30 worst myths about women’s health

Stop believing in them – and everything in your body will work out right away!

1. After 35 years, it is difficult to get pregnant.

The relentlessly ticking biological clock is a myth. Fertility does decrease with age, but numerous studies, especially from the University of North Carolina, confirm that it is quite easy to become pregnant after 35 years.

2. Cranberry juice treats urinary tract infections.

Urinary tract infections are troublesome, but unfortunately, cranberry juice won’t get rid of them quickly. According to the Cleveland Clinic, while it contains a compound that stops bacteria from causing infection, it is far from enough to cure it.

3. After menopause, you will be very fat.

Menopause proceeds differently in different women, and by no means everyone is faced with major changes in their appearance and weight. However, many doctors and experts advise to pay more attention to meal size and exercise during this period to burn calories and maintain strong bones and heart health.

4. Skipping breakfast will make you gain weight.

For a very long time, there has been a myth that if you do not eat in the morning, then you eat during the day and get better. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition Science proves that this is not the case. Don’t worry if for some reason you weren’t able to have breakfast, but still try to do it so that you feel great all day.

5. Stubborn abdominal exercises will flatten your belly.

If only it were that simple! However, do not hope that if you do what kind of abdominal exercises you can, you will be able to see its relief. And one of the reasons is that you are a woman, which means that nature is designed to have 20-25% body fat for optimal health and hormone production. Therefore, if you are not a model, do not dwell on these exercises. Eat and exercise to feel good and enjoy the movement of your body.

6. Green snot means you are sick.

Scientists at Harvard Medical School say that the color and consistency of mucus is not a sign of a serious infection, no matter what your parents tell you as a child. On the contrary, green snot shows that your nose is performing its protective function properly.

7. The use of contraception makes it difficult to become pregnant later.

Many women find that long-term contraceptive use lowers their chances of conceiving when they are ready. Fortunately, this is completely untrue. Very often, pregnancy in women occurs almost immediately after stopping the use of such drugs, since they are hormonal.

8. Wearing a bra leads to breast cancer.

There is a myth that a bra squeezes the lymphatic system and therefore can cause cancer. However, the American Cancer Society says there is no evidence to support this claim. In contrast, a recent study of 1500 women found no association between wearing a bra and the risk of getting sick. So what to wear or not to wear is up to you. If you decide, be sure to choose a bra by size, otherwise you will look ridiculous.

9. If you are wearing makeup, you do not need to use sunscreen.

Unfortunately, powder and foundation do not protect against the possibility of skin cancer, although all these layers seem to prevent harmful sun rays from penetrating. The American Academy of Dermatology warns that sunscreen should always be your number one advocate.

10. You can sync your critical days with the days of your best friend.

Some ladies are happy if they have critical days, explaining that they spend a lot of time together. In fact, the reason is elementary statistics, not hormones. Over time, the critical days for a woman with a three-week cycle will coincide with the critical days for a woman who has a five-week cycle, and then diverge again.

11. Reading in low light can damage your eyesight.

Surely your mother told you more than once that you ruin your eyes by reading in a bad light. Now it’s time to relax. Harvard scholars argue that this is a myth. Vision does not deteriorate from this. But the eyes can really hurt from fatigue and stress.

12. The bladder in women is smaller than in men.

It is possible that women actually go to the toilet more often than men, but not because of the size of the bladder, which in both sexes has approximately the same capacity of about 500 ml. However, in women, the bladder pushes against the uterus and fills faster due to this additional pressure.

13. Missing your period means you are pregnant.

Not necessary. While this is undoubtedly the main reason, other factors can also have an impact. For example, high stress levels, excessive exercise, or sudden weight loss.

14. Cold weather is easy to catch cold.

Although we catch colds more often in winter, the reason for this is not the cold weather, but the fact that on frosty days we spend more time indoors with other people. Such close contacts contribute to the rapid spread of viruses. If you do catch a cold, we will show you how to stay beautiful even in this unpleasant situation.

15. Urinary incontinence only happens to the elderly.

Unfortunately, incontinence occurs in 50% of young women giving birth by the age of 40 and can be caused by sneezing, coughing and simple exercise. Best life online.

16. She sags due to breastfeeding.

Some women refuse to breastfeed for fear that she will lose her shape. In fact, this is not due to natural feeding, but other factors: age, number of pregnancies, bad habits, and more.

17. Crunching your fingers leads to arthritis.

Finger crunching is enjoyable, but those who do it are still afraid, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing arthritis. However, a 2011 study published in the American Board of Family Medicine denies any connection between crunching fingers and arthritis – the habit doesn’t even increase the size of the fingers.

18. You need to drink 8 glasses of water every day.

The eight-glass rule seems to go on forever, but if you’re worried about dehydration, you don’t need to focus on that number. The amount of water you need depends more on your activity, place of residence and health status. You can also get water from the seasonal foods you eat.

19. In winter, you do not need to use sunscreen.

There are usually many dark, cloudy days in winter, and therefore it seems like sunscreen can be neglected. However, the American Academy of Dermatology warns that the cream should be used all year round: the sun’s rays can harm the skin on the cloudiest days, and the snow reflects light, increasing the risk of disease.

20. During pregnancy, you must gain weight.

Many women use pregnancy as an opportunity to eat as much as they want and when they want – after all, they eat for two! However, your child needs no more than 300 extra calories per day. But extra pounds can cause gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and developmental problems.

21. You shouldn’t exercise during your period.

While it would be nice to have a scientific reason not to go to the gym, your period isn’t. You may have a slight decrease in motivation, but there is nothing unhealthy about exercise during this period. In fact, they can relieve pain and lift your mood.

22. If you are a woman, you don’t have to worry about your heart.

You’ve probably heard that women are less likely to have a heart attack than men. Unfortunately, this is a myth. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that heart disease is the leading cause of death in women.

23. Deodorants cause breast cancer.

There has been a long debate about the link between breast cancer and the use of deodorants and antiperspirants. Some scientists believe that such a connection exists because the potentially harmful components contained in them are applied in the immediate vicinity of the breast. However, the National Cancer Institute found no evidence for concern. However, if you’re worried anyway, start using natural remedies.

24. Hair grows back faster and thicker due to shaving.

It is a myth. In fact, shaving does not change anything in your hair – neither the thickness, nor the color, nor the rate of regrowth. Of course, at first they will appear a little thicker and darker, but this is only an appearance. but in reality nothing changes.

25. The peak of sexuality is 35 years old.

Psychologist David Schnarch argues that there are two peaks of sexuality. One falls on youth, when hormones start to play, and the second – on maturity, when you have experience and you are happy with yourself and your sexuality. Hence the great news: often a woman reaches her sexual peak when she is in her 40s, 50s or 60s!

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