30-year-olds “sleep”. Martyna: I sneezed and… it happened

From a biological point of view, a person 30+ is still young – this is evidenced primarily by the simple fact that he is still capable of conceiving a child. On the other hand, after the thirties, the first gray hair appears, but also more serious ailments. What is wrong with Poles 30+? We asked, and the answers are surprising.

  1. According to the accounts of our interlocutors, the “30” on the back of the neck is associated with various health ailments
  2. Apart from the first wrinkles and gray hair, there are also diseases, also chronic ones
  3. After “30”, tolerance to alcohol also decreases. «I started to be afraid of drinking. The hangover is unbearable »admits Ania
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Martyna: I sneezed and… it happened

My first interlocutor is Martyna. She is fresh after “30” and at first or even second glance, the word “old” does not fit her at all. No wrinkles, no gray hair, just nothing to indicate that her youth is behind her and her health is deteriorating. It turns out, however, that just after her 30th birthday, she began to face health problems.

I thought I was too young for such stories, but it happened to me – he admits in an interview with Medonet. – For some time my spine (lumbar region) has ached. One day he teased me more than usual. At one point I sneezed and… it happened. I have a “disk fallout”. Technically, it’s a hernia of the intervertebral disc, in my case in the lumbar region. After a sneeze! Incredible pain, strong drugs, neurologist, magnetic resonance imaging, rehabilitation. I have recovered, but now I have to be careful and take care of proper physical activity so that the ailments do not come back. Neglecting the topic or straining the spine can lead to a situation in which the only option is surgery.

Agata: My blood pressure started jumping

After crossing the 30-year mark, Agata also started visiting doctors. In her case, it started with dysregulated blood pressure. Today she is on drugs that she will have to take for the rest of her life. And these are not all the problems that have arisen with her in recent years.

– Old age really begins at the age of 30, and I am a living example of that – admits Agata. – On my 175th birthday, I saw an endocrinologist for the first time, because my blood pressure started to jump (105 out of XNUMX and it was rising). The emergency room doctor said it might be thyroid related. The week before, I was on research to work and my blood pressure was within the book’s normal range. Of course, during the visit, it turned out that the thyroid was actually not OK. Hashimoto’s disease. Then it only got worse. Insulin resistance, weight problems. So now (35, almost 36) I have been taking my thyroid medications, blood pressure and insulin resistance medications on a regular basis to prevent the development of diabetes. And that’s all in your thirties. Magic number! Besides – hair. Tragedy! Weak, thin, breaking, falling out, prone to oily. And they were so cool a few years ago … – he adds.

Kamila: I spent my 30th birthday in … a hospital

Kamila entered her 30th birthday with a medical “bang”. Although the signs that something was wrong in her body appeared a little earlier.

– Throughout my life, i.e. until the said XNUMX, I was never in the hospital (apart from my birthday), I never broke anything, I took an antibiotic once – as a high school student and it was my only sick leave during school. For four days – he lists in an interview with Medonet. – On the other hand, I spent my 30th birthday in … a hospital. So it got me, you could say right away. A month before my 30th birthday, I started to have strange abdominal pains that turned out to be an endometrial cyst requiring surgical intervention. And three years later, I had a repeat and another operation. So I met gynecologists specializing in oncological gynecology. And I wish it was so late, because for these specialists it is natural to have regular ultrasound of the ovaries. Which is clearly not a very typical practice for the rest of those focused on writing out contraception – sums up Kamila.

Kamila also had problems with the circulatory system.

—Since I’m 30+ I also visit a vascular surgeon regularly. Venous insufficiency is said to be a scourge of our time, especially for people with sedentary work. And I am one of them. I also visit an ophthalmologist, although I have stabilization for my eyesight. He has been weak since his school days and the defect does not get worse.

Kamila also complains about a significant change in the issue of sleep. However, it is not about insomnia, but about the negative consequences of late nights. In this matter, it is definitely not like it used to be.

– I used to need much less sleep. I could go to a party, sleep 2-3 hours, and go to a full day of college classes. Writing tests and feeling good. Today, when I hit the night, I can’t shake myself for a week. And this “late night” begins with sleeping less than six hours a day … – she adds.

Ania: The hangover is unbearable

When asked what her health is, 35-year-old Ania first takes a deep breath and then lets out the next sentences.

I’ll have a story to tell because I’m really starting to crumble – he begins. —I have always been of the kind of “stale” women who do not catch a cold, do not faint at the sight of an insect, well, in general, I was fine and I was fine. And so that two years after the 30th birthday, everything was still OK. And then it started … First, a terrible stomach ache radiating upwards. Such that I had chills and a fever. At the Emergency Room, they thought that I was wrong, that maybe I took something. Not here. The ultrasound showed unequivocally that I have stones in my gallbladder. I had my first operation anyway, and then had a strict diet for six months.

Later, other health conditions began, including chronic sinusitis, calluses, and bruxism.

– To be honest, two years ago I didn’t even know that there was such a thing as calluses. Well, they are and I have them. That’s why now I have to see a podiatrist every month. In addition, an ENT specialist who regularly fights my recurrent sinusitis. Before the pandemic, I lay in endocrinology for five days, where they starved me to see why my sugar was high. I already know. “Reactive hypoglycemia”. The dentist, in turn, diagnosed me with bruxism. Oh, and a gastroenterologist. This one noticed gastroesophageal reflux in me. I’ve had a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, endoscopy, biopsy (a lump on the thyroid gland) and probably something else, but I don’t remember. Because after the age of thirty, the memory has also worn out a bit.

In addition to specific diseases, Ania also sees a drastic decrease in alcohol tolerance.

—I used to be able to drink until morning, even stir, and get up briskly like a lark. Even without falling asleep much. I was fine, and I was still in control. I had a really good alcohol tolerance. It was the first time I was in my thirties that I had gone too far, and I didn’t drink anything different than usual. At that time, I still felt terrible at the party, I was vomiting, then I was not able to lie in bed because the floor was spinning. And in the morning … anyone with a hangover knows what I’m talking about. I was recovering for two days, and on the third day I was still not fully fit. In addition, the malaise even after one beer repeated several more times. I genuinely became afraid of drinking. The hangover is unbearable. I’d rather drink the juice politely than get tired afterwards. Seriously.

After 30, do not forget about the checkups. Even the most basic ones can detect irregularities in advance. You can find the laboratory test package in Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.

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