At 30, women only think about marriage? We are sure that this stereotype has become obsolete. After talking with unmarried women who enjoy their freedom, we have collected the most striking statements for you. And the psychologist explained how to get rid of complexes about her status.
A common misconception: women in their thirties and older want to get married, they are looking for a more or less decent man to start a relationship with him, to bind to themselves and start a family. Of course, many women really see the meaning of life in getting married and having children, but not all. Here’s what women who enjoy being single say.
“Nothing distracts me from my career. I realized a long time ago what I want from life, and I concentrated on it to the utmost. I’m glad I’m single because I don’t want to dedicate part of my life to someone else.”
“I don’t want to get married and have children. I like to be unmarried – all my time belongs only to me. I live my life the way I want, and nothing binds me.”
“You have no idea how happy I am alone! Most women don’t understand me, and that’s okay. But I’m not eager to get into a relationship again, because again I have to think for two, and I want to think only about myself.
“I like being unmarried: I haven’t worked up yet.”
“All my relationships ended in a breakup. I came to the conclusion – the reason is that I do not want to be in a relationship. I want to focus on myself. That’s how I live, and it makes me very happy.”
“Being free is damn cool!”
“I like being free because, unlike others, I can still have fun.”
“I don’t want to get into a relationship, I need time for myself. I’ve dated someone for most of my life, and now it’s finally time to take care of myself.”
“To be free is the best status possible. Relationships are a burden.”
“Being in a relationship is great, but to be honest, being free is better. I want to live without stress and scandals. It seems to me that all relationships somehow end in drama. I don’t have the strength for it anymore.”
“I am not ready to be a wife or mother. Why, I’m not even ready for a serious relationship.”
“Once I was engaged, but I realized that I was not ready to get married. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ripe for marriage.”
“I like to be free for one reason – I can do whatever I want. Even if it’s selfish, I don’t care.”
“It is not the presence and absence of a husband that makes life beautiful”
Inna Gavrilova, psychologist:
“30 years is not a sentence, life is beautiful at any age. And what makes her beautiful is not the presence and absence of a husband, but your attitude towards her.
Everything in life works out the way you want it to. Think about it: maybe you really don’t want to get married at all? There is nothing wrong with not trying to live by someone else’s rules. If marriage is exactly what you dream of, everything is in your hands. But do not rush things: in our time, a woman can afford to wait for her prince, while living an interesting, eventful life
Do not treat being single as an unsolvable problem and fall into despair
This is not a reason for depression, but a reason to actively act. Remember, the fateful meeting is still ahead of you. Be positive and take action. You should be glad that you haven’t made your choice: you have the opportunity to regularly go on dates and meet potential partners.
Drop complexes regarding your position. Do not lose heart, looking at happy married friends – you are all right. Yes, you have not found a partner yet, but you have an excellent career, two higher educations, you travel often and do not deny yourself anything. Can married friends boast of such a life? Unlikely. In marriage, the interests of the spouse must be taken into account. If one wants to travel, and the other a car, and at the same time you need to make repairs in the apartment, you have to look for a compromise. You decide what to do.”
Inna Gavrilova