30 weeks pregnant

The 30th week of pregnancy opens the eighth month from the moment the conception occurred, and the long-awaited meeting with the baby is getting closer. At this time, the child continues to actively develop and gain weight, so the third trimester is no less important in terms of ensuring that the baby is born healthy. As a rule, a woman is already on maternity leave at this time, which means she has more time to prepare for the upcoming birth.

Births at 30 week of pregnancy

Childbirth that began at 30 weeks of gestation is not timely. However, children who were born at this time survive in almost 100% of cases. Although, of course, it would be nice for the baby to stay for a few more weeks in the mother’s stomach.

A child at week 30 already has a formed respiratory system, all his organs can function independently outside the mother’s body. His eyes open, the intestines are able to digest the first food, the kidneys excrete urine.

Naturally, without qualified help from doctors and without special equipment, a child will not be able to survive. However, if a woman goes to the hospital in a timely manner, childbirth at the 30th week of pregnancy is completed successfully.

Fetal development at 30 weeks gestation

Every day the child gains weight and grows little by little. The length of his body is already approaching 40 cm, and the total weight is about 1500 kg. And now the baby’s body weight is formed, including from subcutaneous fat, which is constantly accumulating.

The lungs begin to produce surfactant. It is needed so that the alveoli do not stick together during inspiration. However, the respiratory system of the crumbs is not yet perfect.

In the brain, the gyrus and furrows become more prominent, nerve cells begin to function. Nerve fibers are gradually covered with a myelin sheath.

The skin of the baby becomes smooth, wrinkles and lanugo (original fluff) disappear. Although often children born on time remain covered with fluffy hairs that gradually disappear. There is nothing wrong with this. A protective lubricant still covers the body of the fetus.

At this time, the liver continues to work actively, it accumulates iron, which will provide the child’s blood with red blood cells.

A baby’s heart beats very fast compared to an adult’s heart rate. Moreover, girls have more beats per minute than boys.

The baby is getting tighter in the mother’s stomach, as the uterus cannot stretch indefinitely. Most often, at 30 weeks, the fetus is already in the position in which it will be born. Normally, the child is located with the buttocks up, and the head is pressed against the pelvic bones of the woman.

Since there is little room in the uterus for active movements, the baby behaves more calmly than before. This is noted by all women. In the event that he continues to make sharp and strong jolts, the expectant mother should be worried and inform the doctor about it.

Surprisingly, the baby can already smile, yawn, frown, blink. His eyes are open, so he sees bright light and reacts to it.

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