31th week of pregnancy (33 weeks)

31th week of pregnancy (33 weeks)

31 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

It is the 33th week of amenorrhea either the start of 8th month of pregnancy. The baby’s weight at 33 weeks is 1,7 kg and his height is 39 cm. 

It continues to accumulate fat reserves, and in particular brown adipose tissue (as opposed to white adipose tissue) richly vascularized, whose function is at birth to produce heat and ensure the newborn a normal body temperature. (1).

The body of the fetus at 31 weeks is now well proportioned, so it looks like a newborn baby, but in miniature. He must indeed gain weight and inches in order to be born ready to face life in the open air. His lungs in particular require a few more weeks to function optimally.

Its movements are much less ample because it occupies almost all of the space in the uterus. Cramped, he adopts a curled up position: legs bent, arms crossed, chin on knee. His senses evolve more and more during the 3rd quarter.

If he hasn’t turned around yet, he can still do so this month.


Where is the mother’s body at 31 weeks pregnant?

Seven months pregnant, along with the rapid growth of the baby, the uterus continues to develop. The uterine height is on average 30 cm. From this month and until the end, it will increase by 0,5 cm per week. The uterus, baby, amniotic fluid and placenta weigh an average of 4,8 kg, and this concentrated weight in the front alters the entire balance of the body.

Acid reflux, frequent urges to urinate, cramps, constipation, sleep disturbances, heavy legs, back pain and pubic pain are common ailments at the onset of 8th month of pregnancy.

Under the combined effect of vascular hypertension, hormonal changes and constipation, hemorrhoids are common in this area. 3nd quarter and affect 7,9 to 38% of pregnant women (2). Less known, on the other hand, are vulvar varicose veins, which are to the vulva what hemorrhoids are to the anal area, namely an abnormal dilation of one or more veins. They affect 5 to 10% of second pregnancies and cause pain, itching and a “lump” sensation between the legs. The application of cold (cold water jet, cooling pack), the wearing of a medical restraint, herbal remedies with venotonic action make it possible to relieve these varicose veins until they disappear spontaneously after childbirth.

At 31 weeks pregnant and during the last trimester, it is frequent to have strange dreams, even distressing: dreams of painful childbirth, abnormal child, miscarriage. Fortunately, these dreams are not premonitory. Pregnancy is a period of profound psychological change: consciously or unconsciously, the future arrival of a baby raises many feelings, fears and anxieties. A space for expressing psychic life, dream life will therefore be particularly rich during pregnancy, and dreams will come to embody the anxieties of future mothers and accompany them in this work of psychic maturation.


31 weeks pregnant (33 weeks): how to adapt?

Throughout pregnancy and especially since the 6th week, the uterus contracts without the mother-to-be feeling it. This organ, which houses the fetus, actually prepares and trains for the expulsion of the baby during childbirth. Some moms can feel these contractions as early as the 4th month of pregnancy, which is completely normal. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions or “false contractions”. They are brief and are not manifested by a stomach which hardens, tightens which can cause feelings of tightness. Importantly, these contractions are not painful and usually subside with rest. However, if the future mother, at 33 weeks of amenorrhea, feels pain, she must consult without delay. It is better to have a medical opinion from your doctor or midwife. The pregnant woman should never feel guilty or be embarrassed to make a medical appointment. This reassures her and allows rapid treatment in the event of possible pregnancy-related problems. 

Seven months pregnant, contractions are often a source of anxiety for the mother-to-be. To tell the difference between fake and real contractions, she can focus and try to feel what is going on in her body. True contractions are regular and last over 30 seconds. They are painful. The time, frequency, and pain of these contractions increase over the hours. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to call the maternity ward, which will advise the mother-to-be to observe rest or to seek medical advice.


Things to remember at 33:XNUMX PM

Start preparing your suitcase for the maternity ward so that it is ready before the end of the 8th month. Provide three bags:

  • a bag for the baby including: 6 bodysuits (crossed opening in front), 6 pajamas, socks, cotton or wool bras (depending on the season), hat, outfit for the outing (jumpsuit for a birth in winter), bath cape, toiletries if not provided by the maternity ward (physiological serum, special baby cleaning product, diaper product or oleocalcary liniment, digital thermometer), diapers (if not provided by the maternity ward);
  • a bag for the mother with: a bathrobe or dressing gown, a pair of slippers, 2 nightwear, 3 daywear (to be adapted in case of breastfeeding), disposable panties, special maternity sanitary napkins, towels, a toiletry bag, 3 nursing bras for breastfeeding, reading, music;
  • a small bag for the labor room containing: a comfortable outfit (long and loose t-shirt), a pair of socks, a water sprayer, the medical file (blood group card, results of blood analysis and urine, vital card, health insurance card, family record book or early recognition of the baby), reading, music, a nursing pillow, a snack for the dad, the baby’s first outfit (diaper, bodysuit, pajamas, wool bra, sock, hat). And possibly: a special homeopathy kit for childbirth, sweet almond oil (to massage the perineum during the thrust), flower essences.

Si the 33 year old baby is in seat, try acupuncture to promote its rotation. In a Croatian study (3) involving 67 women, acupuncture made it possible to obtain a version in 76,4% of cases against 45,4% in the control group. The following protocol was applied: bilateral puncture of the 67V point (called Zhi Yin) for 30 minutes at the rate of 2 sessions per week, until the version was obtained or up to 38 weeks in the event of failure.



During these last two months, the baby will gain 50% of its birth weight. It draws the energy and nutrients necessary for this rapid growth from its mother’s diet, via the placenta. More than ever, it is important to have a balanced diet to meet the intense nutritional needs of the baby while avoiding the pounds which, in this 31th week of pregnancy (33 weeks), tend to accumulate quickly. We favor a healthy and varied diet that gives way to fruits and vegetables (seasonal and organic preferably to avoid pesticides) at a rate of 5 minimum per day, associated with 3 cereal products, semi-complete or complete for carbohydrates quality, 1 to 2 animal proteins (alternating red and white meat, alternating lean and small fatty fish, egg) or vegetable (cereals and legumes), 3 dairy products for calcium and quality fatty acids (2 tablespoons tablespoons rapeseed oil, a knob of butter on the morning bread, a small handful of almonds for afternoon tea). On the other hand, industrial products, a source of “empty calories”, should be avoided.

At the end of pregnancy, certain signs require a quick consultation:

  • frequent and painful contractions that persist at rest;
  • fever (over 38 ° C);
  • signs of urinary tract infection;
  • a decrease or absence of fetal movements for the past 24 hours;
  • headaches, ringing in the ears and visual disturbances (sensation of “flies” in front of the eyes);
  • sudden weight gain, sudden swelling of the legs;
  • a loss of clear fluid from the vagina. It may be a crack in the water pocket.

Pregnancy week by week: 

29th week of pregnancy

30th week of pregnancy

32th week of pregnancy

33th week of pregnancy


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