Forget about the ponytail and bun, which are already tired of everyone, and experiment a little with styling.
Several seasons ago, stylists assured that complex hairstyles fade into the background, and the tail is considered the best styling. A little over a year has passed, and now the stellar hairdressers are advising to switch to curls. They are especially suitable for girls with long hair. By the way, men consider curls one of the most feminine and sexy hairstyles. If you are tired of the usual styling with curls, we will offer you several stylish options that will definitely suit you.
You can complement the usual styling with curls with braids. One of the many options that will look great on long and thick hair is braiding that starts from the parting and ends behind the ear. In this way, the strands on the face will be in a braid and will not interfere.
Another option is to braid the curls into a regular braid, but it is best to do it on one side. Stylists recommend that the braid is not very tight so that the hair is voluminous.
Wet styling
According to stylists who work at Fashion Weeks, volume is the last century. The trend is “wet” styling, in which the hair at the roots should not only be as smooth as possible, but also damp and shiny. Choose gels and waxes that will give your hair a shine.
How exactly you will wear such styling, decide for yourself. In your arsenal, both loose curls, tucked back, and bunches and braids.
Despite the fact that this hairstyle is most often done for children, it can look very stylish on adults. Curls will be the basis for your styling, they can be both light and romantic, and Hollywood. Then remove the front strands back and connect with invisibility or a hairpin. To get a stylish hairstyle, arm yourself with a beautiful ribbon, which you will use to tie the curls at the back.