3000 kcal diet – for mass, for reduction. What are the recommendations?

There is a huge amount of diets. Each of us will surely find one that fully suits him. As it is commonly known, the calorific value of a diet depends mainly on the height and weight of a given person, as well as on the lifestyle they lead. It is said that the 3000 kcal diet can be successfully used to build muscle mass. Get to know the exact menu and find out if it is also possible to use it for reduction.

Diet 3000 kcal – mass

If we want to build muscle mass, a 3000 kcal diet will be suitable for a person weighing around 70 kg. People with higher body weight will need to eat a little more a day. It is said that a typical diet for mass should be dominated by carbohydrates and protein. All because carbohydrates give energy during training, and protein will be used directly to build muscle mass. Inadequate proportions of individual ingredients in the diet may mean that the effects will not be visible in the figure.

Good strength training is essential to build muscles. On the Internet you will find a huge number of menus for the 3000 kcal diet. However, we must remember that such ready-made nutritional plans can be full of various mistakes. If we care about a well-chosen diet, we should go to a dietitian who deals with people who want to build muscle mass. However, we must take into account that our visits to the diet clinic must be regular, because the dietitian will keep track of changes in our figure.

If we cannot afford such an expense, we can try to compose a nutritional plan ourselves. Before arranging it, we need to train a little and get acquainted with the nutritional table. We should remember that this arrangement of the diet, contrary to appearances, is not that easy, because it is easy to risk deficiencies.

Can’t gain weight? Check: Ectomorph – body type, temperament, ectomorph-appropriate diet

Diet 3000 – for reduction

If our body weight is very high, the 3000 kcal diet can be used as a reduction diet. Such a diet should be personalized. Ideally, it should exclude products that the person doesn’t like. Why? Such a diet cannot be a traumatic experience. If we force ourselves to eat things we don’t like, we will give up on further reduction after a while. In fact, every calorie is important in a reduction diet. Do you want to compose your own reduction diet? Start by calculating your caloric needs.

Each person has a slightly different need. You should also take into account the fact that every kilogram of a woman’s body weight uses 22 calories, and for men – 24 calories. This is why we should multiply our own weight by the number of calories burned by one kilogram. The next step is to determine your level of physical activity. The coefficient of 1,2 shows that the activity is very low and it covers only everyday life activities. This indicator is also used in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, if we train hard every day, the physical activity index is already 1,7. Most people are moderately active, so the index is 1,4.

The last step to finding out your daily caloric needs is to multiply the first result by your physical activity factor. If our demand is 3000 kcal, it does not mean that a 3000 kcal diet will be suitable for the reduction. If we want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, we should slightly reduce the caloric content.

By following the 3000 kcal diet, our weight will remain in place. It is said that on a reduction diet, we should consume about 15 percent less calories than our daily requirement. You do not know at what pace you should lose kilograms? Ideally, the reduction should not be more than 0,5 to 1 kg per week. Larger drops unfortunately increase the risk of the yo-yo effect. But that’s not all. When arranging the diet, we should remember about micronutrients. The division into them should be carefully considered. For reduction, we should consume 2 to 2,5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. When it comes to fats, it is 0,6 to 1 gram. The rest of the energy should come from carbohydrates. It is best if our diet will be based on carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. Simple sugars and saturated fats, in the case of a reduction diet, should be kept to a minimum or completely eliminated. As you can see, if we practice sports every day and our body weight is high, it is possible to follow a 3000 kcal diet for reduction.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

However, remember to reduce the number of calories. Only then will our diet bring us closer to the desired goal. If, despite these tips, we do not know how to compose our own diet, it is worth going to a dietitian for consultation. Most personal trainers can also prepare such a diet. It is only up to us to whom we entrust our health and figure.

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