30 foods to eat at least once a week

30 foods to eat at least once a week

You heard right – exactly 30. The theory of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is gradually becoming a thing of the past, now nutritionists are advocating an increasing variety of food.

For breakfast – buckwheat or oatmeal, for lunch – salad with chicken breast or cottage cheese, for dinner – fish and vegetables. Snacks – 30 grams of nuts and two apples a day. This is what a typical menu for a healthy lifestyle and fitness fan looks like. It would seem that the menu is verified in terms of calories, the ratio of BJU, five servings of vegetables / fruits per day, recommended by the nutritionist guru, are almost sustained. However, recent research suggests that this is not enough to maintain healthy gut microflora (and thus immunity and overall well-being, even mood).

“We have to eat at least 30 different plant foods every week. These are not only fruits and vegetables, but everything that is of plant origin, such as seeds, spices and whole grains. Protein, on the other hand, is less important for the intestines. But I do not propose to give it up, ”he quotes Daily Mail dietitian Megan Rossi, international gut health expert.

The expert says that the main diet should consist of six different plant groups: fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains, and legumes (such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans). And the worst enemy of our health is monotony in nutrition.

30 essential foods

1. Dates. An excellent source of prebiotics – specific types of fiber that feed beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Prebiotics are very important: they are involved in the control of blood sugar, regulation of appetite, and are needed to maintain healthy bones and skin.

2. Flaxseed. Supplier of polyphenols, champion in potassium, essential for normal heart function. It helps with constipation, improves the health of the circulatory and respiratory systems, vision, and helps to lose weight.

3. Pistachios and cashews. Any nuts are a source of healthy fats (and a powerful allergen, so be careful). However, pistachios and cashews are more generously packed with prebiotics.

4. Deformed fruits. We try to choose fruits and vegetables “prettier”, but apples or irregularly shaped tomatoes can be much more useful: under stressful conditions, the plant produces more nutrients to protect itself.

5. Chia seeds. Losing weight is a fan of them – and for good reason, because chia seeds really help to reduce weight due to their ability to reduce appetite and depression at the same time. In addition, chia seeds contain many essential fatty acids that help the brain and heart function.

6. Cauliflower. These buds contain substances that support the health of immune cells in the intestines. In addition, cauliflower has a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa, and the anti-cancer substances contained in it save you from oncology.

7. Turmeric. The spice contains a substance called curcumin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Recall that prolonged inflammation can provoke the development of serious diseases up to cancer.

8. Popcorn. It is advised even for those on a diet: this snack perfectly compensates for the lack of fiber, while not being too high in calories. But you need to make popcorn yourself: without sugar, salt and oil.

9. Tea matter. The drink is prepared by adding milk and spices to regular tea. It warms, invigorates, tones up perfectly and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

10. Pomegranate. It is good for the circulatory system – this is in the first place. At the same time, pomegranate seeds should be added to salads and other dishes for the sake of prebiotics, which this fruit contains in excess.

11. Seaweed. Research suggests that it is not only an excellent source of iodine and other trace minerals. Algae help prevent colon and breast cancers.

12. Dried mango. You need to eat it a little, since there is still plenty of sugar in it. But mango perfectly relieves cravings for sweets and saturates the body with useful fibers.

13. Quinoa. It would seem that it is just cereal, but in reality it is just a miracle. Quinoa contains a lot of protein and fiber, which in tandem have the most beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

14. Lentils. All legumes contain important prebiotics, and lentils are also rich in protein, which is easy to digest, although plant protein is generally less digestible than animal protein. The beneficial micronutrients in lentils help maintain healthy skin and hair, and the fatty acids are beneficial for the immune system.

15. Rye groats. Rye is one of the healthiest cereals. It contains many beneficial fibers that cleanse the intestines, a huge dose of B vitamins, as well as substances that prevent the growth of tumors.

16. Herbs. Rosemary, basil, thyme, sage – all these spices work wonders due to their high content of antioxidants. By the way, our guide to spicy herbs is here.

17. Cover. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is very important when living under constant stress. In addition, cinnamon helps to cope with increased appetite, improves vision and supports immunity.

18. Sauerkraut. Fermented foods have recently been discovered in the West. And we just need to remember that sauerkraut is the record holder for vitamin C content and an irreplaceable assistant for maintaining healthy digestion. And now is the time to procure it. Find the best recipes here.

19. Olive oil. But only directly squeezed – extra virgin. Refined oil won’t do that good anymore. Olive oil helps curb appetite, good for skin, hair, nails, stomach and blood vessels health.

20. Sprouted wheat. It contains a maximum of useful substances: vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, which remove free radicals from the body and help protect the immune system.

21. Blueberries. Everyone knows about the benefits of blueberries for vision. But the polyphenols contained in it – antioxidants – are useful not only for the eyes, but also for other body systems. Choose medium-sized berries, they contain more nutrients.

22. Garlic. There are many prebiotics and antioxidants in onions and garlic – this is in addition to the phytoncides that everyone prays for when the cold season arrives. It has been noted that people who eat a lot of these vegetables are less likely to develop colon cancer.

23. Olives. Or olives are the same thing. Rich in antioxidants and healthy plant fats. A handful of olives in a salad is a great way to enrich your menu.

24. Whole grain pasta. Cooked without fail al dente – such pasta contains a lot of useful starch, which nourishes the intestinal microflora.

25. Ginger. It is not for nothing that it is advised for colds – ginger works as a booster for immunity and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

26. Cocoa. Real cocoa contains many flavonoids that are good for the heart and brain. Gut bacteria will thank you for them too, so boil cocoa, eat a couple of dark chocolate cells, and enjoy the fall.

27. Mushrooms. It is important that these are forest mushrooms grown in greenhouses are not so useful. They are high in vitamin D, which is good not only for the skin and bones, but also for the intestines.

28. Asparagus. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, it contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins that help even with a hangover. In addition, asparagus relieves inflammation in the intestines.

29. Walnuts. Not only do they nourish the brain and help to recover from strong stress (by the way, remember this during the USE period), they also increase intestinal motility with regular consumption. The main thing is not to go over the norm, which is 30 grams per day.

30. Cumin. A free-standing spice, thanks to the bioactive substances contained in caraway, it improves digestion and immunity. In addition, this spice is universal, it can be added to both meat and baked goods.

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