virus in Italy is already 62 people.

[Update 24.02.2020/14/55 XNUMX:XNUMX]

At a hospital in Brescia in Lombardy, northern Italy, the sixth person infected with the coronavirus has died, medical services said on Monday. This is a woman who was in the oncology department and was in a serious condition, the doctors explained.

Coronavirus in Europe. Most cases in Italy

The first mentions of COVID-19 infection in Europe appeared in France and Germany. Currently, the number of infected people in these countries is 12 and 16 cases, respectively. The real outbreak of the coronavirus, however, has emerged in Italy. Within a few days, the number of infected people there rose to almost 200. In Lombardy alone, 165 people are infected. The first deaths due to the coronavirus in Italy have also been confirmed – five people have died so far. All victims were over 75 years old.

People infected with the coronavirus have not traveled to China recently. Italian authorities believe that the 38-year-old patient, one of the first to be diagnosed, is responsible for the majority of infections. Now the doctors are recreating minute by minute of his stay in Italy to find out where he slept, ate and walked, and with how many people he might have been in contact with.

See also: Coverage of the Wuhan coronavirus [MAP updated]

“Red Zones” in Italy

Italian Prime Minister Giusseppe Conte indicated 11 communes in Lombardy and Veneto, which were covered by the so-called The «red zone». They cannot be accessed or exited. The communes covered by the “red zone” are: Casalpusterlengo, Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano in the Bassa Iodigiana region and the commune of Vo ‘Euganeo in Veneto. It was there that the first victim in Italy, a 77-year-old man, died due to the coronavirus.

Canceled services and a shortened carnival

Due to the spread of the coronavirus in Italy, and in airtightness in Lombardy, all masses and services have been canceled in this region. The archdiocese made such a decision. All cultural events were canceled and the carnival period was shortened. Milan’s La Scala theater canceled all its performances.

Universities in Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Emilia Romagna have closed for at least a few days. All educational establishments, starting with kindergartens, have been closed due to the fact that this is where the greatest number of infections is present throughout Lombardy.

In addition, all sports events were canceled in Lombardy and Veneto, not only football matches, but also volleyball, basketball, rugby and amateur leagues.

Stopped trains on the border with Austria

Italy’s neighbors are anxiously watching the rise in the number of cases due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. On Sunday evening (February 23.02), the Austrian authorities did not allow two trains from Italy to enter their country. Only after a few hours were the trains able to resume their journey. The passengers on the train to Munich switched to another train and continued after midnight. The train with which they had traveled before was sent back to Italy.

The second train (Nice-Moscow route) was allowed to leave the station, but passengers continue their journey on a different route. The stop of trains from Brenner was related to the report of two women traveling by train returning from Venice to Bavaria. The passengers had a high fever and were suspected of being infected with the coronavirus. Tests for his presence were negative.

The most important information about the coronavirus:

  1. Chinese quarantine
  2. The largest study on the coronavirus. What do we know about COVID-19?
  3. Stories of People Who Beat the Coronavirus. There are thousands of them

France is gearing up for the coronavirus

France is also concerned about the situation caused by the coronavirus in Italy. French Health Minister Olivier Veran said it was very likely that new cases of the coronavirus would emerge in his country. He also noted that French health care is prepared in the event of an epidemic. He also admitted that he was closely monitoring the situation in Italy.

In an interview with the newspaper La Parisien, Veran said that there is currently only one person infected with the virus in France. She is being treated at a hospital in Lyon and her condition is not disturbing. The rest of the infected people diagnosed with the coronavirus have left the hospital and are not contagious. The only death toll is an 80-year-old man.

The health minister also announced that the number of French laboratories that will be equipped with diagnostic tests will be increased so that several thousand tests can be carried out in France every day. Currently, productivity is at the level of 400 per day.

In addition, 70 more hospitals have been prepared to receive and treat coronavirus patients. So far, there were 38 of them, and they were mainly university or specialized hospitals. Now their number has risen to 108. The French government has also placed an order for additional face masks for healthcare workers.

The border between Italy and France remains open.

Information for Poles in Italy

In the latest warning from the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, we read that Poles are not recommended to travel to nine countries: China, South Korea, Italy (in particular Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Lazio), Iran, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andruszkiewicz, informed PAP that a working team consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw Chopin Airport services, as well as epidemiologists and experts in infectious diseases is currently debating the topic of coronavirus. The deliberations are aimed at developing recommendations for people returning from Italy, in the light of new reports on COVID-19 infections.

– It is too early to talk about recommendations, but the contact of people returning from Italy with the sanitary inspection will be sure. It is important that people do not panic if they have been in Italy. Let us distinguish between northern Italy, where we are dealing with virus outbreaks, and southern Italy, where there is no virus, explains Andruszkiewicz.

The recommendations are to be known today. He will keep you informed about the decisions of the Ministry of Health.

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