On the eve of the New Year, it’s time to take stock and make plans. But almost no one makes such a self-report seriously. We are too lazy, there is no time, and why should we do this … The reason is that it is difficult to be honest with ourselves. This is work, but it is worth doing in order to better understand yourself, to live more consciously and calmly.
The very word “results” sounds a little threatening, as if demanding global achievements from us. The burden of responsibility is pressing… And this is another trap that we fall into, avoiding a frank conversation with ourselves.
To make it easier for yourself, try to answer simple (but really serious) questions. Be sure to write down your answers and do not show them to anyone. And in a year, return to them to figure out how you have changed, what you have achieved and what is still not working.
1. The best moment of the year is…
2. What inspired me the most this year?
3. The main news of the year.
4. Anthem of the year.
5. The most important people in my life.
6. What was the most difficult for me?
7. What color was this year?
8. What event of this year would I like to remember forever?
9. What word did I use the most?
10. My most ridiculous purchase of the year.
11. Perhaps it was not worth experimenting with …
12. This year was great because…
13. What internal problem have I successfully solved?
14. Who did I hug at night?
15. Whose wedding did I attend?
16. What was my average salary this year?
17. Did I have a conversation that turned everything upside down in my head?
18. What new business did I start in 2020?
19. If I could be a superhero for one day, what would I do?
20. What do I dream about?
21. What do I consider my main achievement?
22. This year can be described in one phrase: …
23. The last message I sent.
24. Quote appropriate for this year.
25. Have I completed everything I planned for this year?
26. How many new friends have I made this year?
27. Who did I help this year?
28. Where have I been?
29. What things have I put off for next year?
30. What do I want to achieve in the new year?
How to realize all New Year’s plans? 6 hints
The New Year is a time to take stock and think about what we will do next. Most of us have big plans for next year, but few stick to them and succeed. We wrote about little tricks that will help you not to go astray in the article “How to bring all New Year’s plans to life? 6 hints.
The art of giving gifts: how to avoid mistakes?
Thinking about what impression our gift will make, we run the risk of making a mistake. There is a lot of advice on the Internet about what, to whom and how to give. We decided to collect research data and provide you with the formula for the perfect gift. To learn how to do this, read the article “The Art of Giving Gifts: How to Avoid Mistakes?”.
Write a letter to yourself
Stepan Mikhalkov, Artemy Troitsky, Larisa Dolina, Ivan Okhlobystin wrote to the teenager they once were. It is worth deciding on this experiment to make sure that dreams come true and meet your young self again. Find out more in our article Write a Letter to Yourself.