30 percent Poles suffer from mental problems

Almost 200 thousand In 2013, Poles stayed in psychiatric hospitals, and the average hospitalization time was over 30 days, according to the information from the Ministry of Health. From 20% of respondents complain about various mental health problems. up to 30 percent Poles.

On Thursday, Deputy Minister of Health Igor Radziewicz-Winnicki presented in the Sejm information on the implementation of activities under the National Mental Health Program for 2012 and 2013.

Every year 1,5 million people are treated as part of outpatient psychiatric care in Poland. Among mental disorders, non-psychotic disorders were the most common. Most people used outpatient services in the Mazowieckie and Wielkopolskie voivodships, and the least in the Opolskie and Lubuskie voivodships.

From 20 percent up to 30 percent Poles are complained of various mental health problems, incl. depressed mood and activity, chronic anxiety and irritability. More than a dozen percent of Poles reveal panic, social anxiety and tantrums.

In 2013, there were 195,5 thousand people in psychiatric hospitals. patients, by 1,6 thous. people less than in 2012. The average stay of a patient in a psychiatric hospital was 30,3 days and was 2 days longer than the average stay of patients in psychiatric wards in general hospitals.

The coordinator of the National Mental Health Program is the minister of health. The assumptions of the program are implemented by the ministers of: justice, national defense, health, national education, labor and social policy, science and higher education, and internal affairs. The National Health Fund is also involved in the implementation of the program.

The program is also implemented by local government units. In 2013, all voivodships, 81 percent. counties, 92 percent cities with poviat rights and 58 percent. municipalities took various initiatives to improve the health of people with mental disorders.

The program is scheduled for 2011-2015. Its main assumptions are the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders. It is also about providing people with such disorders access to healthcare services and other forms of support and assistance that will enable them to live in the family and society. The program was also intended to contribute to the development of research and the creation of an information system necessary for the effective prevention of mental disorders. (PAP)

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