30th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, changes in the body, tests

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You start another, already 30th week of pregnancy. This means that when it ends, you will be three-quarters of your total pregnancy. Even though the baby is now well formed, he still needs to build up more mass – mostly fat. See what else is happening in his 30th week of pregnancy.

30th week of pregnancy – course

Your baby seems really big to you. Are you wondering what its actual dimensions are in the 30th week of pregnancy? He already weighs about 1,5 kg, and by the end of pregnancy, he will gain about 2 kg more. This means it will grow an average of 200 g per week. Its height can be very different and it fluctuates around 39-44 cm. The toddler is probably already in the head down position. If he was born right now, he would have a 95% chance of survival.

As the belly gets bigger and the baby has so little space that its movements become less and less abrupt, pregnant women usually start to worry. The Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are experienced by the vast majority of women in the 30th week of pregnancy, also contribute to this. Fear of childbirthespecially during the first pregnancy, it is completely natural. You can talk to your mom, sister, or friend who have already given birth about it first, and they will be able to provide you with a first-person perspective. Any medical doubts will be clarified by the doctor or midwife.

  1. How does the body prepare for childbirth?

30rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

In the 30th week of pregnancy, you may notice your baby moving slightly less. This is due to the fact that it is getting bigger and has less and less space to move. The entire locomotor system develops – muscle tissue grows and bones develop. Also, increasing the amount of adipose tissue makes the baby tighter. It may happen that on the skin of the abdomen it will be clearly visible which part of the child’s body is pressing against the uterus and abdominal wall. The sight of the outline of a tiny foot on the stomach will surely please future parents.

At this stage, the brain continues to develop intensively. Folds are becoming more and more distinct. Interestingly, in the 30th week of pregnancy, the center responsible for regulating body temperature is also developing. Until now, the baby has been able to maintain adequate temperature thanks to the amniotic fluid, lanugo and fluid, but when it is born, its body will have to control thermoregulation itself. This is why some babies lose lanugo as early as 30 weeks pregnant. Sometimes, however, the fluff on the body persists even until birth.

After giving birth, for each heartbeat, the amount of blood that flows through the lungs in the small bloodstream is equal to the amount of blood that flows through the rest of the body in the system. Since the fetal lungs are not yet mature, the amount of blood flowing through them must be less. This is possible due to the physiological connections of the right side of the heart with the left side.

In the fetus, oxygenated blood from the placenta flows to the baby through the umbilical vein and through the venous line to the inferior vena cava and then to the right atrium. From the right atrium, a small part flows into the right ventricle, as in adults, and the greater part flows through the foramen ovale, i.e. the opening in the septum between the atriums, to the left atrium and then to the left ventricle.

The toddler’s heart now beats about 140 times a minute. This is much faster than that of an adult whose heart rate is around 70. After the birth, your baby’s heart rate will remain high (130 per minute) and gradually decline.

In the 30th week of pregnancy, both girls and boys have well-developed genitals. It is around this time that the clitoris clearly separates and the testicles travel to the scrotum. It is fascinating that girls’ ovaries already contain immature egg cells, which will begin to be released during ovulation in a dozen or so years.

The bone marrow performs its functions better and better and every day new erythrocytes, i.e. red blood cells, are formed in it.

  1. Fetal development stages – the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy

30th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body

Your baby is now gaining about 0,2 kg per week, but you can gain as much as 0,5 kg in parallel. This pace of weight gain is natural in the 30th week of pregnancy.

The last trimester of pregnancy is in many ways similar to the first trimesterbecause the complaints characteristic of the first three months return. The reality of the symptoms, however, is completely different. In the early stages, it was a hormonal storm, while in the 30th week of pregnancy, it is mainly the effect of a large uterus pressing against internal organs. The need to urinate frequently and fatigue appear again. It is the result of pressure on the diaphragm, which in turn makes breathing shallow. At the same time, it can make the entire chest feel tender and sore.

