300 thousand Americans could die by December from COVID-19. There is still hope
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Over 163 have died in the United States from the coronavirus so far. people. According to statistics, it is the most in the world. Meanwhile, by December 300, this number may reach almost XNUMX. – this is what the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation research center forecasts. Fortunately, this scenario does not have to come true. For this to happen, Americans must, however, meet one necessary condition.

Coronavirus: USA. The current epidemic situation

The United States leads the sad statistics of deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. According to worldometers.info data, as of August 6, 162 people have died in the USA so far. Only on August 804 there were 6 more fatalities. For comparison, Brazil is the second country in terms of the number of deaths – so far, more than 1 thousand have died due to COVID-203. people, the third is Mexico – over 19 thousand. deaths.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

Coronavirus in the US. Almost 300 deaths until December 1

Meanwhile, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), a research center dealing with health statistics, warns that by December 1, the number of deaths from COVID-19 could reach nearly 300 in the US. “The US forecast is for 295 deaths by December,” reads the institute’s forecast.

Fortunately, this model does not have to work. As Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation IHME points out, “the behavior of society was directly related to the spread of the virus and thus the number of deaths”. So if Americans consistently wear protective masks, these statistics stand a chance to remain pure theory.

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The IHME statement said that if 95 percent of the US people wore face masks, the number of deaths forecast for December would drop to 228 271, and over 66 thousand. lives could be saved.

The model developed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation emerged on the same day that the U.S. CDC (the U.S. federal government’s agency of the Department of Health and Human Services) released a composite forecast of 181 deaths by August 031.

Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

Dr.Fauci: By election day, we can lower the number of COVID-19 infections

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, believes that by election day (November 3), the number of COVID-19 infections can be reduced. Dr Fauci emphasizes that the United States has what it takes to bring the coronavirus cases “to manageable levels” by the presidential election. It will be feasible, “… if we do everything correctly and if we start now”, emphasizes Fauci.

The basic recommendations remain the same: using face masks in public places, keeping social distancing and washing hands. “ I really believe, based on data from other countries, and from US states, cities and counties that followed the recommendations, that if we pay attention to basic principles of infection control and limitation of coronavirus transmission, things will be different in November, ” Fauci said.

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As of August 6, the US had a total of 5 cases of COVID-032 – the highest number in the world. On August 179, 19 patients arrived – that day only India increased – 6.

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