At 31 weeks of pregnancy, many women look forward to giving birth. Others watch with fear the pages that run away from the calendar. Regardless of your emotions at the 31st week of pregnancy, you should use this time to relax as much as possible and take advantage of the last few weeks before giving birth.
The baby can now be compared to a medium-sized squash. Most toddlers of this age measure between 40 and 45 cm and weigh 1,7 kg. Of course, there are some deviations from these dimensions that should not be worried. The baby is also getting rounder and in the 31st week of pregnancy, adipose tissue accounts for several percent. its mass. At the time of childbirth, it will be as much as several percent. (usually around 15%).
When the baby seems a little calmer because his kicks are slightly less frequent due to less and less movement, expectant mothers tend to get nervous. Fatigue simply for the third trimeter, as well as the upcoming delivery, do not allow you to rest properly. However, you should do your best to allow yourself to relax as much as possible. As impossible as it may seem, getting enough sleep after giving birth will be even more difficult than it is now.
31rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development
The baby now looks like a smaller version of a newborn baby (apart from the lanugo that some babies are still covered with, of course). He is still trying out the possibilities of his joints by bending them in different directions. He often sucks his thumb and makes regular breathing movements. Due to the fact that there is not so much room left, at 31 weeks of pregnancy, she can curl her limbs and bend her chin to her chest, as in the first stages of development. Many babies are already in the position where they should be delivered properly, i.e. head down. However, there are cases where babies turn into the correct position just a few days before delivery.
Now you should feel a few to a dozen movements a day. This is due not only to the reduction in free space, but also to the fact that in the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby sleeps quite a lot.
Amniotic fluid is swallowed in very large amounts. The main task of this process is to prepare the kidneys for proper functioning as well as the development of the digestive system. Moreover, the sugars contained in the amniotic fluid are digested by the baby in the 31st week of pregnancy. It is true that most of its calories are obtained through the placenta, but about several dozen get it from this alternative source. Some studies show that children respond to emotional situations by drinking amniotic fluid more quickly or more slowly. The rate of swallowing also depends on your diet. It should come as no surprise that your baby is more likely to drink fresh water.
Several systems still need more weeks of improvement in order for the baby to function independently after birth. One of the longest-learning organs is the lungs, which will be “ready” around 34-35. week.
In the 31st week of pregnancy, rapid growth also takes place in the brain, where countless connections between neurons are made every day. This process will of course also continue after birth. The child has all his senses developed and more and more stimuli reach him, which is an ideal stimulant for the brain.
The immune system also needs to be improved. The child is protected against pathogens. Despite this, at 31 weeks gestation, his immune system absorbs the antibodies that are present in the mother’s body. After giving birth, it will in turn obtain them with milk.
31st week of pregnancy – changes in your body
Mood swings in the 31st week of pregnancy are completely natural. The body of the expectant mother is still filled with hormones. In addition, the joyful anticipation of the baby’s arrival is mixed with fears of childbirth. Don’t feel guilty if you have sudden outbursts – your particular condition gives you every right to do so.
The large uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels, making it difficult for normal circulation. Puffiness, especially of the lower ends, is therefore a natural consequence of the 31st week of pregnancy. Sometimes the swelling is so great that it can put pressure on the nerves. In such cases, carpal tunnel syndrome or sciatica may develop. Tingling may also be on the agenda. At times like this, it may be a relief to change your position.
One of the uncomfortable symptoms of 31 weeks of pregnancy may be leaking breast milk. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop the oozing from your breasts, but you can protect your underwear and clothing from staining by using breast pads that absorb the secretions.
In such an advanced stage of pregnancy, any exertion may cause breathing difficulties. This is the effect of pressure that the uterus exerts on the diaphragm and indirectly on the lungs, reducing their volume. Therefore, try not to get into situations where you have to desperately gasp for breath. Of course, if you are still feeling well at 31 weeks of pregnancy, you can allow yourself to be active, for example in pregnancy classes.
Especially important in the 31st week of pregnancy
Have you thought about cord blood banking? If not, 31 weeks pregnant is a good time to think about it.
Cord blood is collected, as the name suggests, from the umbilical cord right after birth. It is a completely safe procedure for the child. Then such blood can be stored in a special bank for up to several dozen years.
Cord blood is so valuable because it is filled with stem cells. As a result, if your child develops a hematopoietic tumor in the future, cells obtained from this blood can be used, for example, instead of bone marrow. Moreover, with such a transplant, there is no risk of rejection as the baby receives its own cells.
The 31st week of pregnancy may not seem like the right time to think about the possible illnesses your baby may have, but it gives them greater safety in the future.
Tests in the 31st week of pregnancy
Between 27 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, you need to do a lot of tests. During the visit to the doctor, your blood pressure will be measured and your weight checked. The doctor will also assess the height of the fundus and take a sample to check the pH of the vaginal discharge. In the 31st week of pregnancy, you can also perform the third obligatory ultrasound. You need to remember about the morphology and urinalysis. During this time, if necessary, a test for the presence of anti-toxoplasmosis and anti-Rh antibodies is also performed. It should be investigated if the pregnant woman is not a carrier of viruses that cause hepatitis.
An interesting fact about the 31nd week of pregnancy
Would you like sex? If your doctor has not advised you against it for special reasons, there is nothing to prevent you from doing it in the 31st week of pregnancy. Interestingly, many children simply fall asleep during rhythmic rocking.
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