By the 30th week of pregnancy, your entire body may seem to be failing to obey, as your breasts also hurt. Colostrum – the thick, creamy substance that oozes from the nipples – shouldn’t be alarming. The mammary glands are already getting ready to produce the food that will be needed after the birth.

Eating becomes a little nightmare in the 30th week of pregnancy. On the one hand, there is a ravenous appetite, on the other hand, even the smallest meals cause a whole range of revelations from the digestive system. The best way to relieve heartburn, constipation and flatulence is to eat small portions that are high in fiber. Providing the body with adequate amounts of water cannot be overestimated. In order not to exacerbate heartburn, it is also worth avoiding spicy foods and meals with a lot of fat.

Back pain is very characteristic of the 30th week of pregnancy. The extra pounds he is loaded with make him unnaturally strained. However, you will find relief not only in rest – quite the contrary. Exercise for pregnant women can be very helpful. The main thing is not to put additional strain on the spine. Even if you are still feeling well and you feel like you are fully energized, forget about heavy shopping and leave it to your partner.

  1. Natural remedies for pregnancy ailments – see what can help you!

Especially important in the 30st week of pregnancy

Depending on how you feel, in the 30th week of pregnancy, you can slowly consider sick leave with your gynecologist. Admittedly, some women are fine up to the very birth, but unless you are one of the lucky ones, you shouldn’t try to prove otherwise. Your and your child’s safety is paramount.

It is natural to increase the amount of vaginal discharge during pregnancy, and as long as it is not unusual in color, texture or color, you should not be concerned. However, if you notice any of the above, please inform your doctor immediately. If left untreated, the infection can even lead to premature birth, and at this stage, every day longer in the womb is extremely valuable for the toddler.

30th week of pregnancy – how to take care of yourself?

Mood swings – remember to relax! Physical strain, fatigue, metabolic disorders and a storm of hormones are the main causes of your mood swings. You may experience euphoric states alternating with irritation and anxiety about whether you will be able to face the challenge of motherhood. Ask your family members for understanding and focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy.

Take care of relaxation and exercise – a walk in the fresh air or yoga classes for pregnant women will do you good. The latter will teach you to breathe properly and adopt the most comfortable posture during labor. You can also go to the swimming pool or the SPA. If there are no contraindications, use a massage with fascia therapy. It is an effective method of reducing the tension in the spine muscles and relieving pain.

Body care – if you decide to have a SPA, it is best if it is a resort that offers a special one nursing program for pregnant women. It is worth going for a pedicure – proper foot care with a growing tummy is particularly difficult and performing such a procedure on your own may cause problems. Hormonal changes can cause acne or dry skin. If you struggle with such problems, it is worth taking advantage of treatments tailored to the needs of the future mother: moisturizing, cleansing or regenerating.

Working during pregnancy Even though it’s your 30th week of pregnancy, there’s no reason to quit your job, especially if you’re feeling well. However, now it is worth taking special care of yourself and good conditions in the office.

  1. Pregnancy with a plan in hand. What is responsible motherhood?

Tests in the 30st week of pregnancy

Between 27 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, a lot of laboratory tests should be performed, but fortunately you can take blood samples for complete blood count, HBs antigen test, and in recommended cases for anti-Rh and anti-toxoplasmosis antibodies. Mandatory urine testing should also be taken into account.

The seventh follow-up visit will take place at the 30th week of pregnancy, taking into account:

An interview and general medical examination,

Blood pressure measurement,

Body weight measurement,

Blood counts,

· urine test,

Assessment of the fetal heart rate,

· Pregnancy risk assessment.

Between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, a compulsory third trimester ultrasound is performed to assess the proper growth and development of the fetus. Your doctor will assess your baby’s heart function, growth rate, and pregnancy risk.

  1. KTG – through the abdomen to the child’s heart

An interesting fact about the 30nd week of pregnancy

When your baby is properly positioned, you can sometimes hear a little heartbeat by pressing the ear to the belly.

Also read:

  1. 29rd week of pregnancy
  2. 31rd week of pregnancy

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