31 ways to understand what kind of person in front of you

Folk wisdom says that someone else’s soul is darkness. It turns out that it is impossible to understand what is really behind the actions and behavior of another? Yes and no. Here are a few tips to help you figure it out.

We dream of knowing what is in the head of a partner or friend. Is it possible? Can we understand what kind of person is next to us? Pay attention to several features of behavior that can reveal the secret of the identity of a loved one.

1. If a person is always ready to discuss one of his acquaintances, and not in the most rosy way, believe me, he gossips evilly about you behind your back.

2. If a potential partner says that they are not interested in a relationship right now, you should take the warning seriously. So he makes it clear that he is not ready for anything more, at least not with you.

3. If the interlocutor is more concerned with what to write in an autobiography than what will be told about him in an obituary, he is more interested in how others perceive him than in how they feel next to him here and now.

4. If a person immediately rejects criticism, without even trying to understand if the claims have any basis, we can firmly say: they are.

5. If the interlocutor “jokingly” makes passive-aggressive comments and it seems to you that, if not for the smile, his words would sound offensive, he really wanted to hurt you.

6. If he tries to be good only when it is convenient and profitable for him, then he only cares about getting what he needs as soon as possible.

7. If the interlocutor casually apologizes for what he did a long time ago, he is most likely insincere in repentance, because such an act does not bring anything but a formal “cleansing of conscience”.

8. If a partner in the heat of anger threatens to leave you, but, having calmed down, promises to stay, he just wanted to hurt you, it was not part of his plans to leave.

9. If a person in a calm state says that he would like to leave, most likely, he really intends to do this and is trying to prepare you.

10. If a friend knows how to sincerely rejoice at the success of others, then he is confident in himself and his decisions.

11. If for no apparent reason you are harshly judgmental of others or are aggressive towards them, these people have something that your acquaintance terribly wants to get, but cannot (or thinks that he cannot).

12. Pay attention to how a person treats himself when something does not work out – at such moments his true essence is revealed.

13. Pay attention to how he treats others when he succeeds. This also speaks volumes.

14. Carefully observe how the interlocutor treats strangers, especially those who cannot be of any help to him – this way you can understand whether he respects other people in principle.

15. Look at how he treats those who can do a lot for him. So you can understand whether a person respects himself.

16. The more often the interlocutor claims that he does not care about something, the less likely it is that it really is.

17. If he tells you that he misses you and wants to see you, but doesn’t take any steps, he’s more about keeping up appearances than really wanting to be with you.

18. If a person tries to take revenge on someone, know that he is not driven by a thirst for justice, but by an attempt to punish the offender, to prove that he was wrong.

19. If your friend is trying to understand the point of view of someone who offended him, it’s safe to say that he is more aware than most of us.

20. If a person is trying to insult someone else, it means that he himself is terribly unsure of himself.

21. If people don’t come to events that are important to you, then the very idea of ​​your friendship is more important to them than you as a person. Those to whom you are interesting and dear will find time for you.

22. If you tell the interlocutor that he hurt you, and in response he questions or devalues ​​your feelings, you are at best an egoist, at worst a narcissist.

23. If you tell the interlocutor that he hurt you, and he is sincerely upset and begins to apologize, then you are really important to him.

24. If a person promises to change so that you will not be angry with him anymore, but does nothing, he will not move until he matures himself.

25. If the interlocutor is nice to you in person, but behaves aggressively behind your back, this means that he is simply afraid to show hostility openly.

26. If a person tries to defend his point of view that is offensive to others, saying that he is simply trying to be honest, then either he completely lacks empathy, or he is deprived of the slightest tact.

27. If your friend constantly changes friends, cannot stay in any job or place of residence, rest assured that there is a reason for that.

28. If the interlocutor considers it his duty to constantly correct you and never agrees with you, it means that he feels threatened in you and the need to dominate you.

29. If you feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in the company of a person, trust your instincts and try to avoid it.

30. If someone says that they always have the same stories in relationships (he stays in the friend zone forever or everyone leaves him), take this as a warning.

31. If a friend says that he wants to leave everything bad in the past and try to start your communication with a clean slate, believe him: leaving is always easier than at least trying to change for the sake of another.

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