31 weeks pregnant

There is very little time left before the upcoming birth, so it’s time to make sure that the newborn feels comfortable in the new home. 31 weeks pregnant is a great time to start buying the baby items that your baby will need in the first place. Moreover, a woman has more free time, because, starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, she goes on maternity leave.

Fetal development at 31 weeks gestation

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the work of the placenta and uterus increases, which drive at least 500 ml of blood through the vessels in 1 day. However, the blood of the child and the blood of the mother do not mix with each other.

The fetus continues to actively grow and develop, in parallel, subcutaneous fat accumulates. The kidneys have finished forming, which are now working quite intensively, removing about 500 ml of urine into the amniotic fluid every day.

This week, the child’s nails continue to grow, visual function improves. The weight of the baby is now 1,5-1,6 kg, height – 40-42 cm. At the same time, the woman herself has gained an average of 8-10 kg since the beginning of pregnancy. At this time, the child becomes cramped in the uterus, so he tries to adapt to the slightly changed conditions around him. He curls up, crossing his arms and legs.

The baby develops its own daily routine, which can be radically different from the mother’s daily routine. For some time the fetus sleeps, and at some hours it is actively awake. The baby continues to move a lot. Sometimes parents manage to notice the outlines of his body during movements.

The child’s face acquires individuality: the auricles grow, the neck lengthens, the nose becomes thinner, etc. The skin is still slightly wrinkled and has a reddish tint. However, as the subcutaneous fat accumulates, the skin folds will smooth out.

The child’s liver is actively preparing for work, its lobules are being formed, its structure is being improved. Almost all digestive organs undergo changes. The growth of the pancreas continues, which will start working immediately after the baby is born. She is already producing insulin.

The respiratory system also continues to improve, but the surfactant in the lungs is still not enough for the baby to breathe on its own. The brain increases in size, new nerve connections are established, and the speed of transmission of nerve impulses increases. Thanks to this, the child gives a reaction to light, to loud sounds, to touching his mother’s stomach. At this time, you can observe the so-called “corneal reflex”: when you touch the eye, the baby closes it.

Already in the womb, a child can distinguish the voices of loved ones. The well-being of the crumbs largely depends on the mother’s mood, so stressful situations should be avoided.

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