30 Rules for Happy Couples

Happy and prosperous relationships do not develop by themselves: it takes a lot of work, patience, effective communication, and more to create and maintain them. Psychologists Charlie and Linda Bloom are sure that in such unions, partners are able to maintain an atmosphere of romance and passion for many years. What other rules do they follow?

Couples who adhere to these rules successfully maintain an atmosphere of love and romance for decades. However, it is not at all necessary to be limited to this list: you can come up with your own rules.

1. Make a plan for the future

It is important to imagine how you want to see your relationship after many years. And then it remains only to roll up our sleeves and work on the implementation of plans.

2. Decide what romance means to you

Ideas about romance in relationships vary from person to person. What do you and your partner understand by it?

3. Be willing to put in the effort

Let your partner see every day how much you do for him and the relationship.

4. Live a rich life

If each of you has your own interesting and active life: career, hobbies, this will only benefit the relationship.

5. Be adventurous

Don’t lose your spirit of adventurism, try new things and don’t be afraid to take risks.

6. Try to listen and hear each other

A lot has been said and written about how important it is to be able to truly hear a partner, and this is really the basis of the basics.

7. Be curious

Don’t lose your childish curiosity and sense of wonder.

8. Ask questions

Let them show your interest.

9. Heal old emotional wounds and traumas

The ghosts of the past should not interfere with moving forward.

10. Learn

Don’t stop learning and evolving. Be an interesting person – both for yourself and for your partner.

11. Respect each other’s privacy

Don’t be afraid to spend time apart, it’s only good for the relationship.

12. Don’t be afraid of difficulties

Be resilient during difficult times.

13. Be honest

Do not lose mutual trust.

14. Don’t break promises

It is not only about serious promises and oaths of allegiance, but also about little things.

15. Be indulgent

Forgive your partner for their shortcomings.

16. Focus on the Good First

Focus on his strengths and virtues.

17. Respect each other

The importance of respect cannot be overestimated.

18. Learn to resolve conflicts

Disputes can sometimes revive relationships and give vivid emotions. Avoiding any conflict, we suppress feelings, and relationships fade. It is important to express disappointment, resentment, resentment, mental pain, but do it respectfully to your partner. Only in this case it is possible to resolve contradictions and satisfy each other’s needs.

19. Don’t threaten

Don’t give ultimatums – loving people don’t do that.

20. Know how to forgive

Do not hold on to old grudges, leave the past in the past.

21. Rethink your beliefs

Ask yourself if you have any limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of your relationship. If the answer is yes, do whatever it takes to get rid of them.

22. Open up to your partner

Express rather than suppress, reveal rather than hide.

23. Don’t be secretive

Do not hide anything from your loved one and do not lie to each other.

24. Don’t be afraid to express your needs

Tell your partner exactly what you want.

25. Make an effort to stay attractive

Nobody argues, appearance is not the main thing, but giving up on yourself is not the best option.

26. Keep your sense of humor

Humor is spontaneity, joy, lightness and fun.

27. Get Involved in What’s Happening in Your Partner’s Life

Be interested in what he does, with whom he communicates, what he dreams about and what he strives for.

28. Diversify your intimate life

Try to keep sex enjoyable. For example, for a change, make love outside the bedroom more often.

29. Be mindful of intimacy too.

Intimacy is, first of all, understanding a partner on a deep level.

30. Be thankful

Be grateful that it makes your life richer and more fulfilling.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately adhere to all the rules; partners usually learn the art of relationships gradually. But all efforts will pay off handsomely. For the sake of being able to maintain love, passion and romance for years, it is worth working hard.

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