The baby’s father shot his wife right in front of his little son.
Bonnie Heim was only 23 years old when she mysteriously disappeared. On the morning of January 7, 1993, she suddenly did not show up for work. No one knew where she was. When the police came with this question to Bonnie’s husband, Michael, he said that she left the house the night before, they allegedly had a falling out. The man assured that he tried to find his wife on his own, but did not find it. Michael’s version was quite plausible. Only Bonnie and Michael’s son, Aaron, denied it. But no one believed him, because the boy had just turned three years old.
Michael, Bonnie and baby Aaron are like a happy family
The police continued to search for Bonnie. The worst was suspected, because neither neighbors nor relatives could believe that Bonnie left home, leaving her son. She doted on him, everyone knew that. But the fact that the young woman had disagreements with her husband, they believed unconditionally. Michael was more than once noticed in the rude treatment of his wife – he allowed himself to insult her, coming to Bonnie’s work, all colleagues heard this. And once they even fought, and Bonnie had to go to the hospital: her husband slapped her on the hand with the car door.
Yes, she was going to leave her husband. She even started saving money by secretly opening a bank account. But Michael found out about him and made a terrible scandal. Then the woman began to transfer money to her close friend for safekeeping until the moment she decided to escape.
A little later, Bonnie’s wallet was found in one of the motels. There was money in it – a little over a thousand dollars, a considerable amount for those times. It was then that the police were almost completely convinced that Bonnie had escaped: this was probably the money that she was saving with the help of a friend. And then there was also the fugitive’s car: it was parked in the parking lot at the local airport. The only thing that was alarming was the fact that Bonnie had thrown her wallet. Moreover, the driver’s seat in the car was pushed back as if a much larger man was sitting behind the wheel than the missing woman.
Bonnie has been missing for several years.
And only Aaron did not withdraw his testimony. He immediately told the police that Mom and Dad did not just quarrel.
“Daddy offended mom, – said the baby. “He shot her and then tried to wake her up, but he couldn’t.”
But where is the body? Where is anything? Michael remained the prime suspect. But they could not get things going until the body was found. Aaron was removed from the family and given up for adoption. And Bonnie was still pronounced dead in 1999, but a murder case was never opened. The kid’s words were not enough to indict and prove something. Michael sold the house and left the state to spend the money he received from his wife’s death insurance.
In 2005, already 15-year-old Aaron filed a lawsuit against his father. Not himself, he was helped by a foster family. And he won the case, having sued his father $ 26 million and the house in which he lived for three years next to his mother.
“All these years, the thought that my father had killed my mother had never left me. I still remember the fear I felt then, ”The Mirror quotes Aaron.
No one believed that Bonnie could have escaped leaving her son, her only jewel.
After another 9 years, Bonnie’s son managed to regain his father’s house. It turned out that after Michael’s move, tenants were allowed to rent a house with two conditions: not to have dogs and not to do garden work in the backyard. This did not bother anyone: you never know what quirks the owner has.
But Aaron was not going to comply with these conditions. In 2014, a young man (he then turned 21, which is why he was able to enter into ownership of the house) began to dig up the backyard. “There was an old pool and an outdoor shower. Nobody has used them for a long time, we decided to remove them, ”explains Aaron.
Having opened the concrete cover, the guy came across a package. He picked it up – and something that looked like a coconut fell out. Aaron took it in his hands and realized with horror that he was holding not a nut at all, but a human skull.
“I realized that these were the remains of my mother. My brain, distraught with horror, put this puzzle together, ”says the young man.
The examination confirmed: it really was Bonnie’s remains. The solution to the mystery, which haunted Aaron for almost 20 years, all this time was buried in the backyard. In the same bag, they found the rifle case from which Bonnie was shot. The weapon belonged to Michael.
Aaron has achieved justice. He cannot return his mother, but the burden of despair and fear is no longer there
Investigators reopened the case. We reviewed the material evidence: in particular, the marks on the rug on the driver’s seat in Bonnie’s car. These were Michael’s tracks. He got behind the wheel immediately after burying his murdered wife in the backyard, and told the police that he had gone to look for her.
At the trial, the man denied everything.
“I loved my wife and would never hurt her,” he said, not at all embarrassed to lie in the face of his own son, in front of whom he killed his mother.
Michael, 53, was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. 26 years have passed since Bonnie’s murder, when her family finally achieved truth and justice. Now Aaron was finally free from the horror that he had lived with all these years:
“I always knew that my mother would never leave me. But I could not even imagine that all these years she was so close. “